#HealthTrue Knowledge Plan# A woman’s makeup is only for her appearance, but true beauty requires nourishing her Qi and blood from the foundation of her body. When a person's Qi and blood levels are very stable, her emotions are also very stable, she is calm and unhurried, and sh

Who are the people who need to replenish their vitality during this season?

1. Can't sleep well at night (blood deficiency and insomnia, blood does not nourish the heart);

2. Pale face, no color, and dull skin;

3. Feeling dizzy, squatting down, standing up, and the vision is dark;

4. Pale tongue, Pale lip color;

5. Heart palpitations , Chest tightness ;

6. Girls have scanty menstruation;

7. Frequent thinking and easy forgetfulness;

8. Getting tired easily;

9. Cold hands and feet when the weather gets colder;

10. Nails are pale and easy to break;

11. I have had major surgery and feel very weak;

12. Postpartum weakness...

These problems are ultimately caused by deficiency of qi and blood. People with weak Qi and blood have insufficient Qi and Qi. We lose blood because of our aunts, because we have a baby, because we are under great pressure in life and work, and thinking too much consumes our energy and blood; because we look at mobile phones and computers for a long time, we lose blood; because we often stay up late, work overtime, and suffer from insomnia, we consume our energy and blood; and because of anxiety, we lose blood. Irritability, liver qi stagnation, consumption of qi and blood; also due to improper diet, damage to the spleen and stomach, the "blood-producing power" of the spleen and stomach is weakened, which is "blood consumption" from the source.

So, how to replenish qi and blood without getting angry?

There is such a recipe that has the same source of medicine and food: donkey hide gelatin , double roses , kudzu root , wolfberry, tangerine peel .

The donkey hide gelatin rose ointment recipe is also a secret diet recipe. Have you seen it? All the ingredients used in this recipe are food grade. It is a recipe with the same source of medicine and food. 7 ingredients with the same origin as food and medicine can remove fishy smell and dryness. Drink it with water to replenish all the qi and blood.

As we all know, there are three types of traditional Chinese medicine. The top-grade medicine is used to maintain health. Food and medicine come from the same source and can be taken for a long time. This prescription for regulating qi and blood can be taken by every woman for a long time.

So, the question is, how can such a simple recipe make a woman's complexion beautiful and her menstruation better?

starts from the three perspectives of liver, heart and spleen.

First, donkey hide gelatin + double rose + wolfberry to soothe the liver and regulate menstruation, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis . Women are born with liver. Liver Qi stagnation will affect Qi, blood, menstruation, and turn into fire. The excess heat in the body, mixed with cold, turbidity, and depression, will turn into pimples on the body, nodules on the chest, and hyperplasia on the face. stains , acne .

For women with liver qi discomfort , insufficient liver blood, blood stasis and qi stagnation, it is very important to replenish blood, relieve stagnation and soothe the liver. Donkey-hide gelatin, which is respected as the "blood-enhancing holy medicine", is indispensable. Lycium barbarum nourishes the liver and kidneys, and The double-petaled rose is the holy medicine for relieving depression and soothing the liver, is the best for soothing the liver and regulating qi.

Next, tangerine peel + kudzu root can nourish the spleen, nourish the skin, and replenish qi and blood. As the saying goes: Whether a woman's spleen and stomach are good or not will be revealed on her face! The spleen governs blood based on the fact that the spleen governs transportation and transformation. Once a woman has a spleen deficiency and blood deficiency, the qi and blood cannot fill the skin well. The complexion becomes dull, not moisturized, and has no elasticity. The treatment of dull skin and spots cannot be separated from the conditioning of the spleen and stomach.

The spleen and stomach are still acquired and are the source of qi and blood biochemistry. When the spleen and stomach are good, the body's hematopoietic function will be good, qi and blood will get better and better. When the qi and blood levels are restored, menstrual flow will be normal.

In the prescription, kudzu root and tangerine peel return to the spleen and stomach meridian. They are both good medicines for strengthening the spleen and stomach and replenishing the spleen and blood. Pueraria lobata can also nourish the skin, enlarge the breasts, and prevent osteoporosis. It is called the protector of women. The tangerine peel regulates qi, strengthens the spleen, and regulates the central nervous system. Drying away dampness helps to strengthen the spleen, keep the qi and blood sufficient, and nourish the spleen and stomach, so that you can have a rosy complexion from the inside out, and your skin will be as smooth as gelatin, and you will be beautiful even without makeup!

Finally, double roses are used to nourish the heart, help sleep, and delay aging. If a woman's blood does not nourish her heart, she will not sleep well, especially menopausal women. If they cannot sleep well at night and have poor energy during the day, they will gradually become ugly, have dull and sallow skin, and develop spots and wrinkles. Dark circles, protruding eye bags, white hair hair loss , accelerated aging.

The beauty lies in the face. Double roses can also nourish the heart and calm the mind, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. This very delicious donkey hide gelatin rose ointment recipe is given to women with poor Qi and blood, poor complexion, and low menstrual flow. woman.

Finally, I wish all women in the world to be beautiful and healthy!