Speaking of Liu Bowen, everyone is familiar with him. He was the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty and Zhu Yuanzhang's military advisor. It has only been more than 700 years since his birth.

Speaking of Liu Bowen , everyone is familiar with him. He was the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty and the military advisor of Zhu Yuanzhang . It has only been more than 700 years since his birth.

In Zhejiang Province, Qingtian County is the hometown of the great genius Liu Bowen. Liu Bowen has been extremely intelligent since he was a child. He is proficient in magic and , and he is even better at observing people.

Liu Bowen believes: "The hands, feet, chest and abdomen are actually connected to the five elements, the mouth, nose, ears and eyes, and are connected to the four qi. If they are in harmony with each other, happiness will be born."

The hands, feet, chest and abdomen of a person correspond to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. linking. The mouth, nose, ears, and eyes of a person all correspond to the four qi and , and are interconnected with the qi of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Every part of the human body can respond to, match, and be symmetrical and coordinated with each other, which will bring blessings to people.

01: Liu Bowen believes that people who know themselves and their enemies and are down-to-earth are more noble.

Liu Bowen believes that people who are down-to-earth are more noble. Those who look dignified and behave kindly and steadily can be richer.

Once, after Li Shanchang was dismissed as prime minister, Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen for a candidate for prime minister. When asked about Yang Kuan, Liu Bowen said: "This person has talent but no weapons. He cannot deal with things fairly and judge right and wrong based on justice."

When Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen, Wang Guangyang, Liu Bowen replied to Wen: : "This person's popularity is small, even worse than that of Yang Kuan."

When Zhu Yuanzhang asked Hu Weiyong , Liu Bowen said: "This person is like a horse driving a car, always afraid that he will overturn."

Then Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while and asked, Liu Bowen, you are the only one who is the most suitable. Liu Bowen quickly replied: "I hate evil as much as I hate my enemies. I am too strong-tempered and not patient enough. If I were to be the prime minister, I might be betraying the divine grace."

Afterwards, these three people Everyone, including Liu Bowen's own performance, confirmed Liu Bowen's statement.

Then why are people who look kind and steady more noble?

There is a saying in " Zhouyi ": "The terrain is great, and a gentleman carries all things with great virtue."

If a person's moral character is as thick as the earth, he can carry all things. A kind and steady person can not only live in harmony with others, but also be tolerant of others.

So, people who are down-to-earth are more likely to be rich and prosperous, and are more likely to have good luck throughout their lives.

02: A truly noble person is humble and open-minded.

Liu Bowen believes that people who are humble and tolerant are more noble. Those who appear to be modest and not arrogant at all times, and who are cultivated and tolerant of others tend to They are all destined to be rich and noble.

Humility has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation since ancient times. The story of "Kong Rong lets pear " tells everyone that if you endure the calm for a while, you can take a step back and the world will be brighter. People who know how to be humble know that only by giving up can you gain. A person with a broad mind is better suited to do great things.

Lao Tzu said, "When a person is honest and simple, his heart will be as empty as a valley."

When a person's character is honest and simple, his mind will be as empty as a valley. Such people are often very open-minded.

During the period of the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony, Liu Bang was just a small gangster before he fought for the world, and he could not get on the stage. Later, Liu Bang got counselor Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang said something to Liu Bang, "If you want to defeat Xiang Yu and conquer the world, you must recruit talents and be humble."

From then on , Liu Bang often recruited various talents with a "humble" attitude, and then defeated the arrogant and self-absorbed Xiang Yu, and conquered the world.

If a person can be open-minded at any time, it is a real blessing.

03: A truly noble person has a kind heart and adheres to his beliefs.

Liu Bowen said: "A person with a truly noble appearance comes from the heart. A truly noble person comes from the kindness in his heart."

A person with a kind heart and compassion is the greatest "noble" person. Mutually."On the contrary, if a person's mind is not right, other things are not worth mentioning. This may be the reason why the ancients said that noble people have noble appearances.

The ancients said: "If you persevere, the rotten wood will not break; if you persevere, the gold and stone will remain. Can be carved. "This shows the importance of persisting in faith.

If a person persists in his faith and keeps carving with a knife, even hard things like metal and stone can be carved into flower decorations.

Anything a person does requires unremitting efforts Only with perseverance and perseverance can things be done successfully.

As the saying goes, success depends on persistence. People with noble appearance can often persist in the quality of their beliefs and accumulate experience.

China's richest man Jack Ma , because he persists in his own beliefs. The original intention went through countless ups and downs, and finally led to the road to wealth.

04: Liu Bowen's ability to recognize people made it impossible to hide his intentions.

In the past, people in the court had to be neatly dressed when meeting the emperor. The minister's name was Zhang Chang. He wore shabby clothes every time he went to court.

Because Zhu Yuanzhang was a grassroots emperor and came from a poor family, he thought that Zhang Chang was a good and honest official who wore shabby clothes when he went to court. However, Liu Bowen thought that Zhang Chang was too scheming.

Although Zhang Chang was eloquent and talented, it is said that Zhang Chang always harbored Yuan Dynasty and was dissatisfied with the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, Zhang Chang always wore a shabby court uniform when he went to court. Firstly, he was not short of money, and secondly, he was not so poor that he had nothing to wear.

Why did he always wear shabby court clothes? The law governs the world, and even advises him to enjoy life in time. This is obviously a proposal to destroy the country.

It turns out that Zhang Chang did one thing in front of his face and another behind his back. When he was arrested, he was also found in his home. The manuscript of "My mind is on the North Sea". It is the same as Guan Yu "He is in the Cao camp and his heart is in the Han Dynasty".

The talented and astute Zhang Chang was executed by Zhu Yuanzhang in this way. What finally exposed him was the tattered court uniform he wore. .

Liu Bowen believes that Zhang Chang pays too much attention to which aspect of his life and wants to cover it up too much, so he deliberately shows it to others.

In summary, the above content is actually correct. This is what Liu Bowen said. A person's luck in life is related to these noble figures.

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