Many friends are curious about what the "blue friends" eat every day? Recently, a cute "Blue Friend" firefighter posted a picture of the lunch in the fire brigade canteen. It is different every day. Not only is it full of meat and vegetables, but it also has desserts, dairy produ

Many friends are curious about what the "blue friends" eat every day? Recently, a cute "Blue Friend" firefighter posted a picture of the lunch in the fire brigade canteen. It is different every day. Not only is it full of meat and vegetables, but it also has desserts, dairy products, and Laohuo soup. The nutrition is balanced and diverse. Netizens are all watching it. They were drooling and left messages wanting to get some food. Let’s take a look at the lunch of this “blue friend”.

The dinner plate includes braised chicken with radish, Mapo tofu, stir-fried cabbage, broccoli , and the other one has shrimp, hairy tripe and spicy bean sprouts, which looks a lot like Malatang. This meal looks full of Sichuan flavor. There are also tiger skin cake and yogurt, which makes me drool.

Stir-fried mixed vegetables with bean skin, Mushrooms and cabbage , Stir-fried beans , Fruit cucumber , and a stewed chicken with potatoes. There are many spicy dishes. In addition, there is a bowl of mung bean soup that clears away heat and relieves heat, supplementing protein. of yogurt. This meal was a bit vegetarian. Daily training consumes a lot of energy. Please eat more meat. Netizens felt distressed when they saw it. They even asked "Blue Friend" if he wanted to lose weight, haha.

The first dish was fried shrimps with green beans. The shrimps looked very fresh and tender. I gave the chef a thumbs up. Braised beef brisket with radish , beef is high in protein and low in fat, and can also supplement nutrition. When paired with radish, the aroma is simply amazing, and it looks good with rice. The vegetables include beans, parsley, , cauliflower, and a small spoonful of multigrain rice, paired with three pieces of sweet cantaloupe. Mom must be very satisfied with this meal.

What to have for lunch? This is the text accompanying every picture posted by this firefighter brother. Every lunch makes netizens greedy. It includes mapo tofu, boiled beef, multi-grain rice, boiled shrimp, lettuce and diced corn. Can netizens guess? Where is the fire canteen? It’s not Sichuan, it’s not Chongqing. Let’s leave a guess in the comment area.

Crayfish, braised tofu, Kung Pao chicken , stir-fried vegetables with mushrooms, and a bowl of soup. There are many young people in the fire brigade, and I feel that the food in the cafeteria is very suitable for young people. They are all nutritious and delicious dishes. , the appearance is also very good, the editor is salivating after seeing it.

corn, tomatoes, scrambled eggs , broccoli, pineapple, I don’t know what the other two are, but it is said that the one in the lower right corner is a local specialty. Can any netizens guess where it is? There is no staple food on the dinner plate in each picture. The rice should be on a separate plate. It was not photographed. Netizens jokingly asked: How many bowls of rice did you show off?

Firefighters guard our city. Wherever there is danger, they are there. No matter how quiet the years are, there will always be someone carrying the burden for you.