In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only "student" and "teacher". But among today's teachers and students, there is another kind of person, and that is parents.

2024/07/0312:49:33 news 1077

What is your teacher like?


Strict words?

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers.

Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only "student" and "teacher".

But today, there is another kind of person among teachers and students, that is, parents.

When parents intervene, the relationship between teachers and students becomes less pure.

Three years ago, a teacher was treated unfairly because of the intervention of his parents.

At that time, everyone advised the teacher: "Be patient, don't ruin your reputation."

So, he endured the grievance and paid the money, but he refused to apologize because this was his last Bottom line.

How is he who can hold the bottom line?

died unjustly.

How pathetic!

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

01 Dispute

In the eyes of most people, Zhou An's life is very simple. He goes to school from nine to five and corrects homework diligently until late at night.

is a respected ordinary teacher.

Zhou Anyuan thought that his life would be spent like this, but those two things broke his peaceful life.

On June 11, 2019, Zhou An came to the school as usual to check the students' homework in class.

He has taught mathematics for many years and knows that improving his mathematics scores depends entirely on exercises. If he is lazy and does not do his homework, the subject will be ruined.

Therefore, he controls the students' homework very strictly.

To his disappointment, he found out that several students did not do their homework.

Zhou An was a little annoyed. He knew that if he didn’t lay a good foundation in mathematics in primary school, it would be even more difficult in middle school.

He was full of "hating iron but not steel", so in order to teach the students a lesson, he decided to impose a slight punishment.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

Officer Zhou An took the slender teaching stick used by teachers to point at PPT and slapped the children's calves a few times.

Perhaps the children's skin was delicate, and even though Zhou An didn't use much effort, slight red stick marks were still left on the children's calves.

After class, Zhou An didn't take this matter too seriously and continued to prepare for the next teaching task.

Officer Zhou doesn't take it to heart about "beating students", but that doesn't mean that parents don't take it to heart.

The grandmother of a beaten student felt extremely distressed when she saw her grandson's red skin, and she was determined to seek justice for her grandson.

So grandma came to school in person the next day.

The old man was very excited and wanted an explanation from Zhou An, so he blocked Zhou An at the door of the canteen.

Zhou An was at a loss and decided to avoid his attack and hid in the office.

Unexpectedly, the old man was very strong. He chased him all the way from the cafeteria to the office and gave Mr. Zhou an slap in the face.

The moment Zhou An was beaten, his mind went blank.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

Seeing that the situation was developing in an uncontrollable direction, the school intervened to mediate.

No matter how we mediate the situation, it is an indisputable fact that Officer Zhou attacked the students.

Due to the parents' tough attitude, Zhou An could only take his children to the hospital for various examinations.

Even though all the test results were "normal", parents still did not spare Zhou Anyuan.

The father of this student went to Zhou An in private and used "sealing" as a bait to ask for the secret money.

Zhou An was furious and refused the other party's request.

In Zhou An’s heart, he has a clear conscience.

In the end, the matter ended with "the Public Security Bureau issued an "Administrative Penalty Decision" to the grandmother."

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

But Zhou An's "unlucky" life is not over yet. After all, the disobedient children are coming one after another.

On the afternoon of June 19, a boy and a girl got into an argument over a pen and even started moving hands. The girl was so angry that she cried.

Seeing this situation, Zhou An immediately stepped forward to mediate. Unexpectedly, the boy was very excited. He kept shouting and making trouble, and even punched Zhou An.

The boy was young, but he was very powerful. The beating shook Zhou An's chest, but seeing the chaotic scene, Zhou An endured the pain and stabilized the situation.

Officer Zhou An put his hand on the boy's neck, pressed it down with a little force, and pushed the boy back to his position.

The boy calmed down a little and the situation stabilized.

In fact, this is just a small thing. For naughty primary school students, fights and quarrels are very common.

Zhou An was already very good at handling such disputes. He thought that this matter would be settled after class, but he did not expect that it would lead to a series of troubles.

The development of the previous incident was exactly the same. Zhou Anyuan felt that this was a trivial matter, but the parents felt that their children had been corporally punished.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

02 Calm down the trouble

After the boy came home at noon, his grandmother found that her beloved grandson was depressed, so she asked her carefully what happened today.

The boy told the truth, and his grandmother was shocked when she heard it. She took the boy to the hospital for various examinations that afternoon.

Through a series of examinations, the doctor concluded that the boy's neck was not fractured or dislocated. There might be soft tissue contusion, and follow-up observation was required.

After hearing what the doctor said, the grandmother remained skeptical, fearing that her grandson had suffered some invisible injury.

In desperation, the doctor could only suggest that the grandmother take the boy for a deeper examination, which cost nearly a thousand yuan.

No illness was found, but grandma still couldn't calm down her anger, so she went to see Zhou An directly the next day.

Zhou An was stunned. He didn't expect that he would encounter this kind of thing again, let alone that he usually took good care of the boy.

The boy's parents divorced when he was very young. Seeing that it was not easy for the mother and son to depend on each other, Zhou An took great care of the boy.

When the boy transferred to another school, his grades were not very good. In order to help the boy catch up with the class as soon as possible, Zhou An gave him free tutoring.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

For Zhou Anyuan, he knew the boy very well and knew that he had learned Taekwondo since he was a child and was very good at it. This is why Officer Zhou An hurriedly stopped the boy, fearing that he would seriously hurt the girl's hands and feet, and things would only become more troublesome.

The parents' expressions of joy and gratitude were astonishing because of how well Officer Zhou took care of the boy that day, and how disgusting the faces that came to the door were.

In order to prevent the scene from being too ugly, Zhou An chose to chat with them behind closed doors in the office.

The other party was very forceful and asked Mr. Zhou to compensate for the cost of the inspection. Secondly, he also asked Mr. Zhou to apologize to the boy in front of the whole class.

This is a very difficult thing for Zhou An to accept. He is just fulfilling his duties as a teacher.

First of all, Officer Zhou did not punish the students corporally, but only held down the boy who was agitated and wanted to hit someone. Secondly, as a teacher, it is reasonable for him to stop students from fighting.

Even the school, which wanted to keep the matter quiet, felt that the parents' request was too much and was unwilling to accept it.

But the boy’s parents refused to give up. In desperation, Zhou Anwen called the police.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

Subsequently, the police intervened to mediate. After preliminary investigation and understanding of the truth of the matter, the police also believed that Zhou An was not at fault in the matter and did not accept the parents' request to "apologize in front of the whole class." As for the cost of the inspection, both parties need to Negotiate and discuss.

In front of the police, the parents hid their anger well. As soon as the police left, the parents began to demand compensation and apology from Officer Zhou.

Although neither the school nor the police believed that Mr. Zhou had violated teacher ethics, the parents refused to give up and even said harshly: "There is someone above me, please be careful."

Later, a relative of the boy told Mr. Zhou: "I want to do this. If you post it online, you will never be able to be a teacher."

In this era where public opinion can kill people, such a naked threat undoubtedly shocked Mr. Zhou. After

, the school sent people to persuade Zhou An three times, using both soft and hard words.

"Don't be stubborn. The bigger things get, it will only cause irreparable harm to you. Why not make it a big deal and turn it into a trivial matter?"

The school's attitude was undoubtedly conciliatory, which made Zhou An feel a little cold.

During the final exam, because the conflict between the two parties was still unresolved, the parents personally accompanied the exam and stood outside the window waiting for their children to complete the exam.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

Parents are "invigilating" exams outside. Who can take the exam with peace of mind?

As expected, the boy failed the exam, and the subject taught by Zhou An was particularly bad.

This made the parents even more dissatisfied, thinking that Zhou An had given the boy small shoes.

The parent’s doubts made Zhou An’s heart tense. He felt that the other party was simply questioning his teacher’s ethics and character.

This matter is getting bigger and bigger and more unpleasant.

On June 28, the police intervened again for mediation.

This incident not only affected Zhou An's work and life, but also made his family unbearable.

In order to settle the matter, Zhou An's mother-in-law paid for the boy's examination.

As for the apology, how could Mr. Zhou agree to it if he was so unconvinced?

Parents accept it as soon as they see fit, at least they get their money back.

thought this was the end of the matter, but he didn't expect that this was just the beginning of everything.

03 reaches a dead end

Zhou Anyuan is a very pure educator. He has had three wishes since he was a child: to be a poet, open a bookstore and be a teacher.

For the sake of education and the flowers of the motherland, Zhou Anyuan finally chose to be a glorious people's teacher.

Zhou Anyuan loves his career very much, otherwise he would not help students with free tutoring.

His computer files are filled with dense teaching plans, and he will reorganize them every class to check for any gaps.

For many experienced teachers, they do not prepare new lesson plans for every class.

But Zhou Anwen did just that.

He really loves being a teacher.

It is precisely because of Zhou An's love and sincerity that he has won numerous honors and is a well-deserved "excellent teacher".

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

But at that time, he was labeled as "corporal punishment of students" just because he lightly pressed the student's neck.

He couldn't help but think, had all his previous efforts been in vain?

html On June 28, Zhou An received a mediation notice from the police. The word "corporal punishment" on it deeply hurt his heart.

In the next few days, An Yuan Zhou was in a very depressed mood, which made her family very worried.

Zhou An couldn't figure it out. Instead of hitting the student, he was punched. Not only did he have to pay for it, but he also had to be labeled as a "corporal punishment student."

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

Zhou An was like a bull in a dead end and urgently needed a way to vent his emotions.

When his wife saw Mr. Zhou like this, she could only advise him to relax and treat it as if he had lost money and avoided disaster.

Zhou An nodded casually, but his heart felt cold.

After three or four days like this, Zhou An's negative emotions broke out. He planned to escape from this suffocating environment, otherwise he would become a fish that died of thirst.

html On July 3, Zhou Anwen took an umbrella and mobile phone and left home to find a place where he could breathe.

The family searched for Mr. Zhou to no avail. Thinking of his recent depressed mood, they chose to call the police.

At first, the police station did not accept the case because it would take a long time for a missing adult to be filed.

In desperation, Zhou An's family could only post missing person notices everywhere, hoping that kind-hearted people could provide clues.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

html On July 7, an unidentified drowned person was found in a certain section of the Yangtze River. His appearance was very similar to that of Zhou An.

However, because the body was over 175cm tall and Zhou An was not 1.7 meters tall, his family refused to admit that it was Zhou An's body.

But in forensic medicine, after a person dies from drowning, the body will be soaked in water until it swells, and it is very normal for the height to change.

However, in order to be rigorous, the police confirmed the identity of the deceased through DNA identification, which was indeed Zhou An.

Afterwards, by checking the surveillance, it was discovered that Teacher Zhou Anyuan had committed suicide.

Before dawn, Zhou An was squatting by the bridge, smoking cigarettes one after another, with a heavy expression and no idea what he was thinking.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

Before jumping into the Yangtze River, Zhou An hesitated in every possible way. He climbed over the guardrail three times but never jumped into the Yangtze River.

Until he crossed the railing for the fourth time, Zhou Anyuan jumped down and ended his young life.

During this period, what did Zhou Anyuan think about?

Maybe it’s the wife and children at home, maybe it’s the students in the classroom, maybe it’s the aggressiveness of the parents involved.

The moment Zhou Anyuan jumped into the Yangtze River, after a brief period of pain, his world became quiet.

How sad and deplorable.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

04 Rights protection failed

After the tragedy, Zhou An’s family was extremely sad, and his wife was even more devastated.

Zhou An's wife swallowed her tears and wanted to seek justice for her husband.

In this incident, Zhou An’s wife believed that the school was responsible.

's inaction and confusion led to this situation.

Even if a teacher has inappropriate words or deeds during teaching, the school should come forward to communicate with the students instead of pushing Mr. Zhou An away to calm the matter.

The school does not think so. The school believes that it has provided timely solutions and emotional comfort.

To put it bluntly, benevolence is the ultimate goal.

How could Zhou An’s wife accept such remarks?

She chose to petition and received a pension.

But just to deal with Zhou An's death, he spent more than 100,000 yuan, and the pension was nothing more than drizzle.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

Even though Zhou An’s wife has been appealing, she still has not received the justice she deserves.

Two years later, Zhou An’s wife posted a message on a social platform, saying that her husband, who died unjustly, had still not received justice.

Neither the school nor the parents involved have compensated or apologized.

She has a very difficult life raising her children alone.

A human life seems so frivolous.

Zhou Anyuan slept in the cold river. The justice and justice he deserved sank to the bottom of the river with his life.

In today's society, "teacher" has become a difficult profession. Not only do you have to deal with naughty children, but you also have to deal with naughty parents.

In the process of studying, students rely on their teachers. Between a teacher and a student, logically there are only

Without discipline, if students have poor grades and bad character, parents will only say that the teacher is incompetent.

As for discipline, parents feel sorry for their children's suffering. It is inevitable that no teacher will become the second Zhou An officer.

The degree of this is difficult to grasp.

Zhou An only wanted to teach students well, so he ignored this "degree" and ended up like this.

How sad and deplorable!

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