In a corner of the blue sea, the Presidential Palace, the People's Palace, the National Museum and the entire city seem to be dappled and swaying among tall tropical forests such as coconut trees, mango trees, and palm trees.

2024/07/0117:15:33 news 1347

Weijiahaixi Geological Lang (2/12)

- A record of the geological exploration work in Guinea of ​​the Second Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources

Text/Song Hongjian Jiang Xueyan

In a corner of the blue sea, the Presidential Palace, the People's Palace, the National Museum and the entire city seem to be dappled and swaying among tall tropical forests such as coconut trees, mango trees, and palm trees. - DayDayNews

Thanks to the author for providing the pictures for this article

The capital of the Republic of Guinea Conakry is a A beautiful city with mountains at its back and water on three sides. In a corner of the blue sea, the Presidential Palace, the People's Palace, the National Museum and the entire city seem to be dappled and swaying among tall tropical forests such as coconut trees, mango trees and palm trees. However, the Bokai area, located 300 kilometers northwest of the capital, is a primitive tribe full of bushes and wild beasts. The local indigenous black people have lived in the desolation of the dry and rainy seasons all year round, living a lazy life eating mostly bananas and mangoes for three meals a day. But no one expected that when the needle reached the mileage of 2007 AD, the geologists here and thousands of miles away in Henan, China, would be haunted by thousands of thoughts of "continuing to cut things back into chaos". And since then it has been irreversible, and the mountains and rivers continue to this day.

——Author’s inscription

Previous situation review: Before

In a corner of the blue sea, the Presidential Palace, the People's Palace, the National Museum and the entire city seem to be dappled and swaying among tall tropical forests such as coconut trees, mango trees, and palm trees. - DayDayNews

settled in the mining area, very few people in China had been there. The geological team members only know about it from some books and TV pictures. But this is undoubtedly a mysterious place, and its colorful mineral resources tempt people of different skin colors to come to this treasure land to pan for gold. However, this is a dangerous place, with dense jungles, venomous snakes, and high incidences of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and typhoid fever. The average life span of local residents does not exceed 40 years old, which makes many people stay away from it with fear.

In a corner of the blue sea, the Presidential Palace, the People's Palace, the National Museum and the entire city seem to be dappled and swaying among tall tropical forests such as coconut trees, mango trees, and palm trees. - DayDayNews

In a corner of the blue sea, the Presidential Palace, the People's Palace, the National Museum and the entire city seem to be dappled and swaying among tall tropical forests such as coconut trees, mango trees, and palm trees. - DayDayNews

Facing a small country in West Africa, a remote country full of strangeness, fear and even death. Although the geological team members were fully prepared, they were still uneasy after being immersed in the scene. As soon as the first batch of people going to Africa arrived, they started unloading and unloading containers and building a base non-stop. In two months, they miraculously built a living and production site covering an area of ​​20 acres on the hillside. Among them, there are 25 houses with brick-concrete structures, 3 buildings with 36 prefab houses, 3 buildings with 46 simple iron houses, and more than 5,000 meters of barbed wire and iron walls. Local government officials said that it took Americans two years to build the same base, and the speed of the advance team of our hospital's project department has indeed given the black brothers a lot of experience. The first phase of

exploration area covers an area of ​​100 square kilometers. The main physical workload is: 1:5000 topographic survey 100 square kilometers, 1:5000 geological survey 100 square kilometers; in drilling and shallow well mountain engineering, control network degree The maximum hole layout parameter is 300 meters × 300 meters. The contract stipulates a working time of 340 days. The drilling project is scheduled to start before December 20, 2007, and the review and publication of the exploration report will be completed before October 30, 2008. The total contract price is RMB 55.5 million.

In order to solve the traffic problem in the mining area and lay out boreholes, the geological team formed two exploration teams and divided them into zones. 1:5000 geological mapping, a geological point of 150 meters, a total of more than 4,400, equivalent to 1,000 kilometers per person, and an average of 10 kilometers per day. There is no network in the mining area, and there is no signal for mobile phones. The team members' contact and communication have become the biggest problem. Every time Wu Shimin and others go to the mining area for exploration, everyone must bring a 3-liter pot of water. The pH value of the local water is only ph4 (domestically it is generally around ph7), and the taste is extremely sour. Long-term drinking will cause calcium loss in the human body and damage immunity. But there is no way. In order to realize the "dream of prospecting" as a geologist, everyone always keeps in mind the original intention of our ancestors "to be proud of hard work, to be proud of the merits of prospecting, and to be proud of devoting ourselves to the cause of geology", and drink a lot of it every day. The sour water, sweat dripping down my back, running around in a strange land.

In a corner of the blue sea, the Presidential Palace, the People's Palace, the National Museum and the entire city seem to be dappled and swaying among tall tropical forests such as coconut trees, mango trees, and palm trees. - DayDayNews

The camp is embedded in the mining area, and there are almost no transportation facilities. In order to build roads, Wu Shimin broke off the uppers of his shoes, broke his reputation, contacted the Ministry of Energy and Mines again and again, and communicated with the indigenous people over and over again. He thought that this good thing would bring benefit to the local people, but he was not trusted and understood by the local people. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Let’s pay some small bribes to government officials and give some benefits to local residents.As a result, there were administrative orders from the local government, coordinated efforts by the handling staff, books and schoolbags delivered to schools, and support projects such as the construction of football fields were signed... The earnest words of guidance and precise and practical assistance actions finally moved my heart. All black people could be seen with "snow-white teeth drifting" all over their bodies. In just one year, the geological team members built 1,000 kilometers of roads in the camp, which not only solved the transportation problem in the mining area, but also won the cheers of local residents.

When geological team members go shopping, they often have trouble talking due to language barriers. Gradually, they learned the "image thinking" of talking and gesticulating. For example, when buying milk powder, you would first stretch out your hands and raise them to your head like a thumbs-up, then make a "moo" sound in your mouth, and then push it on your chest like squeezing milk. Another example is buying eggs. As long as they slap their hands on their buttocks and shout "clack-clack-clack-", the black people will grin with white teeth... (To be continued, please stay tuned)

In a corner of the blue sea, the Presidential Palace, the People's Palace, the National Museum and the entire city seem to be dappled and swaying among tall tropical forests such as coconut trees, mango trees, and palm trees. - DayDayNews

Thanks to the author for providing Picture in this article

Related links:

Seize the opportunity to go abroad - Weijia Overseas Geological Lang (1/12)

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