Ecosage Biotech and Jidekangmin Reached a Strategic Cooperation. Ecosage Biotechnology and Guangdong Jidekangmin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Judekangmin) signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two parties plan to establish a strategic partnership for product research and deve

2024/06/2906:16:32 news 1584

Ecosai Biotech and Jide Kangmin reached a strategic cooperation

Ecosage Biotech and Jidekangmin Reached a Strategic Cooperation. Ecosage Biotechnology and Guangdong Jidekangmin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Judekangmin) signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two parties plan to establish a strategic partnership for product research and deve - DayDayNews

Ecosai Biotech and Guangdong Jide Kangmin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Jude Kangmin) signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two parties plan to establish a strategic partnership for product research and development. Ecocy Biotechnology will use its strong R&D and production capabilities in the field of serum-free medium to fully empower the Dekangmin team in the development of allogeneic γδ T cell drugs.

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