As the age of children "touching the screen" is getting younger and younger, it is not uncommon for children to take online classes at the age of three or four, and to have "little glasses" at the age of five or six. The Ministry of Education has issued guidelines recommending th

2024/06/2622:39:33 news 1163

As the age of children

As the age of children "touching the screen" becomes younger and younger, it is not uncommon for children to take online classes at the age of three or four and become "little glasses" at the age of five or six. The Ministry of Education has issued guidelines recommending that children aged 0 to 3 years old be prohibited from using mobile phones, computers and other video electronic products, and children aged 3 to 6 years old should also try to avoid contact and use of them. However, reporters found that as the online class market continues to expand, there is an obvious trend of online classes being taught at a younger age. While sending anxiety to parents, the impact of electronic products on children's vision cannot be ignored.

Online classes for young children, "eyes can't afford to hurt"

Interesting English enlightenment classes, children's music enlightenment classes, early childhood education classes at home... With the arrival of summer, various online courses for children on the Internet are highly promoted, and many courses are even more popular. Advertisements such as "You can learn English as young as 2 years old" and "English for children aged 0 to 6 years old" are advertised.

Data released by the National Health Commission show that the overall myopia rate among children and adolescents in my country in 2020 was 52.7%, an increase of 2.5 percentage points from the previous year. Experts believe that the phenomenon of myopia at younger ages deserves vigilance. Li Lihua, director of the Optometry Center of Tianjin Eye Hospital, said: "The incidence of myopia at younger ages is increasing, and the longer 'touch screen' time is an important influencing factor." A teacher from a kindergarten in Beijing also told reporters, "In the past, children in large classes occasionally There will be cases of myopia, and now students in middle classes and even elementary classes have been diagnosed with myopia."

 Online classes take a long time, but there is no time for exercise.

 In order to protect the visual health of young children, our country has issued a number of guidelines and opinions. The "Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Promoting the Connection of Science in Kindergartens and Primary Schools" issued by the Ministry of Education recommends that the time and frequency of children's use of electronic products should be strictly controlled, and a single use time should not exceed 15 minutes.

But in fact, most children’s online class time obviously exceeds the recommended length. The reporter called more than a dozen online course brands for consultation and found that mainstream online courses, whether live or recorded, mostly last between 15 minutes and 40 minutes, and some courses will take a break in the middle. "Children's vision is still in a state of development, which is obviously beyond the range that children's vision can bear." Li Lihua said.

Some online teachers said frankly that children taking online classes are getting younger and younger. In order to adapt to market demand, the institution began to develop online courses for children under 3 years old last year. Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the China Academy of Educational Sciences, believes that the physical and mental development of children under 6 years old has not reached the level of online teaching. Many teachers also believe that online classes for children under 3 years old are not effective.

Unlike the popularity of online classes, it is difficult to guarantee children’s exercise time. The "Bright Action Work Plan for Myopia Prevention and Control in Children and Adolescents (2021-2025)" jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and 15 other departments points out that physical education classes and extracurricular exercise should be strengthened, and efforts should be made to ensure that students have one hour of physical activity time every day in and outside school. The "Appropriate Technical Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents (Updated Edition)" issued by the National Health Commission in October last year once again clarified this requirement. However, the reporter randomly interviewed many parents and teachers who said it was difficult to achieve.

We need to protect children's health together

"The age of 0 to 6 is a critical period for children's vision development." Li Lihua emphasized that long-term use of electronic products and lack of outdoor activities may lead to the consumption of children's hyperopia reserve , causing early Myopia occurs.

Tan Sijie, director of the Physical Assessment and Exercise Prescription Research Center of Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, suggested that children should appropriately increase their time for outdoor aerobic exercise. "Aerobic exercise will not only improve physical fitness, but also play a positive role in relieving eye muscle fatigue. Exposure to more sunshine will also promote the absorption of nutrients such as vitamin D and calcium. Generally speaking, about 20 minutes of outdoor exercise can It has a certain effect." She suggested that children should do more aerobic exercises such as ball games, running and jumping, and younger children can throw paper airplanes or sandbags.

Experts also emphasized that in addition to the impact on children's vision, sitting for long periods of time with incorrect posture during online classes is likely to affect children's spinal health. At present, scoliosis has become the third major disease that endangers the health of children and adolescents in my country after obesity and myopia.

“The younger age of online classes brings more than just harm to children’s bodies."Chu Zhaohui believes that excessive pressure on children under the age of 6 may cause more growth and development problems, and excessive participation in courses beyond the child's own development stage is not conducive to the child's physical and mental health.

According to Xinhua News Agency

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