Author: Teacher Dou Kun In mid-June 2013, I arrived in Wuhan from Shenyang after giving a lecture. I was supposed to go to Yiwu to give lectures in two days, but I still squeezed out time to go back to my hometown of Xiangyang because I had a small selfish intention: to give Dou

2024/06/2419:39:32 news 1474

Author: Teacher Dou Kun

In mid-June 2013, I arrived in Wuhan from Shenyang after giving a lecture. I was supposed to go to Yiwu to give lectures in two days, but I still found time to go back to my hometown Xiangyang because there was a A little selfish thought: Give Dou a good gift of cherries.


got the cherry on the table in Shenyang. In my memory, I have never eaten cherries that were so big and sweet, so I ate a few of them. Before leaving, when Principal Zhang Shaohong of the local franchise school sent us to the airport, he put four boxes of cherries in the car and said: Two boxes are for Teacher Xiaoyu. She didn’t take them away, so you can take them back. I think, such a big cherry, Hao Hao must really like to eat it. So, I brought them all.

When I arrived at the airport, I couldn't wait to tell several of my companions: "The cherries here are delicious, wash them and eat them quickly!" The first box was opened, and it was bigger and sweeter than the ones I had eaten before. Everyone praised it. .

I took a plane to Wuhan and shared a box with my colleagues here. They all said it was very good. I took the remaining two boxes back to Xiangyang and gave them to Dou Haohao, who has been known for his delicious food since he was a child.

Author: Teacher Dou Kun In mid-June 2013, I arrived in Wuhan from Shenyang after giving a lecture. I was supposed to go to Yiwu to give lectures in two days, but I still squeezed out time to go back to my hometown of Xiangyang because I had a small selfish intention: to give Dou  - DayDayNews


Dou Haohao really liked it, even more than the red dress that Teacher Xiaoyu bought for her. She ate it before she had time to wash it. Suddenly, I had an idea: "Okay, let's go to the Daqing campus, bring the cherry, and share it with your tutor, okay?"

Dou agreed. After washing a box of cherries, we went out and walked to the Daqing campus. Dou Haohao said: "If you give the cherry to the teacher, the teacher must still give it to the students. Why don't I share it with the students too." I asked: "How many students in the evening care class do you know?" "That's too many. I know a lot of them." Indeed, although she is only over 5 years old, she is a three-year veteran of and has been promoted to .

Every classroom is full of children in evening care classes. Teacher Liu Yaohuan took her into custody. Haohao first gave Teacher Liu one, and then walked up to each student and asked them to pick their own cherries from the bag. Every brother and sister was very good and took one consciously. Some were a little shy, but they took out one and put it on their desks. Almost all the children took the initiative to say "thank you". After leaving the class, Teacher Liu said: "Give me another one." He grabbed a handful and put it on the desk. Teacher Liu really didn’t teach her in vain!

shared it with other classes. Every teacher and child shared the cherry happily, and the students thanked them naturally. Finally, there is the first grade class, that is, children who are almost the same age. It was different when I was young. I acted very excited and shouted "I want it, I want it." The teacher said that whoever behaved well would be given a gift, but everyone sat upright. Haohao probably had a different relationship with them, so I shared two with each child.

all shared one. Obviously, they enjoyed the joy of sharing. Seeing that there were still some in the bag, they said: Let me share it again. I said, let’s share it with other campuses. She readily agreed and followed me on foot to Bentai Sunshine City. There, all the cherries were shared with all the teachers and children.

Author: Teacher Dou Kun In mid-June 2013, I arrived in Wuhan from Shenyang after giving a lecture. I was supposed to go to Yiwu to give lectures in two days, but I still squeezed out time to go back to my hometown of Xiangyang because I had a small selfish intention: to give Dou  - DayDayNews


During the whole trip, she never ate anything except when I handed her a cherry to eat. This is completely different from her usual love of eating snacks and letting adults buy things. She must have experienced the joy of sharing, and this joy must be better than the joy she tasted alone.

I hope that my children will always be a person who loves to share, so I must first be a person who loves to share. Only when you love sharing, you will be happy. I give lectures almost every day and I enjoy it. I regard the children of the people of the world as my children, and I want the people of the world to regard my children as the children of the people of the world.

Thank you to Principal Zhang Shaohong for the cherries, and thank you to Teacher Xiaoyu for sharing them with me. I still have a box at home, and I will let my daughter continue to share them!

(written in June 2013)


About the author: Dou Kun, a Hubei native, was a former senior editor and reporter of the provincial newspaper. In 2004, he went to Shanghai to found and promoted education to create China's first student hosting brand. , has published several monographs on the student care industry, is the producer of the theatrical film "After School", and is the producer of the care-themed cartoon "Little Eagle's Promotion" broadcast on CCTV Children's Channel.

Reprinting without permission from the author is prohibited.

Author: Teacher Dou Kun In mid-June 2013, I arrived in Wuhan from Shenyang after giving a lecture. I was supposed to go to Yiwu to give lectures in two days, but I still squeezed out time to go back to my hometown of Xiangyang because I had a small selfish intention: to give Dou  - DayDayNews

Author: Teacher Dou Kun In mid-June 2013, I arrived in Wuhan from Shenyang after giving a lecture. I was supposed to go to Yiwu to give lectures in two days, but I still squeezed out time to go back to my hometown of Xiangyang because I had a small selfish intention: to give Dou  - DayDayNews

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