It is also a very interesting little invention. Rubber is naturally elastic. I don’t know which dynasty, generation, country, or unknown little person got inspiration from rubber in nature and made it into a hollow, almost rectangular shape. Like a rubber band.

2024/06/2404:40:33 news 1273

It is also a very interesting little invention. Rubber is naturally elastic. I don’t know which dynasty, generation, country, or unknown little person got inspiration from rubber in nature and made it into a hollow, almost rectangular shape. Like a rubber band. - DayDayNews

Rubber band is a common daily necessities. It is also a very interesting little invention. Rubber is naturally elastic. I don’t know which dynasty, generation, country, or unknown little person got inspiration from rubber in nature and made it into a hollow, almost rectangular shape. Like a rubber band. Its main function is to bundle things. It is such a seemingly small detail that brings great convenience to humans in some aspects.

girls jump with rubber bands (another type of rubber band), girls use rubber bands to tie their hair... It seems that boys have nothing to do with rubber bands. Who knows, we had many interesting ways to play with rubber bands when we were children.

In the 1970s, I lived in a small town called Xicen in Qingpu County, Shanghai. Without the modern toys of sound and light, we can play all kinds of tricks with an inconspicuous little rubber band. However, no matter how the tricks change, the purpose is to win or lose. Perhaps, humans can better cultivate survival skills only in various games, competitions, and competitions, ranging from the Olympic Games and the World Cup to all kinds of trivial matters in people's lives. game activities. Moreover, this kind of competition runs through a child's life from an early age. The modern saying "Don't let your children lose at the starting line" reflects this truth.

It is also a very interesting little invention. Rubber is naturally elastic. I don’t know which dynasty, generation, country, or unknown little person got inspiration from rubber in nature and made it into a hollow, almost rectangular shape. Like a rubber band. - DayDayNews

The first way to play is to compete with who can roll the rubber band farther. This way of playing has many tricks and techniques. First, hook one end of the rubber band with your little finger, then flip it over from the bottom of your palm to hook the other end with your index finger. The index finger is the best part for ejecting the rubber band, but there are also some people who are different and use the middle finger to hook the rubber band. This posture violates reasonable ergonomics and looks very awkward. When ejecting, just straighten your little finger and take off one end of the rubber band, and the rubber band will roll forward on the ground like a rolling hoop.

Beginners are generally not very good at hooking rubber bands with their index finger or middle finger, because the finger tips are small and difficult to hook. It is only the most basic requirement to be able to hook it, but it must also be able to be retracted and released freely, so that the rubber band can be rolled up to obtain the maximum original explosive power. In addition, the pace of forward movement is also very important. That is to say, at the same starting line, people's steps must be forward. The bigger the better, the harder the better. With the help of this external momentum, the rubber band can roll forward. further. The rule of the

game is that the one who rolls far is qualified to "eat" the rubber band of the one who rolls close. Note that the one who rolls far does not automatically win the rubber band of the one who rolls close. It also takes a lot of trouble to stretch the rubber band, aim at the rubber band of the one that rolls closer, and then eject it. If it hits, you can win. This is another skill that adds complexity, variety, and interest to the game.

It is also a very interesting little invention. Rubber is naturally elastic. I don’t know which dynasty, generation, country, or unknown little person got inspiration from rubber in nature and made it into a hollow, almost rectangular shape. Like a rubber band. - DayDayNews

It is common to roll too far and fail to win other people's rubber bands. Sometimes when a rubber band is hit, the whizzing rubber band just rubs past other people's rubber bands. The wind and dust it brings up seem to make other people's rubber bands move. But what happens within one hundredth of a second is often impossible to judge with the naked eye. This is like modern football. Referees are sometimes unable to determine whether a player is offside. In the past few years, referees relied on machine playback.

is just a game among children. It cannot be played back by a machine. A rubber band costs less than a penny, and a football star is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

friends will inevitably argue with each other, and the shooter will say he hit the ball, while the person being bombarded will say he didn't hit the ball. Children are relatively gentle by nature, and such arguments will soon end with a compromise by one party. Then the game continues. After playing

for a long time, I gradually developed a keen eye for distinguishing good and bad rubber bands. The kind of rubber band that is naturally round in shape when placed on the hand can often roll very far. The principle is unknown, and no physicist would bother to do some research on it. I think it may be that the rubber band needs to be rolled, so the rounder it is, the farther it rolls. The old rubber band rolls farther than the new rubber band. It's like a car that has passed the running-in period and becomes easier to drive.

It is also a very interesting little invention. Rubber is naturally elastic. I don’t know which dynasty, generation, country, or unknown little person got inspiration from rubber in nature and made it into a hollow, almost rectangular shape. Like a rubber band. - DayDayNews

The rubber band that rolls far is of the highest quality. It is regarded as a treasure in the eyes of our children, and we often win many rubber bands with it."The good things in the world are not strong, and the colorful clouds are easy to scatter and the glass is brittle." Maybe because of the many battlefields, this kind of rubber band has more injuries. In other words, through constant ejection and stretching, it is easy to develop somewhere. Breaking point - This is like a veteran on the battlefield, easily injured or even killed. This is where your skills really come into play. When rolling, you must carefully control the easy-breaking points and prevent them from stretching, otherwise they will break as soon as you pull them. When tying someone else's rubber band, you should also be careful to use other places to stretch other than easy-to-break points.

There are techniques in this, proper human competition skills.

However, for a dying rubber band, no matter how careful you are, as long as you charge into battle, you will inevitably end up with the fate of "the general will die in front of the battle, and the earthen pot will be broken at the mouth of the well" - it's just a matter of sooner or later. The owner felt sorry for this. If he kept doing it, he would definitely win more rubber bands. It is this rubber band that is loved and loved by its owner in every possible way. Once it is broken, it loses all its value and becomes waste. It is immediately discarded by the owner like a worn-out shoe and thrown into the dust. At this time, no one looked at it.

The cruelty of human competition is fully exposed.

It is also a very interesting little invention. Rubber is naturally elastic. I don’t know which dynasty, generation, country, or unknown little person got inspiration from rubber in nature and made it into a hollow, almost rectangular shape. Like a rubber band. - DayDayNews

I was not very good at playing with rubber bands when I was young. Those who are good at playing with rubber bands often win a lot of rubber bands. He didn't grab them into a pile and stuff them into pockets that others couldn't see. Instead, he carefully connected the rubber bands end to end one by one to form a long string, and then tied them around his waist in a majestic manner as a belt. , or hold it in your hand and throw it while running. The long string of rubber bands whistled in the wind and made a sound. The honor seemed to be comparable only to the coronation of an emperor, which made all the friends around him envious.

Human victory is never unknown. It must be displayed in some supreme ceremony. This is just like the ancients who cut off the head of an enemy and hung the head on the city wall. The other two ways of playing

Pi Zhuo are relatively simple and less technical.

One method is to stretch the rubber band and flick it against the wall. Whoever bounces the farthest will have the power to "hunt" other people's rubber bands. One is just twisting on the table, and the winner is determined by whose rubber band presses against other people's rubber bands.

It is also a very interesting little invention. Rubber is naturally elastic. I don’t know which dynasty, generation, country, or unknown little person got inspiration from rubber in nature and made it into a hollow, almost rectangular shape. Like a rubber band. - DayDayNews

The bathhouse of Xicen Grain Management Office has a very good "business", and a large number of people often come to take a bath. This is the only bathing facility in the town. Not only people from the Grain Management Office come to wash, but also people from various units and production teams in the town come in an endless stream. There is a room next to the bathhouse specifically for people to groom themselves after taking a bath. In summer, there is also a huge fan that stirs the air like a demon, making huge noise and wind. In my mind, I was playing with rubber bands on a table in this room after taking a shower. The wooden table was uneven, and the table top was wrinkled by the erosion of time, but I had a lot of fun playing it.

Twisting Pi Zhuo is the most civilized way to play. There is no fighting and killing. It only requires two people to sit on one side. For those who don’t know the situation, might they think that they are two children reading sub-clouds The poem says, accept the etiquette culture? But there are also some skills in twisting rubber bands. One is the selection of rubber bands. It is different from the rolled rubber bands of large opening and closing. Circles are not considered the best product, but rectangular ones are needed. There is also a special emphasis on having two sides that are wider. Those with two sides that are too close often have no original power. The second is the strength of the rubber band. How far the rubber band needs to jump is very important. The strength of the rubber band is very important. Twist it gently and the rubber band will not jump far. It is suitable for close combat. Twist it hard to squeeze out the last bit of strength from the rubber band and let it It looks like a running bull with its head lowered and charging up, which is suitable for hitting the enemy with a long-range blow. In addition, the angle of the rubber band force needs to be considered. If the enemy is in the east, the muzzle of the gun needs to be pointed east. When twisting the rubber band, it needs to be turned sideways. Otherwise, the force may be insufficient and the result will be insufficient.

It is also a very interesting little invention. Rubber is naturally elastic. I don’t know which dynasty, generation, country, or unknown little person got inspiration from rubber in nature and made it into a hollow, almost rectangular shape. Like a rubber band. - DayDayNews

I sometimes go to small shops in small towns to buy rubber bands. The cabinet is made of wood, and a small cardboard box containing a bunch of leather chopsticks is clearly visible under the glass. At that time, it seemed that three rubber bands cost one penny. The store was opened by the town's supply and marketing cooperative, and the eldest aunt happened to work at supply and marketing cooperative . Sometimes my auntie happens to be on duty when I go shopping, but she never shows favoritism. Three rubber bands for one penny means three rubber bands. She never takes the initiative to give me one more rubber band that no one has ever counted.

At that time, I was only slightly taller than the counter, but I had a very lively mind. I felt that my relatives should be able to cheat me. I stood outside the counter, looking up and watching the eldest lady bend down, take out the box of rubber bands from the counter, and count the money honestly. I often fantasize that my eldest aunt can give her nephew a few more rubber bands.

However, such a miracle has never happened. My grandfather’s surname was Tan, and none of the children he raised who were surnamed Tan were innocent throughout their lives.

The only benefit I got from my eldest aunt was that she took out a box of rubber bands and asked me to pick out whether they were round, square, thick or thin.

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