What is "invite the God of Wealth from all directions, I will be the host, and you will pay the bill"? Give an example from life. Everyone will receive invitations, some for weddings, some for birthdays, some for children's birthdays, some for birthdays, some for moving to a new

2024/06/2209:19:33 news 1661

What does "invite the God of Wealth from all directions, I'll be the host, and you pay the bill"? Give an example from life.

What is

Everyone will receive invitations, some are for weddings, some for birthdays, some for children's one month old, some for birthdays, some for moving to a new house, etc. It is not possible to go empty-handed in this situation. Generally, the amount can range from tens of dollars to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. So on the surface it is the host who is treating the guests, but in fact it is the guests who pay, and the money paid out must allow the host who is treating the guests to make a little profit. This trick is called "Invite the God of Wealth from all directions, I will be the host, and you will pay the bill." The people who treat the guests don’t have to pay the bill themselves and can still make money. Nowadays, society knows this very well, and sometimes it makes people dumbfounded and difficult to deal with. In business, how about "inviting the God of Wealth from all directions, I will be the host, and you will pay the bill"? Next, let's look at an example.

What is

Li Ming works as a leader in a park. There is a large piece of land in their park that is bare. Li Ming has always wanted to green and beautify it, but the cost is too high, so he has not taken action. Later, with the help of a friend, in less than a year, this bald land turned into a purple-red, fragrant green space. How did he do it? He placed an advertisement in the newspaper with the following slogan: Dear citizens, this park is a famous tourist attraction in our city with a large number of tourists. In order to meet everyone's requirements, our garden has recently opened up a garden for individuals, groups, enterprises and institutions to plant commemorative trees. When you get married, you can plant a "concentric tree" or "evergreen tree" so that you can be of one mind and love each other forever; when you are at various memorable moments, you can plant a tree here. Memorial trees, such as "lover tree", "birthday tree", "longevity tree", etc., due to the limited area of ​​the garden, our garden will determine according to the order of reservation and registration. If you are interested, please contact us as soon as possible.

What is

After the advertisement was published, it caused a great response in the city. People came to plant trees in an endless stream. Some companies and their bosses even reserved a piece of land, put the company's sign on it, and named it after their own company. Image advertising. In less than a year, the entire wasteland was transformed into a colorful and fragrant oasis. The park beautified and greened a bare land without spending a penny, and it also received a considerable amount of seedling fees and management fees; companies and individuals also showed their image here, which effectively promoted the construction of spiritual civilization in the city.

allows citizens and businesses to plant a tree, and the park charges a certain amount of seedling costs and management fees; the person who cultivates the tree can hang his or her name and address on the tree as a commemoration, and can come to watch or water it at any time. , loosening soil, fertilizing, weeding, etc. This idea is very attractive to urban people, and it is fun and meaningful. This is a win-win approach, and the method used is actually "I am the host and you pay the bill."

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