The road is to be simple and realistic. When learning and doing things, if you can continue to have a realistic attitude, you can truly reach the pinnacle of learning and doing things. Use craftsmanship and a realistic attitude to make a bottle of good wine, and the name of this

2024/06/1808:34:33 news 1337

The principle is simple and realistic.

If you can continue to pursue a realistic attitude in learning and doing things, you can truly reach the pinnacle of learning and doing things.

The road is to be simple and realistic. When learning and doing things, if you can continue to have a realistic attitude, you can truly reach the pinnacle of learning and doing things. Use craftsmanship and a realistic attitude to make a bottle of good wine, and the name of this  - DayDayNews

Use ingenuity and a realistic attitude to make a bottle of good wine, and the name of this bottle of wine is "Pragmatic" , This wine has been created through the ingenuity and perseverance of generations of winemakers. The battle of fine wines shocked everyone and gained a good reputation in China.

1. The most simple and realistic picture

The splendid Chinese civilization nourishes the survival and reproduction of the nation. The Chinese people read the classics and explore the long-lasting spiritual backbone of the nation. From slash-and-burn farming to iron plow ox farming, it has been passed down from generation to generation. 's is truth-seeking and pragmatic. It continues to this day by dedicating itself to the journey and constantly exploring.

The road is to be simple and realistic. When learning and doing things, if you can continue to have a realistic attitude, you can truly reach the pinnacle of learning and doing things. Use craftsmanship and a realistic attitude to make a bottle of good wine, and the name of this  - DayDayNews

The essence of "truth-seeking" has been deeply infiltrated into the bones of the Chinese people through thousands of years of fine inheritance. Therefore, those who uphold the essence will achieve great success, and those who absorb its dross will be fleeting and fleeting.

The road is to be simple and realistic. When learning and doing things, if you can continue to have a realistic attitude, you can truly reach the pinnacle of learning and doing things. Use craftsmanship and a realistic attitude to make a bottle of good wine, and the name of this  - DayDayNews

This is the way, and the same is true for wine-making. Only its "truth-seeking" can make it top-grade. 's truth-seeking sauce wine has been launched on the market.

2. Make wine in a down-to-earth manner

"Qiushi" sauce wine is jointly developed and created by China Food Fermentation Industry Research Institute and Guizhou National Wine Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. .

The road is to be simple and realistic. When learning and doing things, if you can continue to have a realistic attitude, you can truly reach the pinnacle of learning and doing things. Use craftsmanship and a realistic attitude to make a bottle of good wine, and the name of this  - DayDayNews

The China Food Fermentation Industry Research Institute is China's largest and oldest scientific research institution engaged in food and bioengineering research and development. It is affiliated to China Light Industry Group and directly under the management of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. It has expertise in brewing and brewing technology. Long-term research and pivotal leadership position.

Guizhou National Wine Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., formerly known as the National Winery, is one of the earliest winemaking companies in After years of development, the company currently has an annual output of 26,000 tons of high-quality sauce wine and has six It is a group-based joint-stock standardized enterprise with a large factory area and nine branch companies.

The road is to be simple and realistic. When learning and doing things, if you can continue to have a realistic attitude, you can truly reach the pinnacle of learning and doing things. Use craftsmanship and a realistic attitude to make a bottle of good wine, and the name of this  - DayDayNews

Adhering to the original intention of "national sauce flavor, dedicated brewing" , under the joint research and development of China Food Fermentation Industry Research Institute and Guizhou National Wine Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., the brewers of the national wine industry have not forgotten the original intention, adhere to ingenuity, and practicality. I am really being a good person and making wine down-to-earth.

3. Realistic sauce wine and ingenuity

Fine wine is the product of heaven and earth brewing together, and the unity of heaven and man. With blue sky, fertile soil, sweet springs, grains and brewing skills, we can brew the unique beauty of Qiu Xiang Liquor.

Seeking truth and pragmatism for sauce wine, seeking truth and pragmatism, seeking truth for sauce wine, The reality of water, the reality of Liang, the reality of domain, the reality of Qu, the reality of art, the reality of tune, the reality of Tibetan, the reality of heart ·Zhishi brews amazing wine through nine dimensions.

1, Water · Zhishi

The beginning of brewing a bottle of good wine is during the Double Ninth Festival. The clear water from the heart of the Chishui River is extracted from the foot of the mountain, immersed and then boiled until it boils, allowing it to mix with selected high-quality local red wine in a wide space. Sorghum meets.

2, Liang·zhishi

selects Renhuai local high-quality red tassel glutinous sorghum, with thick skin, small size, high starch content, resistant to cooking, and can withstand nine times of cooking, eight times of drying, and seven times of brewing. Zhijianjiao.

3, Domain·Zhishi

Maotai Town first-class core production area, on the banks of the Chishui River, the combination of the basin and the river valley, is produced in the area where natural microorganisms and minerals are most suitable for wine making, ensuring the source and the original taste of the sauce wine.

4, Qu·Zhishi

selects local high-quality wheat . During the early heat of the Dragon Boat Festival, girls step on the song, put it into the warehouse and accumulate it. The turtle back is rectangular, crushed into powder, and moistened sorghum is added successively to experience the yin and yang. Fermented to become the world's premium sauce.

5, art·zhishi

The road is to be simple and realistic. When learning and doing things, if you can continue to have a realistic attitude, you can truly reach the pinnacle of learning and doing things. Use craftsmanship and a realistic attitude to make a bottle of good wine, and the name of this  - DayDayNews2987, are the technological rules that must be followed when brewing the orthodox ancient method maoxiang . It is passed down from generation to generation in the hands of brewers, brewing with ingenuity and authentic craftsmanship.

6 and cellar·zhishi

3.8*2.5*3.0 are the standard pit sizes in Maotai Town. The yin and yang are awakened inside and outside the 600 pits, and the full month is full. The pit in the pit has witnessed the accumulation year after year, from hot to cool, from solid to liquid.

7, Tiao·Zhishi

National evaluation experts from China Fermented Food Industry Research Institute and master Feng Xiaoning, chief engineer of National Group , jointly evaluated and blended the wine, so that the real vintage can exude the charm of real Maotai-flavor liquor. The power of coordination is as heavy as a thousand pieces.

8, Zang·Zhishi

The base wine of each year is truly cellared for many years, and the aged fragrance blends into the mouthpiece in every drop, warming the heart and lungs. Cellaring is the art of giving time to wine. The year is the measurement of real years.

9. The truth of the heart

With a truth-seeking heart, brew the wine of truth-seeking. The craftsmanship is sincere and the sauce is perfect. The brewing craftsmen of Maotai Town are simple and persistent. The ideal they pursue throughout their lives is the quality of the wine, the reputation, and the true taste that reaches the heart.

4. Real vintage, ancient Maoxiang

When it comes to sauce wine, we have to mention the craftsmanship.

Making koji during the Dragon Boat Festival, and sand during the Double Ninth Festival, , a cycle of one year, two feedings, nine cooking times, eight fermentations, seven times of wine extraction, and long-term storage in pottery jars. The brewing of Qiushi Maotai Liquor strictly adheres to the "12987" ancient method of brewing Maotai Liquor. The brewers always adhere to the craftsmanship . While adhering to the traditional Maotai-flavor brewing process, they also refine the brewing process details according to local conditions. makes Qiushi Jiangjiu sweeter and more mellow!

The real year of Qiushi series sauce wine adopts "weighted year calculation method" uses at least 5 years old base wine of different years in different proportions, blended and brewed under the personal supervision and guidance of the brewing master to achieve Daqu The sauce-flavored has a mellow taste.

The road is to be simple and realistic. When learning and doing things, if you can continue to have a realistic attitude, you can truly reach the pinnacle of learning and doing things. Use craftsmanship and a realistic attitude to make a bottle of good wine, and the name of this  - DayDayNews

Famous soy sauce masters Xu Qiang, Chen Xingxi, Xu Xingjiang, Fu Yuhao, Feng Xiaoning, Ren Yiping, Chen Zuolin, Li Mingying, Li Mingjin, Deng Changwei and other experts gave their opinions on "Seeking Truth·10, Seeking Truth· 5" made extremely high evaluations respectively.

Seeking truth · 10: slightly yellow and transparent, with outstanding sauce aroma, obvious aging aroma, comfortable aroma, harmonious wine body, mellow and full, long aftertaste, empty cup long-lasting fragrance, Daqu sauce Typical style of aromatic liquor.

Qiu Xiang·5: slightly yellow and transparent, with obvious sauce aroma, comfortable aroma of koji and burnt, harmonious body, mellow and long, long aftertaste, long-lasting aroma in the empty cup, Daqu sauce-flavor liquor style. Typical.

5. Seeking truth and win-win future

According to incomplete statistical data, in 2021, my country's sauce-flavor liquor will achieve a production capacity of 600,000 liters and sales revenue of 190 billion yuan. Relevant experts predict that in the next few years, , my country's sauce wine will soon form a market size of 500 billion yuan, and sales revenue will soon exceed 300 billion yuan.

The huge profit margin and the continuous integration of capital have accelerated the formation of a new pattern of "echelon competition" for sauce wine. Fierce industry competition has made the enabling advantages of the Maotai Town production area more prominent. Under the background of the turbulent 100 billion market, the "Qiu Xiang" sauce wine produced in the core production area of ​​Maotai Town sauce wine is better adhering to the ancient brewing method. While inheriting the manufacturing technology and long cultural heritage, it also has the mission and responsibility of " becoming the most influential new brand of sauce wine in the core production area of ​​Maotai Town sauce wine".

begins with culture. Qiushijiang Liquor is "truth-seeking and pragmatic" and constantly injects endogenous power.

is loyal to quality, pursues reality, strictly selects materials for sauce wine, adopts ancient craftsmanship, and adheres to the spirit of craftsmanship.

is built on responsibility, seeking truth and having the courage to pioneer and take on responsibilities, and is invincible.

The fish leaps over the dragon gate toward the sea, and the eagle spreads its wings toward the sky! "In line with the concept and original intention of "seeking truth and being pragmatic, integrating knowledge and action" and fulfilling the heavy commitment of "one seal, one China, one product, one world", Qiushi Maotai Wine will surely be able to survive the future wave of Maotai Wine. Become the most shining "new star" in Maotai Town Maotai Liquor Producing Area.

Here, we sincerely invite people of insight from all over the country to join hands in building a win-win future!

Qiushi Maotaijiu vintage wine is now attracting investment in blank areas across the country! (for wine agents, go to the popular good wine investment website)

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