In "The Power of Words", teachers Ding Ding and Zeng Ming have done their best in all their courses and sharing, making a course to the extreme and a sharing to perfection, so that all of us who study will have an audio-visual feast.

2024/06/0716:07:34 news 1699

(1) Absorption records, review notes, and insights should be recorded with a pen if you do not learn the knowledge overnight. Strengthen the retention of time in your mind. I remember that Zeng Guofan’s daily lesson of was to use block letters and to output quietly every day. A saint's attitude of using a righteous mind and mindful to do a small thing to the extreme is worth learning from me.

"The Value of Words" Teachers Ding Ding and Zeng Ming have done their best in all their courses and sharing, making a course to the extreme and a sharing to perfection, so that all of us who study will have an audio-visual feast.

We must learn from the ancient sages and the excellent teachers around us. If we do something perfectly, we believe that we can get the results we want.

You must have a calm mind when doing things, a calm mind when creating works, and a perseverance in life.

(2) Giving up big things brings big gains, giving up small things makes you reluctant to give up.

In 19 years, I wanted to learn Internet knowledge. I watched a lot of content, but I didn’t like it. The paid content was relatively expensive. In fact, I It's financially affordable, but spending money to study feels like cutting meat, so many communities don't participate.

Until March 2021, I read an online article. I was moved by a Guangdong girl who dropped out of college and output growth-related information. The content she output was not only close to life, close to reality, sincere and simple, and answered all questions. Finally, It was sold by her for 99 yuan. Check in 12 times a month to get your deposit back.


finally established his own check-in training camp, mainly for college students and young mothers who want to improve their writing skills. They are sunny and full of youthful vitality, and the articles they write are passionate and inspiring. Exchanging ideas with these young people makes people feel much more refreshed and ❤younger. Although

has not greatly improved my writing level, I have developed the habit of self-discipline and will continue to output 500 to more than 800 words every day.

starts the road to learning. I think this is what is called reluctance.

was guided by a lively and beautiful girl in the group. I joined the "007 Writing Community". Started my writing journey.

Here I mastered my writing skills:

learned many knowledge points about "writing + (study, work, life, eating, drinking, playing, etc...)".


There are 137 mental methods: one goal, three steps, and a deadline.


In order to study, this is the first time in my life that I have paid such a high fee. After a brief ideological struggle, I finally decided to join this community.

1) sees the value of this group,

2) mainly because he likes text output.

Money cannot buy knowledge, but knowledge can be transformed into money - Xiaoshe Xiaode

In 007, I met the second messenger in my life - Teacher Haiyan, a beautiful and generous person with wisdom like the sea. An educator who exudes great love and energy. I was moved by his sincerity. Entered the "KwaKua School".

briefly studied here and personally realized it, and briefly sorted it out:

(1) Circle value

Here are entrepreneurs who failed to start a business and were in debt, and there are small businesses who retired and started Internet businesses, earning over 10,000 yuan a month. elder sister. There are supervisors who lead the sales teams of various companies, and there are beauties who focus on promoting essential oils. There are also aromatic healing flower fairies. There are highly intelligent goal coaches with high emotional intelligence, as well as interpreters who can see your talent. The crowd covers all walks of life.


(2) Theoretical value

There are systematic theoretical courses on "Knowing People with Big Trees" and "Reading Minds with Words". There are also a series of courses for high emotional intelligence such as "18 Tips to Praise People", "Series of Secret Training Courses for Closing Transactions", "Guigu Wealth Creation Circle Used in the Past and Present - Philosophy of Wealth Creation", and "7-Day Sales Champion Camp" that can apply the theories of these courses to actual combat. ", the speaker is Teacher Dai Ciyue, the industry leader in paid learning with sales of 1.7 million. If you are a novice, there is also a "Jinkoucai Morning Training Ground" organized every morning. A training ground where you can learn theory and have the ability to transform knowledge.


(3) Humanistic value Mr. Ding Ding, the founder of

, is a famous best-selling author, CCTV reporter, and graduated from Tsinghua University . Founder and partner Mr. Zeng Ming, the former director of teaching and training at Tsinghua University and the person in charge of text reading. Not only do you have excellent tutors here, you can have a deep connection with the teachers, but the teachers can also guide you at all times and help you sort it out. Your own strengths.


There is love everywhere in this community. Teachers have great love and will find out your personal strengths when you need them most and guide you on the way forward.

patiently teaches you how to post to Moments, do copywriting, and how to deal with sales problems? Design your own course system and teach you some relevant knowledge about sales, so that you can get the value you want.

I am inspired and moved by this sincerity and potential value. Once again, I resolutely joined this circle of great love that allowed me to achieve my goals and wealth. I believe that soaking here can help me get the results I want and realize my wealth creation ideal. So I gave everything I had.

This is how I understand that only by giving up can you gain big things. Gains and losses in life do not depend on the gain or loss of wealth, but on the size of the memory space of your mind. Invest your money in improving your thinking, and I believe there will be different gains.


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