Sunday, July 3, 2022 Qing originally worked in Zhudian Village today, but she asked for leave and went home because she had to come back to take the exam. After I got up in the morning and freshened up, my colleague drove me from the village to the town. When I arrived in the tow

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Sunday, July 3, 2022 Qing

I originally worked in Zhudian Village today, but because I had to come back to take the exam, I asked for leave and went home. After I got up in the morning and freshened up, my colleague drove me from the village to the town. When I arrived in the town, I took a taxi to the county seat. The taxi driver stopped and stopped along the way, loading passengers and adding a few small benches when there were no seats. Give seats to passengers who get on later.

People are next to each other, and people are crowded together. This reminds me of the seven years when I worked at Longfeng Health Center 20 years ago. I have been taking minibuses like this to and from work and home. At that time, minibuses were full of people, and some had to stand. The small space was filled with various smells such as sweat and body odor. Back then, a young heart was not afraid of any hardships. Looking back on this, my somewhat depressed mood suddenly improved. This minibus allowed me to take a time machine and return to my youth. At that time, I was full of enthusiasm for everything. yearning and imagination.

Zhuangzi said: "In life, if a white horse passes through the gap between heaven and earth, it will happen suddenly." Life is short, just like seeing a white horse galloping through the gap, but it only lasts a moment.It seems like yesterday I was still young and ignorant, and I have entered the ranks of middle-aged people without knowing it.

After stopping and stopping all the way, we finally arrived at Laifeng City, and then took a long car to Enshi City and finally returned home. After several hours of turbulence, I was very tired. After a short rest, I went to the examination room to take the exam. I was the last one to enter the examination room. When I entered, everyone had already started to answer questions.

Sunday, July 3, 2022 Qing originally worked in Zhudian Village today, but she asked for leave and went home because she had to come back to take the exam. After I got up in the morning and freshened up, my colleague drove me from the village to the town. When I arrived in the tow - DayDayNews

I turned on the computer and started answering the questions. The examination room was very quiet, and the sound of the examinee typing on the keyboard next to me could be clearly heard in my ears. My heart was quite uneasy, because my husband suddenly felt unwell before the exam. After I called my doctor friend and told him about his illness, he said he needed to be hospitalized immediately for a thorough examination. It shocked me. My husband has always been in good health. He has rarely had colds in the 20 years since we got married and has never been hospitalized. I didn't expect that he would have to be hospitalized this time.

Anyway, I didn’t prepare much for this exam. I didn’t care whether I did well or not. I finished the questions in a short while and left the exam room forty or fifty minutes early. When I arrived outside the examination room, I called my husband and planned to accompany him to the hospital for a nucleic acid test and admission procedures. When we arrived at the hospital, we registered. The doctor asked about the situation and issued a hospitalization certificate. We planned to be admitted to the hospital for examination tomorrow morning. Although I haven’t started the examination yet and I don’t know the results yet, I feel much more at ease.

I told myself to let my husband check it carefully before talking! If it is a benign disease, then it is happy to be cured with timely treatment. If it is a malignant lesion, the earlier it is discovered, the better the treatment will be. So after completing these procedures, I am not as worried as I was at the beginning.

Yesterday I was still anxious about trivial matters at work, and annoyed about what was right and wrong. Today when I went home, I found that my family members were physically ill. This suddenly made me realize that all the rights and wrongs, success and failure, grudges, and hatred in the outside world are related to me. How much does it matter? In this world, apart from the health and life of yourself and your family, which are the most important things, what does the gain and loss of all the rest have to do with it?

People are like the feathers floating in the sky. We don’t know where the wind will blow the feathers, or where our fate will lead us to the next moment. The only thing we can do is to be ourselves, take things as they come, and listen to the best of everything. It’s just destiny. Don't let the trivial things around us affect our ability to feel happiness. As long as our family lives a healthy and safe life, we must always remind ourselves that we are very happy.

When a person reaches middle age, he has experienced the ups and downs of life, tasted the ups and downs of life, and gradually knows how to manage his own life.Look inward in everything, let yourself feel happiness and tranquility in your heart, and no longer blindly pursue power, fame and interests externally. This is the transparency we adults should have, and we will stay away from anxiety and troubles. Only with a mature mind can one be independent and strong enough to face the complicated and trivial life.

Sunday, July 3, 2022 Qing originally worked in Zhudian Village today, but she asked for leave and went home because she had to come back to take the exam. After I got up in the morning and freshened up, my colleague drove me from the village to the town. When I arrived in the tow - DayDayNews

Mr. Seeing that I, the doctor, was so calm, he was no longer nervous.After completing the formalities, we drove home. My mother was lying on the sofa, not very energetic, but she was very happy to see me back and smiled. I was going to change the dressing of her insulin pump . This is my weekly return home. Something that must be done. I work in the countryside, and I worry about my mother's health during working hours. I wonder how well her blood sugar is controlled.

Seeing that her mother's fingernails and toenails were very long and there was still dirt inside the nails, she picked up nail scissors and cut them for her. My mother has been suffering from diabetes for many years, which has caused retinopathy . Her eyesight is blurry, and she cannot cut her own nails. While I was cutting her nails, I thought to myself that as long as my mother lives well, I can serve her for one more day, and it would be happy to cut her nails for one more day.

I remembered the weekend gathering of our classmates half a year ago. It was relatively well attended, but only one male classmate asked for leave because he had to wash the hair of his bedridden mother during the weekend break. The mother of this classmate passed away a few days ago, and he never had the chance to wash his mother's hair. Compared with him, I feel that I am quite happy. At least I can go home from the countryside to change my mother's hair every one to two weeks. Medicine, nail clipping. Let your mother feel warmth and love while she is alive.

Sunday, July 3, 2022 Qing originally worked in Zhudian Village today, but she asked for leave and went home because she had to come back to take the exam. After I got up in the morning and freshened up, my colleague drove me from the village to the town. When I arrived in the tow - DayDayNews

Goethe once said: "Human happiness lies entirely in the happiness of the heart." In life, there will always be problems of one kind or another, and people in middle age are under tremendous pressure. , not only are there huge pressures in work and life, but also in the health and life of the whole family. During this period, the key lies in the state of mind with which we view it.When our mind is at peace, we can face the pain and troubles in real life calmly, and we can be at peace with the unsatisfactory things that happen to us, then all problems will be solved and we can live in peace and joy. Live the rest of your life.

Arthur Conan Doyle said: "A peaceful state of mind is a hundred times better than good medicine. Only the state of mind is the world where people can roam freely. The state of mind can turn hell into heaven and heaven into hell."In fact, , Happiness and pain are all in a person's thoughts. A family living together healthily and safely is our greatest happiness.

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