Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Correspondent Du Xiaofu In order to actively respond to the call of "promoting a healthy and civilized lifestyle, preventing and controlling major diseases", Zhejiang Province's "Ten Thousand Steps" Walking Incentive Competition was held under t

2024/05/1908:52:33 news 1363

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Correspondent Du Xiaofu

In order to actively respond to the call of "promoting a healthy and civilized lifestyle, preventing and controlling major diseases", the Zhejiang Province "Ten Thousand Steps" Walking Incentive Competition was held at China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the province Under the guidance of the National Health Commission, six sessions have been successfully held. With the active participation and promotion of all parties, "Every step of the way" is gradually integrated into people's lives and is practiced by more and more people. This year's Zhejiang Provincial Competition has the slogan "Continuing a century-old road, a new journey of 'ten thousand steps'". Counties (cities and districts) across the province actively signed up. In the end, there were nearly 6,000 entries from 15 counties (cities and districts) and 591 units. people participate.

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Correspondent Du Xiaofu In order to actively respond to the call of

The "Ten Thousand Steps Appointment" walking competition has scientifically set competition rules, requiring participating team members to complete 10,000 steps every day during the competition, which covers "3,000 steps in the morning or 4,000 steps in the evening" and 3 exercise prescriptions (Keep the cadence at 100-150 steps/minute and complete 10 minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes respectively); and apply "Internet + health" technology, relying on the supervision and motivation of the "team" of agencies, enterprises and institutions to help participants maintain their health. Develop a healthy living habit of "walking ten thousand steps a day and walking scientifically" to achieve the purpose of preventing chronic diseases and promoting health.

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Correspondent Du Xiaofu In order to actively respond to the call of

Health is the most important indicator of a happy life. The "Ten Thousand Steps Appointment" walking motivation competition is to implement the "Healthy China" strategy, promote the deep integration of comprehensive health and comprehensive fitness, spread a happy lifestyle, convey the concept of healthy life, and enhance National health awareness, while promoting Zhejiang’s sports spirit and displaying the charm of Zhejiang’s image. After six years of activities, the competition has gathered high popularity in Zhejiang Province. The local government's support has continued to increase, and the public's enthusiasm for participation has continued to rise. It has truly become a good starting point for health promotion and a good brand for people's livelihood projects, truly realizing It has created a win-win situation with government attention, social support, national participation, and multi-party benefits.

Our province is about to enter a new journey of building a high-level comprehensive socialist modernization, high-quality development and building a common prosperity demonstration area. The 100-day walking event will become a grand event to inspire spirit, inspire fighting spirit, gather strength, and bravely create new situations. Through the development of the competition, more people will understand this activity, let more people join the walking team, and carry forward The spirit of unity and friendship, fair competition, hard work and enterprising spirit strives to promote the common prosperity and provincial modernization of our province.

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