Changjin Lake in Wu Wanli's Eyes: Do more meaningful things if you are alive

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Changjin Lake in Wu Wanli's Eyes: Do more meaningful things if you are alive - DayDayNews

I am Wu Wanli, I am 90 years old this year, and I am in the Battle of Changjin Lake in , Wu Wanli after 71 years.

In 1950, I was 19 years old and still a wicked boy.

That year, my second brother Wu Qianli, whom I missed day and night, with silent grief, carried my big brother Wu Baili's urn home.

And the big brother who likes to hug me the most since childhood, always loves to carry me to the river to float the big brother, the big brother we admire is lying quietly at this moment In that little urn.

My father and my mother can’t say a word in grief, only tears can be heard.

I didn’t think about it. I just came back and haven’t sat on the hot second brother.The second elder brother who said, "There is no more war, liberated, no more war," and the second elder brother who "I will build a house for you", as soon as they didn't give up, they were urged to return to the army.

Brothers and brothers are both fighting heroes. I also want to be a man of their kind to defend the country.

But the second brother patted me on the shoulder and said solemnly: "Big brother said, we finished the battle, you don't have to fight." _span12sp

I know that my brothers are reluctant to throw my head and sprinkle blood.

Second brother refused to let me join the army, so I carried my parents and blocked the teacher’s car.

I think it must be the chief.

Finally, I use a firm belief,And a statement from the heart that touched Master Song Shilun: "Father said that the Communist Party and Chairman Mao gave us the field, and now someone will snatch it from us. Of course we don't do it."

Coincidentally, I was assigned to the seventh interleaving company known as "God of War", and my second brother was the company commander.

And then, the end of the battle of Changjin Lake was a war in my life, even in the lives of many of my witnesses, that I would never dare or want to recall. Erupted.

Changjin Lake in Wu Wanli's Eyes: Do more meaningful things if you are alive - DayDayNews

01. Youth age, to stay in a foreign country young lives

November 1950 , The situation is getting more and more urgent, we received a combat mission, traveled 30 kilometers a day, rushed to Changjin Lake, seize the opportunity and make an ambush in advance.

Our goal is to destroy the first US Marine Division! The world’s most powerful force,The army unit with the strongest combat equipment.

During the march, from time to time, enemy fighters were conducting low-altitude reconnaissance, and they dropped serial bombs at every turn.

I have seen with my own eyes, my partner, Shan, who has just met, died unfortunately in a bombing game by the enemy and fell beside me.

When I suppressed my grief, trembling with my hands, and closing his eyes, I didn't even have time to ask him where he lives?

The boy who died in the bombing of the enemy before the battlefield; the boy who smiled with clear eyes; the boy who was still knitting a red scarf on her chest, with her hands. The young man, just sacrificed on the land of a foreign country, can no longer return to his motherland and embrace his relatives.

And like the hill, there are many young lives who died in the march by enemy aerial bombardments.

We watched our compatriots being mercilessly bombed by the enemy,Throwing arms and legs, flesh and blood flying, and losing precious lives, I hate the rattle of my teeth, and I want to drive the enemies that invade us out of the 38th line.

However, the terrible difficulties do not stop there.

Because the weapons and equipment are particularly backward, the ammunition is also seriously insufficient, and the weather is cold, and the ammunition cannot be fired when the battle begins.

During the intensive low-altitude reconnaissance of the enemy, you should be hidden during the day, and you should not dare to make a fire for cooking at night, and cannot provide hot food. Often you can only eat a hard potato a day.

The extreme lack of cotton clothing, encountering the extreme cold weather that North Korea has not encountered in 50 years, and the number of non-combat comrades who have died.

Some of my comrades had their ears so cold that they all fell off when they touched them, and they didn’t even feel at all; some of my comrades had their feet frozen and people died. I also held the gun tightly to charge ; some comrades had just soaked their feet in hot water the night before, and the next day, their feet were so swollen that they couldn't even wear shoes.

Those young soldiers who have severe frostbite, because of limited medical conditions, need amputation but cannot take anesthetics, they will never shed a tear in pain.

In the bad weather, and the enemy's material and weapons are very different, we have no desire to back down.

Because we have preserved a belief: one generation endures hardships, fights wars, builds peace for the next generation, generation after generation.

Changjin Lake in Wu Wanli's Eyes: Do more meaningful things if you are alive - DayDayNews

02. Do not sleep, so I came back

our day and Night, escaped the enemy Aircraft reconnaissance and search, successfully infiltrated the Changjin Lake area, which lasted 28 days, successfully annihilated the entire polar bear group.

The sad thing is,In this bitter battle, the Volunteers paid 22% of the price of frostbite, which is known as one of the cruelest battles in history.

When ambushing, the comrades in battle formed a battle formation early, waiting motionlessly for the order, and would rather freeze to death than expose the target.

Volunteer soldiers in thin clothes, lying prone at minus 40 gradually became aware of the cold.

Until the last moment of their lives, my comrades in arms were still angry at the enemy and kept charging at any time. The snow fell on the body to form ice, like a group of "ice sculptures".

A fighting team with the soul of a warrior, let the arrogant American five-star warrior MacArthur awe.

When retreating, he solemnly saluted the ice sculpture company and said: "Who dares to fight the Chinese Army,It's crazy. "

When cleaning the battlefield after the war, some comrades in the ice sculpture company found the martyr Song Amao. In the pocket of his jacket, the left card said span_span12: _span12

"I love my relatives and my motherland, and I love my honor even more. I am a glorious volunteer soldier. Ice and snow, I will never succumb to you, even if it freezes to death, I will stand proudly on my ground! "

What kind of beliefs and beliefs is it that makes our volunteer soldiers so much better than death? After our generation has fought the war, the next generation will not have to fight. "

Some comrades in arms, in the Battle of Changjin Lake, dressed in thin cotton-padded clothes, stayed on the battlefield for three days and three nights, but when the horn finally heard the charge , But unexpectedly found that "frozen,I can't get up anymore, can't move on impulse. Seeing the comrades rush forward, tears flowed down.

They regret that they can’t fight side by side with their comrades.

28span8 , Are all fighting heroes!

Sima Qian said: "Man is inherently dead, or heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather. "

Dear comrades in arms, nowadays, the world is unscathed and prosperous. As you think, our next generation _span12 is living in a peaceful and powerful China? _span12

I wish you all rest in peace and comfort.

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173 spanLest there be a hundred punches

Lucky as me, in that battle, I was spared.

I returned to my homeland with a bullet wound on my back.

But I often think of that thrilling battle, and of the comrades who lost their lives in the battle. Their voices and smiles make me unable to immerse myself in sorrow for a long time. .

One day, I had a long dream.

In my dream, my comrades came to me one by one, and they said: "Five thousand li, write a review book with 0 instead of five thousand li, you can live Is there something different?"

I suddenly woke up from my sleep.

Yes, I want to live vigorously and live well for my comrades.

Build the house that my brother misses, and leave a room for Lei Gong. We must always live together.

Pick up Koyama’s desire to read, and write a letter to his beloved girl telling her that Koyama is brave.

For those comrades who lost their lives and didn't have time to take a look at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, the spirit will continue forever.

So, I entered the military academy, studied hard, and made great achievements in the construction of New China.

Later, I transferred from the army and became a people’s teacher in the village.

I teach children,Tell them that the hope of building four modern countries lies in the flowers of their motherland.

There used to be a group of young people in the mood for life, who dedicated their unique lives for our peaceful life.

We must not only learn knowledge, but also ensure good health and be a moral person.

And the children are also very competitive, one by one from the village to the university, they have become the screws of all walks of life.

There is also a group of children who, after studying, went incognito and traveled to Inner Mongolia, became the first generation of astronauts in China. They devoted their youth to the modernization of science and technology in the motherland. And life.

They crowded in simple bungalows, dressed in plain clothes, but their eyes were firm, just like my group of comrades who died heroically on the shore of Changjin Lake.

They use their faith and unique romance,Promoted the rapid development of China's aerospace industry.

that year, launched the Korean War when Chairman Mao said: " open play punch, lest one hundred punches to ."

We do not invade other countries, but we firmly resist foreign invasion.

will be beaten after falling behind.


And I often squat in front of the built house on a sunny afternoon, pulling my throat and yelling: "Lei Gong, brother, Xiaoshan...span _span12." _span12

Changjin Lake in Wu Wanli's Eyes: Do more meaningful things if you are alive - DayDayNews

04. Alive,Just do more meaningful things

Unconsciously, I am 90 years old.

But people who have met me think that I am just a retired old man.

A spirited old man, taking advantage of his legs and feet, he followed my beloved little granddaughter to the city where she settled in the south during the summer vacation.

This warm island is shaded by green trees and enjoys four seasons.

I often follow my little great-grandson to borrow and read books in the library and enjoy it.

Whenever I see people living and working in peace and contentment, my heart is happy.

If my comrades are still there,That would be great!

Half-life military, experienced the ups and downs of the motherland, I know that if I want to live, I must do more meaningful things for my comrades who seek peace for the next generation. thing.

No, this time the southern city is fighting back against the epidemic. I also went to the community to apply for a volunteer.

Seeing ordinary people staying in isolation at home during the epidemic, I seem to have seen the Chinese who were united in the past.

Looking at the medical staff and volunteers fighting on the front line of the epidemic, I seem to see my amiable, respectable and lovely group of comrades.

If there is an afterlife, we will be together.

live together,Do meaningful things together.

Changjin Lake in Wu Wanli's Eyes: Do more meaningful things if you are alive - DayDayNews

05. Qi said, no monument, mountains and rivers for a few days, the epidemic solution before

monument It's closed, my little great-grandson said that he would take Grandpa Zeng to the cinema to watch a particularly beautiful movie "Changjin Lake".

My heart moved inadvertently, as if it was pricked by a needle.

I thought I had forgotten it, but that dusty memory, the pain deep in my heart, broke out from my body.

I want to see it, but I am afraid to face it.

said,"Grandpa Grandpa, don't be afraid, I am here."

Then, he used his soft little hand to hold my big hand, from the beginning to the end of the movie, without letting go.

I never talked about that war easily. I talked about bombing enemy positions, holding a grenade, and throwing a quasi glorious deed.

I have never forgotten, and dare not forget, the soldiers who fought in blood and defended the country.

Actually, the war that year was far more fierce than the movie.

71 years ago, our Chinese People's Volunteers used flesh and blood to erect a steel-like great wall, clank iron bones, and guard the motherland's thousands of miles of borders.

71 years later, the motherland has been in good condition,The people live and work in peace and contentment, with milk tea, tourism, movies, everything is beautiful, comfortable and happy.

But my loveliest group of people, our motherland and people, have never forgotten you.

"Why leave a name, the heart is the name"!

My dear comrades in arms, my comrades who have always missed me, and my many comrades who sacrificed but did not know their names!

The battlefield of Changjin Lake, covered with snow and blood in the past, is now a monument to your abundance. .

"There are no monuments, mountains and rivers are monuments"!

Salute you, heroes are immortal, soldiers will live forever.


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