I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap.

2021/06/0314:35:42 news 2302

Summer is the best season to eat fruit. Summer fruits are like wild vegetables in spring, with a wide variety, rich nutrition, sweet and delicious taste. To eat fruit, you have to eat seasonal fruits. Seasonal fruits are abundant, selective, and cheap; while off-season fruits are generally expensive and taste bad due to their high planting costs and limited quantity. Now that it is summer in June, what are the delicious and cheap fruits that are on the market? Next, I will share with you all.

NO1: Mango

I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

Mango is a famous tropical fruit. Although the fruit ripening period lasts from February to July, before and after Xiaoshu, that is, from June to early July, is the season when mango is the most mature and delicious. Right now is June, when a large number of mangoes are on the market, with high quality, large size, sweet and soft flesh, sufficient water and rich nutrition. Mangoes are rich in protein, crude fiber, and vitamin A, especially vitamin A, which is higher than ordinary fruits.

NO2: Dragon fruit

I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

Dragon fruit is also a tropical fruit, also known as "Xianmiguo" and "Jade Dragon Fruit". The pulp is divided into red and white. From May to June every year, it is a good time to eat dragon fruit. At this time, the dragon fruit is ripe and listed, with good quality and low price, rich flesh, sweet and juicy. Some people may not like eating dragon fruit, but they just don't have the habit of eating it. Although dragon fruit does not contain organic acids and esters, it has no flavor compared to other fruits, but in fact, they are used to eating it. Not only is it delicious, it's delicious.

I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

The biggest feature of dragon fruit is that it contains almost no fructose and sucrose, but it is rich in vegetable protein, vitamins and water-soluble dietary fiber. As we all know, these nutrients are very rare and very harmful to the human body. Beneficial, and the sugar in it is mainly glucose. Therefore, if you are losing weight, dragon fruit is a good choice. In addition, dragon fruit also has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, which is very suitable for summer consumption.


I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

Pineapple, also known as "pineapple", is one of the very famous tropical fruits, almost all year round, from March to November is the ripening period of pineapple, summer from June to July Pineapples are delicious, sweet and big, delicious, and not too expensive. Pineapple can not only be eaten raw, but also can be made into many pineapple delicacies, such as pineapple sago, pineapple rice, pineapple crisp and so on. In addition, the pineapple juice contained in pineapple, can effectively acidify fat, so if you are losing weight, pineapple is also a good choice.

I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

However, if you eat pineapple directly, you must soak it in salt water for 20~30 minutes before eating it. Otherwise, it will not only taste bad, but it will also sting your mouth. It is caused by a special protease , and after soaking in salt water, it can inhibit the activity of this protease, and secondly, it can make the pineapple taste sweeter and more flavorful.


I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

Watermelon is a fruit that everyone is familiar with. Although watermelons can be bought all year round, summer is the season to really eat watermelons. The price is cheap, big and sweet, and is sweet and juicy. , can also cool down and relieve the heat, so it has the reputation of "the king of summer melons and fruits".The nutritional value of watermelon is also very high, including protein amino acids, glucose, vitamins, etc., these nutrients are very beneficial to the human body. At the same time, due to the sweltering heat in summer and the high temperature, human nutrition and water are easily lost. Eating more watermelon can get a good supplement. Therefore, watermelon is a veritable "summer fruit".


I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

Mangosteen is also one of the famous tropical fruits. Although the appearance is not very popular and the appearance is not amazing, it is beautiful inside. Peel off the hard shell and you will see white as jade pulp. Mangosteen can be called a "nutrition" among fruits and enjoys the reputation of "Queen of Fruits". Its nutritional value is by no means lower than that of Durian. It is rich in protein and lipids, and is very suitable for people with malnutrition. edible. Conversely, if you are losing weight or your body is relatively fat, then try to eat less or no mangosteen.

I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

Mangosteen is not only delicious, but also has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire. can overcome the dryness of durian. Therefore, in Southeast Asian countries, mangosteen and durian are often called "husband and wife fruit". It seems that the two are the most important. A good "partner for life". Although mangosteen tastes very sweet, the aroma is not strong, because the content of aroma substances in mangosteen is very low, only 1/400 of the general aroma of fruit. However, due to the high nutritional value of mangosteen, the price of mangosteen is relatively high, but the maturity period of mangosteen is long, from April to September, and the price of mangosteen in June is relatively affordable.

NO5: Lemon

I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

Although lemon is not a fruit with popular taste, especially if it is eaten raw, it is really unacceptable to ordinary people, it is too sour, but it is the " noble of fruit" ".Because lemons are mostly used to make all kinds of special foods and drinks with unique flavors, they are delicious on the tongue, such as lemon chicken , lemon fish , lemon biscuits , lemon Honey , lemon tea and more. After lemons are made into these delicacies, the taste is so cute. Therefore, the price of lemons is generally more expensive, but in the season when they are on the market in large quantities, the production is large and the price is very affordable, so it is not expensive.


I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

Peach is a traditional fruit that people like to eat, especially in the season when it is on the market in large quantities, the price is still cheap, and it is one of the rare summer seasonal fruits. Peaches not only taste sweet and juicy, but also contain a lot of nutrients. They are rich in various vitamins, minerals and cellulose. The content of iron is 4 to 6 times that of apples and pears. also contains malic acid , citric acid and sucrose, so peach is also a fruit with a very unique flavor.

I met these 6 kinds of fruits in summer and quickly let go of them. Now it is the market season, which is both fresh and cheap. - DayDayNews

However, we should pay attention when eating peaches: immature peaches cannot be eaten, and eating them will cause a lot of physical discomfort; in addition, although peaches are delicious and have a lot of water, they should not be eaten too much. Because eating too many peaches will cause to get angry with .

Okay, I will share with you the 6 kinds of seasonal summer fruits at the moment. Which one is your favorite fruit? In fact, in addition to the above, there are many, many fruits suitable for eating in summer, which are both fresh and cheap, so I will not list them one by one here.

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