According to US media reports, on the afternoon of July 13, local time, US President Biden's special plane "Air Force One" landed at Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv, a city in central Israel, kicking off Biden's three-day trip to the Middle East.

According to US media reports, on the afternoon of July 13, local time, US President Biden 's special plane " Air Force One " landed at Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv, a city in central Israel, kicking off Biden's three-day visit. Middle East trip. Israeli Prime Minister Lapid held a warm welcome ceremony for Biden. The two gave a brief speech at the airport. Biden declared that through this visit, he would promote the improvement of relations between Israel and Arab countries and make them more Well integrated into the Middle East.

After the welcome ceremony, Biden held a meeting with Lapid. The two exchanged views on strengthening US-Israel relations, responding to Iranian threats, and building an air defense alliance in the Middle East. In an exclusive interview with the Israeli media that night, Biden spoke harshly to Iran, claiming that the United States would not rule out the use of force as the last option to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue. In addition, in the exclusive interview, Biden did not forget to "pass the blame" to his predecessor, Trump, saying that Trump's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement had made the Iranian nuclear issue more complicated and dangerous.

As the targeted party, Iranian President Raisi responded that Biden's trip to the Middle East will not bring a sense of security to Israel. Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that if he wants to solve the Iranian nuclear issue and maintain stability in the Middle East, Biden must stop all provocations and divisions and stop hyping the "Iranian threat theory." Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the current negotiations on the Iranian nuclear issue have stalled, and the main responsibility lies with the United States.

Outside public opinion is skeptical about Biden's threat to use force against Iran. Most people believe that the United States will not and dare not take military action against Iran easily. Over the past 20 years, the United States has successively launched the Afghanistan War and the Iraq War, and paid a heavy price for it. Now the United States has finally climbed out of the abyss of the war. After learning from the painful experience, the United States is now more cautious about launching a war, and most American people will not agree to the government's war against Iran.

Military experts said that once the United States and Israel use force against Iran, not only will it not solve the Iranian nuclear issue, but it may force Iran to develop nuclear weapons . Not long ago, the International Atomic Energy Agency released a report stating that Iran’s current stockpile of highly concentrated uranium can fully support its development of nuclear weapons. Foreign media stated that Iran's ballistic missile technology is very mature and can replace the conventional warhead with the nuclear warhead at any time, and then attack military targets in the United States and Israel.

Analysts said that while Iran has the potential to possess nuclear weapons, it has not taken further actions. The main reason is that Iran still wants to resolve the nuclear issue peacefully and does not want a war to break out. However, if the United States and Israel exert unlimited pressure, the Iranian nuclear issue is likely to deteriorate out of control. After all, " rabbits will bite people when they are anxious."