Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the "muscle age difference."

2024/07/0221:29:32 fashion 1090

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan.

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old.

And some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40!

The root cause of this phenomenon is the "muscle age difference".

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

In order to let everyone better understand skin age, let me give you some popular science first:

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the 4 years old and below belong to "young age skin" . The skin is in the best condition at this time and can repair itself quickly if there are problems;

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the 5-30 Between the ages of , women's skin will enter the "lightly mature skin" stage. Skin metabolism slows down, the skin's self-repair ability decreases, and problems such as fine lines and spots will appear;

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the 8-35 years old . Women's skin enters the "mature skin" stage. One of the characteristics of mature skin is that the skin will appear "loose, sagging, sagging".

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

The overall relaxation of the skin proves that the collagen in the skin has been seriously lost. If collagen is not replenished in time, the face will become more and more saggy.

How to self-test whether you have "mature skin"?

The key points are:

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the . Pores

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

With enlarged pores, the first problem exposed is rough skin.

How to know the age of skin based on pores is to carefully observe the "morphology" of pores. The pores of mature skin must be "water drop" shaped! And the whole will be arranged along the downward arc direction, with the most obvious position near the "sides of the nose". The specific picture below:


Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

If your pores are in the same direction as the picture above, it means that your skin It has also begun to "age"! This is also the "help" signal sent by your skin to you.

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the . Nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds on both sides of the skin are also an important sign of aging.

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

Why do nasolabial folds appear? Nasolabial folds may be caused by not paying attention to skin care or due to the rapid loss of skin collagen with age. If you often stay up late, it will also cause nasolabial folds on the face, so those who stay up late must definitely Pay attention to your personal schedule. Staying up late will not only cause a decline in body function, but also cause roughness and aging of the skin.

There is a saying that goes well, girls who love to laugh will not have bad luck, but they will also have nasolabial folds.

The upper section of nasolabial folds is mainly caused by " levator labii superioris muscle "; the middle section of nasolabial folds is mainly caused by " levator labii superioris muscle "; the lower section of nasolabial folds is mainly caused by " depressor labii inferioris " and " orbicularis oris" Muscle " and other muscles caused.

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

Because everyone's facial muscle tissue is different, some people may have some muscles that are more "developed", which will cause certain facial lines to be more obvious than others when making the same expression. They are all nasolabial folds, but the "shape" varies from person to person.

No matter what the reason for the formation of your nasolabial folds is, once you enter the "mature skin" stage, it will become " deeper and " more obvious! The main cause of aging nasolabial folds is the "skin sagging and sagging" mentioned above. How can

"save" sagging skin? Reverse muscle age?

The answer is exquisite skin care!

The key to tightening the skin with skin care products is these four words: glue, original, egg, white. It can be said that any skin care product that can make our skin produce more collagen has the effect of tightening and lifting the skin.

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

Finally, I will summarize for you. From my personal test and feedback from fans, the most effective skin care product for tightening and lifting skin, removing pores and nasolabial folds - Bose because.

Related research shows that 3% Bose can improve the condition of the skin. Compared with other anti-aging ingredients such as retinol, Bose is gentler and suitable for all skin types.

Even high-purity Bose will not cause irritation to the skin. This also proves the reason why Helena Black Bandage dares to directly increase the amount of Bose to 30%, and the anti-aging effect is very significant. !

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

However, the astronomical figure of Helena Black Bandage Cream 3580 is not acceptable to ordinary office workers.

Fortunately, Oujia's patent has expired. With its strong R&D team, domestic domestic brands have launched some high-concentration Bosein skin care products that are as good as and L'Oreal brand in all aspects, completely driving down the price. Got it!

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

The domestic Bosein product is Ganhualu’s Bosein stock solution (30ml 159 yuan). It comes from a well-known pharmaceutical factory in Shandong and is also a first-line supplier of Bosein raw materials. It adds 30% Bosein concentration. , the anti-aging effect on the skin is really great!

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

When this Bosein Essence Essence was first launched, I bought a bottle for my mother. My mother’s wrinkles faded in two months, so middle-aged and elderly friends can really try it.

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Gan. Have you noticed a problem? Some people are obviously 40 years old but look like 30 years old, while some people are obviously only 30 years old but look like 40 years old! The root cause of this phenomenon is the

The most obvious difference is that the skin becomes more hydrated and delicate, just like the skin is sprayed with a sprinkler. Over time, the pores become smaller.

Finally, it is human nature to love beauty, and every age should have its own unique beauty, so from now on, dress up, sisters!

(Disclaimer: Some of the material in this article comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please report it for deletion.)

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