I have been running for 2 months, running 3 or 4 kilometers every morning, but my weight has not dropped, and my BMI is around 20. Although these are normal indicators, people are so dissatisfied.

2024/07/0121:27:32 fashion 1139

I have been running for 2 months, running 3 or 4 kilometers every morning, but my weight has not dropped, and my BMI is around 20. Although these are normal indicators, people are so dissatisfied. - DayDayNews

Toss (1)

The distance from winter to summer is reflected in me as: 3 kilograms, so in summer, I compete with these 3 kilograms.

has been running for 2 months, running 3 or 4 kilometers every morning. His weight has not dropped, and his BMI is around 20. Although these are normal indicators, people are so dissatisfied.

Starting this month, I started doing fat-reducing exercise after running. I can’t describe how refreshing it feels. The

movement is just like this. If you don't achieve the effect, you will continue to toss. But in fact, sometimes it is not just for the effect, sometimes you just want to toss.

The calm lake water has splashes only after tossing, and the same is true in life.

Summer is such a suitable season for tossing.

Toss (2)

In the first ten minutes after running, your body does not sweat, but gradually heats up, and then your legs start to feel sore. At this time, you want to stop and walk slowly.

But remember, don’t stop. Don’t worry about whether your feet are sore or heavy. Adjust your breathing and keep doing it. Then slowly a rhythm developed.

At this time, the warm-up was completed, and the sweat slowly began to come out. By the time I stopped running, my clothes were soaked with sweat.

Even if you don't run, it will run out automatically, and a round shape will appear on the skin, glowing with light, and the face will be flushed. The process of breathing and then recovering is a kind of exercise (torture) in itself.

After the explosion in the first ten days, my lungs gradually got used to it. Of course, I can't say it was easy, but I finally didn't feel out of breath.

exercise is a process of torturing the body. After being tormented for a long time, the body will give up resistance.

Trouble (3)

After running, I didn’t buy tofu (the boss lady hasn’t made it yet). I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, but I always feel warm. I still have to go down and buy a bowl, so as to relieve this psychological knot.

Sometimes the body's reaction is a psychological reaction. When there is a psychological reaction, it will be reflected in the body, and everything can be done as you wish.

Toss (4)

When I read Haruki Murakami 's book about running, I wrote about such a thing.

What do famous marathon runners think about when they run? What motivates them and makes them persist?

It turns out that they are really thinking about many different things in their hearts, and some of them are chanting mantras. Without these, they would not be able to persist to the end.

A runner will recall a sentence while running: Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional. We can translate it as "Pain is inevitable, but suffering can be chosen."

Running is definitely harder than walking in the garden, and pain is certain and difficult. avoid. But you can choose whether to persist during the run, because this is a process of sharpening yourself.

You can choose to give up with "I'm too tired, I can't run anymore, I can't do it anymore", but in this case, you will never know what "gift" you will get if you stick to the end, which is a pity.

Life is an experience, an experience, if you miss it, you will lose it. And to get it, you just need to persist a little longer.

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