Some people in the crowd are clearly past middle age, but they look like they are only 30 to 40 years old. They are many years younger than their peers, no matter where they go? They are all the envy of their peers. This is because these people have been secretly enriching these

2024/06/3007:52:33 fashion 1871

Among the people, some people are clearly past middle age, but they look like they are only 30 to 40 years old. They are many years younger than their peers, no matter where they go? They are all the envy of their peers. This is because these people have been secretly enriching these five places. Let’s take a look at them. Which five places are they?

Some people in the crowd are clearly past middle age, but they look like they are only 30 to 40 years old. They are many years younger than their peers, no matter where they go? They are all the envy of their peers. This is because these people have been secretly enriching these  - DayDayNews

Eye skin

The first wrinkles on the face often appear in the eyes. This is because the eye skin is only 0.04mm, which is very thin. Moreover, the eye skin does not have sebaceous glands and sweat glands and cannot secrete oil. and sweat, so the skin around the eyes lacks a layer of natural skin protection barrier. The skin around the eyes can age 8 years earlier than the skin on other parts of the face. Therefore, people who pay attention to skin care will use it carefully every day. Maintain eye skin

Some people in the crowd are clearly past middle age, but they look like they are only 30 to 40 years old. They are many years younger than their peers, no matter where they go? They are all the envy of their peers. This is because these people have been secretly enriching these  - DayDayNews


The forehead is the second place on the face that is prone to wrinkles, and problems such as closed mouth, acne , acne, enlarged pores, etc. will first appear on the forehead. People who pay attention to skin care, When taking care of your forehead, you will pay special attention

Some people in the crowd are clearly past middle age, but they look like they are only 30 to 40 years old. They are many years younger than their peers, no matter where they go? They are all the envy of their peers. This is because these people have been secretly enriching these  - DayDayNews


The neck can really determine a person's visual age. A clean, white, and smooth neck can definitely reduce a person's age; on the contrary, even if the face is very tight, If the skin on the neck is loose, rough and wrinkled, then the whole person will not look young. Therefore, people who pay attention to maintenance of their necks must also take good care of their necks.

Some people in the crowd are clearly past middle age, but they look like they are only 30 to 40 years old. They are many years younger than their peers, no matter where they go? They are all the envy of their peers. This is because these people have been secretly enriching these  - DayDayNews


Many people say: Hands are a woman’s second face. Delicate, smooth, and white hands give people the feeling that this person They are very young and live a very delicate life; on the contrary, rough, dry, and wrinkled hands will immediately show a sense of vicissitudes of life, and the whole person will not look young anymore. Therefore, those who pay attention to the maintenance of their hands will definitely not miss

Some people in the crowd are clearly past middle age, but they look like they are only 30 to 40 years old. They are many years younger than their peers, no matter where they go? They are all the envy of their peers. This is because these people have been secretly enriching these  - DayDayNews


From a health point of view, if the back is one inch thin, the life span will be ten years; from a beauty point of view, if the back is as thin as paper, even if you reach the age of grandma, It will give you a girlish look, so people who pay attention to maintenance will definitely not ignore these five areas of back maintenance

Some people in the crowd are clearly past middle age, but they look like they are only 30 to 40 years old. They are many years younger than their peers, no matter where they go? They are all the envy of their peers. This is because these people have been secretly enriching these  - DayDayNews

. Careful maintenance can definitely make a person look younger. From now on, secretly work hard! After you reach middle age, you will be the immortal goddess

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