There are many factors that can affect fat oxidation levels (fat loss), such as exercise. Exercise intensity is one of the main factors affecting fat oxidation: the maximum fat oxidation rate is usually obtained at moderate exercise intensity (40% to 60% of maximum oxygen uptake)

2024/06/2721:26:33 fashion 1781

There are many factors that can affect fat oxidation levels (fat loss), such as exercise. Exercise intensity is one of the main factors affecting fat oxidation: the maximum fat oxidation rate is usually obtained at moderate exercise intensity (40% to 60% of the maximum oxygen uptake). Length of exercise, pre-exercise diet, use of caffeine or other substances, and even gender can alter the rate of fat oxidation to some extent.

There are many factors that can affect fat oxidation levels (fat loss), such as exercise. Exercise intensity is one of the main factors affecting fat oxidation: the maximum fat oxidation rate is usually obtained at moderate exercise intensity (40% to 60% of maximum oxygen uptake) - DayDayNews

Turning on the air conditioner will reduce sweating. Will turning on the air conditioner in the gym affect weight loss?

An important factor that is easily forgotten that affects the rate of fat oxidation is ambient temperature. Performing aerobic exercise and sustained exercise at higher ambient temperatures will weaken the expected effect of fat loss. Note that exercising in a hot environment consumes less total energy, which is not conducive to fat loss.

In 2021, 12 young and healthy subjects were recruited to perform a slope bicycle test at 18.3 or 36.3°C. The results found that compared to a cool environment, a hot environment led to a decrease in total calorie consumption. It was concluded that an environment that is too hot is not conducive to weight loss. fat.

(1) During exercise with a maximum heart rate of 50%, when the exercise environment temperature is 18.3ºC, an average of 10.47 calories are consumed per minute. When exercising at a high temperature of 36.3ºC, 10.42 calories are burned per minute.

(2) During exercise at 70% of the maximum heart rate, when the exercise environment temperature is 18.3ºC, an average of 15.15 calories are consumed per minute. When exercising at a high temperature of 36.3ºC, 14.79 calories are burned per minute.

To reduce fat , you should choose a cool temperature environment. When the temperature rises in summer, you must turn on the air conditioner, so that the fat loss efficiency is higher. In addition, a sultry and hot environment is not conducive to fat decomposition, but can also easily cause dehydration, ion loss and even heat stroke, which has a negative impact on comfort, exercise effects, fat loss, and safety.

Hygiene Tips: When exercising in the gym, we must pay attention to hygiene, because the equipment in the gym is used by many people, and many gyms do not clean the equipment. We can bring disinfectant when exercising. Wear towels , disinfect the equipment when using it, and clean your hands thoroughly after exercising.

Henan Yadu Medical focuses on quality and care. Warm reminder: Wear a mask when traveling, reduce travel to other places and cross-border travel, wash hands frequently and pay attention to personal hygiene, maintain social distance and try to avoid contact with crowds, and get the new crown vaccine in time. .

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