On July 10, local time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov made bold words in an interview with the British "Times", saying that he would organize a million-strong army equipped with NATO weapons to attack Kherson. , Zaporozhye and Crimea regions launched a comprehensive counter

2024/07/0221:32:32 military 1392

On July 10, local time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov made bold words in an interview with the British Times , saying that he would organize a military force with NATO weapons and a strength of one million people. The army launched a comprehensive counterattack against Kherson, Zaporozhye and Crimea, and retook the southern coastal areas of Ukraine. He also said that this strategy is crucial to Ukraine's economy. President Zelensky has ordered the General Staff to formulate relevant combat plans, and the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is also coordinating the army. However, less than a week after Reznikov announced his plan to "counterattack the southern region with a million troops," he changed his mind in public, saying that the plan did not exist and that his meaning had been completely misunderstood.

On July 10, local time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov made bold words in an interview with the British

On July 10, local time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov made bold words in an interview with the British

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On July 15th, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov accepted an interview with the Ukrainian media UNIAH. When asked about the specific details of the "million-strong army counterattack in the south" plan, Leznikov Cov explained that the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and the General Staff have never formulated a plan to launch a counterattack in the southern region, and President Zelensky has not ordered the Ukrainian army to launch a counterattack in the southern region, let alone organizing a million-strong army. action. The reason why he made such a statement in an interview with The Times was because English was not his native language, so he said some words that caused misunderstandings among reporters. Reznikov said he was deeply sorry for the misunderstanding he had caused. As for what the "original intention" Reznikov wanted to express in his interview with The Times, he did not disclose it to the media.

On July 10, local time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov made bold words in an interview with the British


Reznikov’s statement caused heated discussions around the world. Most people believed that Reznikov’s change of words was not as simple as a so-called “misunderstanding”. As the Minister of Defense, every word of Reznikov needs to be carefully considered. How could he make such a huge mistake? And if it is true that The Times misunderstood what Reznikov meant, then the Ukrainian government should have stood up to refute the rumors as soon as the report was released and clarify why the whole world knew about it five days after the report was released. After knowing Ukraine's plan to "counterattack the south with a million troops", it was belatedly come to "clarify"? This is obviously illogical. Therefore, analysts believe that the reason why Reznikov suddenly changed his mind and denied the "big counteroffensive" plan is that the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and General Staff encountered insurmountable troubles when formulating the counteroffensive plan and recruiting troops, and ultimately had to cancel it. this plan.

On July 10, local time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov made bold words in an interview with the British

In a previous article, Aerospace Jun elaborated on the problems faced by Ukraine in building a one-million-strong army. First, the supply of weapons and equipment could not be guaranteed. During the nearly five-month conflict, the Soviet-style weapons and equipment that Ukraine had preserved were almost consumed. Although the United States and the West have provided it with a large amount of military assistance, it is obviously not enough to arm an army of one million people. Moreover, Western countries have also been very uneasy recently. British Prime Minister Johnson, who firmly supports Ukraine and has repeatedly added fuel to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, has resigned. Inflation rates in many European countries have reached their highest levels in this century. Western countries Countries are busy with internal affairs, their interest in the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been greatly reduced, and their assistance to Ukraine has also been greatly reduced. Since it is difficult for Western countries to provide sufficient weapons in the short term, the conditions for organizing an army of one million people and launching a comprehensive counterattack are naturally immature.

On July 10, local time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov made bold words in an interview with the British

Secondly, Ukraine has a very serious problem of depleting its military resources. In the past few months of fighting, the Ukrainian army’s veterans who have received complete training and have sufficient combat experience, as well as extremists who have been brainwashed by neo-Nazi ideas, have suffered serious losses. In order to avoid the collapse of the army, the Ukrainian army began a comprehensive forced recruitment and sent these insufficiently trained soldiers to the front line. Previously, the General Staff of Ukraine ordered that all men of service age across the country should register with the local recruitment office and are not allowed to leave the territory without permission from the local recruitment office.

On July 10, local time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov made bold words in an interview with the British

According to the video released by Russia, a large number of Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered said that they were forcibly captured by the Ukrainian army and marched into the army. This kind of forced conscription will naturally lead to dissatisfaction among the people. According to multiple foreign media reports, since the end of June, women in many places in Ukraine have launched a movement to protest against the government’s forced recruitment of people into the army. In some villages, locals have also reported that they will be conscripted into the army. The phenomenon of officials driving away people. Now Russia has issued a decree that all Ukrainian residents can become Russian citizens through simplified procedures. In this context, if the Ukrainian army continues to recruit people into the army on a large scale, it is likely to force a large number of people to flee to Russian-controlled areas. Therefore, the Ukrainian government had to abandon its plan to form a million-strong army.

On July 10, local time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov made bold words in an interview with the British

Of course, Reznikov's change of tune is also inseparable from the recent war situation. Since April this year, the Ukrainian government has been advocating a "counterattack on Kherson." However, in the past few months, the Ukrainian army has not made any progress in the Kherson area, and instead lost a large number of personnel and technical equipment. At present, the Russian army and pro-Russian armed forces have deployed a relatively complete defense system in the Russian-controlled areas, and the Ukrainian army has no chance of counterattack.

On July 10, local time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov made bold words in an interview with the British

All in all, this betrayal is extremely funny and has made Ukraine the laughing stock again. It is hoped that the Ukrainian government can proceed from reality, put the interests of the country and people first, carry out sincere negotiations with Russia without interference from the outside world, resolve the differences between Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible, and achieve peace between the two countries.

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