According to the navigation trajectory of the U.S. Navy's C-2A Greedog fleet logistics supply transport aircraft, the U.S. Navy's CVN76 aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan broke into the South China Sea on July 10 and has been operating in the waters close to the outer coast of th

According to the navigation trajectory of the U.S. Navy's C-2A Greedog fleet logistics supply transport aircraft, the U.S. Navy's CVN76 aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan broke into the South China Sea on July 10, and has been operating in the waters close to the outer coast of the South China Sea. Judging from the trajectory of C-2A's activities on July 13, the USS Ronald Reagan was operating in the waters near the Natuna Islands, once again exposing the guilty conscience of the Pentagon. While the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier CVN76 was cruising in the South China Sea, the USS Benford Aegis guided missile destroyer DDG65 rushed to the front line. According to news released by the People's Liberation Army Southern Theater Command on July 13, the USS Benford The Aegis guided missile destroyer trespassed into Xisha Islands and was warned and driven away by the People's Liberation Army.

Judging from the fact that the U.S. Navy only has the real guided missile destroyer rushing to the front line, the Pentagon is unwilling to let the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier penetrate deep into the South China Sea, but has adopted a detour approach. According to past rules, whenever a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier breaks into the South China Sea, there will be PLA warships "watching" it, and the People's Liberation Army will not give the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier strike group a chance to cross the red line. In addition to using warships to watch, the People's Liberation Army will also conduct combat patrols with air power to put pressure on the U.S. Navy. Obviously, the South China Sea does not have the final say of the United States. The joint operations of the People's Liberation Army's multiple high-tech aircraft can effectively monitor the actions of the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier strike group.

Nowadays, the People's Liberation Army has a variety of weapons that can counter the US Navy's aircraft carrier strike group. What the US Navy is most worried about is the People's Liberation Army's Dongfeng ballistic missile. The People's Liberation Army's Dongfeng ballistic missile can not only attack fixed targets, but also can attack the US Navy's aircraft carrier strike group. Strike, this is a weapon system that subverts the tradition of naval warfare, causing panic in the US Navy. The U.S. Navy still does not have sea-based forces that can counter the People's Liberation Army's Dongfeng ballistic missiles. This is because the Dongfeng ballistic missiles used to attack moving targets at sea have the ability to maneuver within the atmosphere, and the U.S. Navy's existing air-to-air anti-missile weapons cannot be used. use.

Due to the power of Dongfeng ballistic missiles, the US Navy aircraft carrier strike group cannot hold its head high in front of Dongfeng missiles. This is also an important reason for the Pentagon's guilty conscience. Originally, the US Navy's aircraft carrier strike group could establish a deterrent range with a radius of 1,000 kilometers. Dongfeng ballistic missiles The ability to attack aircraft carriers forces the U.S. Navy to adopt a retreat mode for combat cruises. The US military is very concerned about the test launch of the PLA Dongfeng ballistic missile. For this reason, it has long-term deployed RC-135S missile observation and reconnaissance aircraft at the Ryukyu Kadena base to try to obtain relevant information about the PLA Dongfeng ballistic missile. Therefore, within the first island chain of There are battles of wits and courage.

The U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers . Under normal circumstances, they will conduct combat deployments in two areas. After the USS Reagan aircraft carrier began combat deployment, the CVN72 aircraft carrier USS Lincoln ended its operations in the jurisdiction of the Seventh Fleet and returned to the mainland of the country. On the way, he participated in the 2022 "Pacific Rim Military Exercise". 202207133/Aviation Vision/AZ. In addition, the US Navy also has the combat deployment of the CVN75 USS Truman aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean . This is an action by the US Navy to put pressure on Russia. During the current Russo-Ukrainian war, the United States stands on the Ukraine For this reason, while sanctioning Russia, it also provided a large amount of weapons and equipment to Ukraine.

The U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier strike group is no longer a "universal weapon." In the face of the People's Liberation Army's Dongfeng ballistic missiles, the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier strike group cannot hold its head high. As far as the U.S.'s anti-missile capabilities are concerned, the United States will be passive for a long time.