How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the "Taiwan independence elements". No one except themselves takes this seriously. Even the United States believes that it is difficult for the Taiwan military to last more

2024/06/2910:47:33 military 1905

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan?

Regarding this issue, Taiwan's "Taiwan independence elements" are very confident that the Taiwan military can defend Taiwan island "impregnable" and can hold it for as long as it takes.

Of course, just look at the fantasy of "Taiwan independence elements". No one except themselves takes this seriously .

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

Even the United States believes that the Taiwan military will be difficult to persist for more than a week under the attack of the People's Liberation Army.

So, How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? What methods of the People's Liberation Army are the main reasons that make it difficult for the Taiwan military to continue to persevere?

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

In the face of electronic warfare , the Taiwan military has no resistance

After the People's Liberation Army launched the campaign to attack Taiwan, the first wave of attacks that the Taiwan military had to face was the People's Liberation Army invisible electronic warfare and network warfare .

In modern warfare, various modern information-based electronic equipment are the core force in combat.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

Invisible electronic warfare and network warfare are the earliest forms of combat in which two armies compete in modern warfare.

With modern warfare being highly dependent on informatization , the party that fails in electronic warfare will fall into an extremely disadvantageous situation, with basically no chance of regaining the situation in frontal combat.

Therefore, how long the Taiwan military can resist the People's Liberation Army's offensive depends largely on the electronic warfare situation between the Taiwan military and the People's Liberation Army.

So, What is the electronic warfare capability of the Taiwan military?

I am not complacent. The electronic warfare capabilities of the Taiwan military are simply not enough in front of the People's Liberation Army. In fact, the Taiwan military basically has no decent electronic warfare capabilities.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

htmlIn the 1990s, the People's Liberation Army realized the importance of information in modern warfare. It attached great importance to information warfare capabilities in the construction of the entire army and continuously improved its information warfare and electronic warfare capabilities.

At the same time, the Taiwan military still held the traditional war mentality . In its military purchases, it chose fighter jets, tanks , warships and other weapons and equipment.

Although these equipment are advanced, in information warfare, they do not have strong enough information capabilities and electronic warfare capabilities , and these weapons and equipment simply cannot perform as they should.

The People's Liberation Army was aware of this problem in the 1990s and began to solve it. In contrast, Taiwan's military procurement officials were short-sighted and gave up the introduction of American electronic warfare equipment and continued to introduce weapons and equipment.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

By now in the 2020s, the People's Liberation Army's electronic warfare capabilities are already at the same level as the US military's . In the maritime electronic competition with US military aircraft, they are evenly matched or even slightly ahead.

What is the level of the US military's electronic warfare capabilities? I think all readers should know that the electronic warfare capabilities of the People's Liberation Army, which can compete with the US military, are self-evident.

In contrast, does not pay attention to electronic warfare at all. The Taiwan military , which has not developed electronic warfare capabilities, will inevitably fall at a disadvantage in the electronic warfare competition in the early stages of the Taiwan invasion campaign.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

Therefore, in the early stages of the Taiwan invasion campaign, facing the People's Liberation Army's powerful electronic warfare capabilities, the Taiwan military could resist for no more than a few hours.

In fact, the Taiwan military was unable to take any confrontational actions at all, it was completely beaten unilaterally.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

The Taiwan military is unable to withstand the PLA's strikes

and other PLA electronic warfare attacks. After suppressing the Taiwan military's communication system and command system, the Taiwan military will face the PLA's long-range fire strikes and air strikes.

Faced with these two blows, the Taiwan military still puts at an absolute disadvantage .

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

You must know that the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force has the world's largest conventional missile force with the most advanced performance and the most complete types.

When the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force launched an attack, not even the US military could resist it, let alone the little Taiwan .

To withstand the long-range fire strikes launched by the People's Liberation Army's Rocket Force, one must either have the advanced anti-missile system to intercept, or the same use conventional missiles for cross-fire .

But for the former, even the US military's anti-missile system is not confident enough to withstand , and for the latter, no army has the ability to engage in a " missile war " with the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

So it is very obvious that the Taiwan military has no resistance at all to the long-range fire strikes launched by the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force..

has no ability to resist, so the Taiwan military can only resist the Rocket Force's attack.

The People's Liberation Army's air strikes, are similar to the Taiwan military .

Although the Taiwan military is known as "the world's number one air defense firepower density" , the more modern air defense system it pays more attention to information combat capabilities.

As we mentioned earlier, has no ability to fight back against the electronic warfare attacks of the People's Liberation Army.

So under the suppression of the People's Liberation Army high-intensity electronic warfare attacks , the Taiwan military's advanced air defense weapon systems can play a very limited role.

Even for US-made air defense weapons such as Patriot 2 and Patriot 3, the United States must ensure the right to control electromagnetic forces when using them. If it loses the right to control electromagnetic weapons, the US military itself will not have any expectations for these weapons.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

The situation that the Taiwan Air Force has to face is that under the high-intensity electronic warfare attack of the People's Liberation Army, it has to face the People's Liberation Army's air combat system composed of early warning aircraft , reconnaissance aircraft , electronic warfare aircraft, and stealth fighter aircraft .

A high-performance stealth fighter such as the J-20 alone can penetrate the entire Taiwan Air Force's defense line, not to mention an entire combat system following behind.

After the People's Liberation Army Air Force launches the attack, within a few hours, all Taiwan military fighter jets that can take off will be wiped out .

Subsequently, the People's Liberation Army Air Force's multi-purpose fighter aircraft will launch air strikes against Taiwan's military targets.

Taiwan's military can also only resist .

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

At this stage, because there are many Taiwanese military targets, and many targets are reinforced and concealed, it is still quite time-consuming to destroy most of the Taiwanese military targets.

A rough estimate is that at this stage, the People's Liberation Army will need to spend three days to a week to carry out early fire strikes, and then use drones for air defense suppression, ready to destroy any fish that slip through the net.

After the Taiwan military survives this stage, it will face attacks from the People's Liberation Army Navy and landing forces.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

The Taiwan Navy is unable to resist

The Taiwan Navy, in front of the main fleet of the People's Liberation Army Navy , is like a child who has not yet grown up, facing a heavyweight boxer.

The most powerful surface combatants of the Taiwan Navy are four "Kidd" class destroyers built in the United States in the 1970s. This type of destroyer is an improved model of the famous American "Spruance" class destroyer.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

In the U.S. Navy, the "Spruance" class destroyers are mainly responsible for anti-submarine tasks, air defense capabilities are relatively poor .

So the United States improved the "Spruance", developed the air defense type "Spruance" , which is the "Kidd" class destroyer.

But soon the U.S. Navy obtained the "Ticonderoga" class Aegis ship . Its air defense capabilities were greatly enhanced, so there was no need for the "Kidd" class.

Originally, the United States was planning to sell four "Kidd" class ships to Iran , but then conflicts broke out between the United States and Iran, and the United States canceled the arms sales plan. Put the four "Kidd" class ships into the U.S. Navy Serving .

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

html In the 1990s, the famous "Burke" class destroyers of the United States were put into service in large numbers. The "Kidd" class, whose performance was far behind, was decommissioned and sealed by the United States..

In 2003, Taiwan purchased these four retired "Kidd" class destroyers from the United States and renamed them "Keelung".

As a warship designed and built fifty years ago, the "Kidd" class destroyer has lagged far behind the times and has little ability to resist the emerging People's Liberation Army fleet.

You must know that the main air threat that the navy needed to face in the 1970s was aircraft. What the navy now has to face are various anti-ship missiles .

With the air defense system of the "Kidd" class destroyer, let alone China's unparalleled anti-ship ballistic missile , it has no power to fight back. Even the supersonic anti-ship missiles such as the YJ-18 and YJ-12 , can easily penetrate .

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

Even, because the "Kidd" class destroyer radar model is old , it is difficult for the "Kidd" class to effectively intercept subsonic sea-skimming anti-ship missiles.

is just like the cruiser "Moscow" at the beginning of this year. It was sunk because the radar was old and unable to intercept the sea-skimming target .

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

"Kid" level is , which is almost the same generation as and "Moscow" number .

Except for the "Kidd" class, none of the Taiwan Navy's other surface ships have any decent air defense capabilities. The famous "Lafitte" stealth frigate's air defense weapons are actually manually operated portable missiles.

Therefore, under the anti-ship firepower of the People's Liberation Army Navy and Air Force, the Taiwan Navy completely lost its combat capability within a few hours and was completely wiped out by the People's Liberation Army.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

The People's Liberation Army's ground forces are overwhelming

After clearing out the Taiwan Navy, the People's Liberation Army can launch a landing operation on Taiwan Island.

According to outside estimates, in the first wave of landings, the People's Liberation Army will invest 4-8 brigades of ground troops.

Moreover, these brigades of the People's Liberation Army are all fully-manned heavy-duty combined brigades, highly informatized and highly mechanized , and are the strongest offensive force of the People's Liberation Army.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

In contrast, the Taiwan military has only two or three armored brigades, and its equipment is very lagging behind. Its main tanks are only second-generation CM11 "Yonghu" tanks, and other equipment is generally one or two generations behind.

Moreover, the Taiwan military does not pay attention to the role of informatization and does not realize the leading role of informatization in modern warfare.

Therefore, the informatization level of Taiwan's ground forces is very low, and their synthesis is just a formality. Not only does it not take advantage of the synthetic forces, it also reduces the combat capabilities of Taiwan's ground forces.

Moreover, this is only the first wave of troops of the People's Liberation Army to engage in landing operations .

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

After the first wave of landing troops opens several landing sites, the PLA's follow-up troops will gradually enter the battle.

How many troops can the People's Liberation Army invest?

According to the analysis of some think tanks, they believe that the number of troops that the People's Liberation Army can invest in Taiwan is approximately 3-5 army units.

Each group army has 6 combined brigades, and 3-5 group armies are How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the 8-30 combined brigades.

Of course, the People's Liberation Army will not necessarily invest so many troops , because when there is a huge difference in combat power between the two sides, there is a threshold for the number of troops invested and the speed of the battle.

After this threshold is exceeded, no matter how many troops are invested, there is no way to speed up the progress of the battle.

But even so, the People's Liberation Army can still quickly annihilate most of the Taiwanese ground forces , because the Taiwanese ground forces have no way to compete with the People's Liberation Army.

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

Moreover, the island of Taiwan is small in size. The People's Liberation Army is equipped with many drones and is also very efficient in destroying small groups of Taiwanese troops.

So in the direction of large ground forces, the battle can be resolved in a few days.

But we have to pay attention to another problem, that is, there may be a small group of Taiwanese independence elements breaking into the city and fighting the People's Liberation Army in street battles and resisting to the end.

Under this situation, in order to protect the lives and safety of the Taiwanese people as much as possible, we must slowly and surround these small groups of Taiwan independence elements and slowly eliminate these enemies .

How long can the Taiwanese army last in the battle to attack Taiwan? Of course, just look at the fantasy of the

Anyway, the overall situation of the entire Taiwan Island has been decided at this time. The remaining small groups of enemies will be slowly solved, will not affect the follow-up actions in other places .

Therefore, 180,000 Taiwanese troops seem to be a lot, but under the full attack of the People's Liberation Army, can only resist for a week or two at most , and the People's Liberation Army will solve the battle like a mammoth enemy.

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