Ceremony site. Family members change police rank signs for their loved ones. Red Net Moment News, July 7 (Correspondents: Ma Rongyi, Zhu Zhengyi, Reporter: Chen Zonghao) On July 6, the Yueyang Detachment of the Armed Police held an order announcement meeting and promotion ceremon

2024/06/0812:42:32 military 1704
Ceremony site. Family members change police rank signs for their loved ones. Red Net Moment News, July 7 (Correspondents: Ma Rongyi, Zhu Zhengyi, Reporter: Chen Zonghao) On July 6, the Yueyang Detachment of the Armed Police held an order announcement meeting and promotion ceremon - DayDayNews

ceremony scene.

Ceremony site. Family members change police rank signs for their loved ones. Red Net Moment News, July 7 (Correspondents: Ma Rongyi, Zhu Zhengyi, Reporter: Chen Zonghao) On July 6, the Yueyang Detachment of the Armed Police held an order announcement meeting and promotion ceremon - DayDayNews

Family members replaced the police title logo for their loved ones.

Red Net Moment News, July 7, (Correspondents: Ma Rongyi, Zhu Zhengyi, Reporter: Chen Zonghao) On July 6, the Yueyang Detachment of the Armed Police held an order announcement meeting and promotion ceremony to the police rank. All officers and soldiers of the detachment and some of the officers and soldiers’ families participated.

At 10 a.m. that day, the order announcement meeting and police rank promotion ceremony kicked off with the solemn national anthem. Yang Xianglai, captain of the Yueyang Detachment of the Armed Police, announced the promotion order. The officers and soldiers who were promoted (awarded) to the police rank came to the stage one by one to receive the order, and welcomed the glory of their military career with the most upright posture and the most high-spirited attitude. Ma Zhiyong, the political commissar of the detachment, expressed his gratitude to the promoted officers and soldiers and their families for their hard work over the years. “Promotion in military rank is not only an honor but also a responsibility, an affirmation and an expectation.” He encouraged everyone to make new achievements at a new starting point, cherish honors, and work hard in the detachment. We will make new achievements and achieve greater success in the construction journey of forging ahead.

Among the eight officers and soldiers who participated in the ceremony, there were not only agency staff officers with superb professional skills, but also front-line commanders and soldiers who were based on their duties and took root at the grassroots level. "From captain to major, it is not just the military rank that changes, but the burden on my shoulders is also heavier. I will do a good job based on my duties and live up to the trust and expectations given to me by the organization!" Yu Wei, who participated in the ceremony, said with passion .

The police rank promotion ceremony inspired the officers and soldiers' sense of mission, responsibility and honor, and also strengthened the officers and soldiers' determination and confidence in dedicating themselves to the practice of strengthening the army. Deng Donghai, director of the political work office of the detachment, said: "This activity aims to strengthen positive incentives, transform the sense of ceremony and honor into a sense of responsibility and mission, further boost military morale and stimulate inexhaustible motivation to prepare for war."

"Can I feel very proud to see my husband’s growth and progress and share this glory and joy, and feel that my efforts are worth it.” Cao Ying, wife of newly promoted cadre Zhang Xile, said with a smile on her face when she talked about her feelings of being invited to participate in the event. Overflowing with happiness. Zhang Xilei is a front-line commander at the grassroots level of the detachment. He is often in a "007" state at work, spending less time with his family and spending more time apart. The burden of the family is basically borne by his wife Cao Ying alone. At the ceremony, Cao Ying and other family members of the officers and soldiers personally replaced the police rank insignia for their loved ones.

After the ceremony, the officers, soldiers and their families took photos to record this glorious moment.

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