In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream.

2024/05/2019:13:33 military 1088

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. It is also weak in military technology. At that time, we had always dreamed of building our own aircraft carrier at home. But this is unrealistic. Because we have no core technology and no financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream.

At this moment, an Australian warship was declared scrapped. Our country seized the opportunity and bought this scrapped warship at a high price, hoping to help us research and design it. Unexpectedly, this time we successfully mastered the core top-secret technology, and accelerated the pace of my country's aircraft carrier research. The hero of is Australia’s Melbourne number .

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

The Melbourne was born in frustration

The first construction of the Melbourne began in March 1943. It did not have a name at that time. was originally built by the British for use in and during World War II.

At that time, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and destroyed a large number of American warships and aircraft. Since then, the United States has been strengthening its design research on warships and conducting continuous exercises and trials, just to prevent the last accident from happening again. saw the United States stepping up its pace, the British Empire was not to be outdone, and followed closely. This is how we got this battleship.

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

However, because it took too long, it was not tested until 1945. But World War II was about to end, and the British felt there was no need to continue research. Therefore, the subsequent construction work of this battleship was forced to be suspended.

Until 1947, Australia spent a huge sum of money to buy this unfinished aircraft carrier, and hoped to continue the design and renovation. However, the technical level at that time was limited, and the technical transformation of warships required huge financial support, and equipment had to be imported from the UK. These problems stretched the design front for nearly ten years.

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

In October 1955, this majestic warship officially completed all the design work and could be put into use. In the same year, this great work was named "Melbourne" and officially joined the Royal Australian Army. became the second Australian warship named after Melbourne. The first was the light cruiser HMAS Melbourne put into service in 1913.

I thought that this great aircraft carrier could give full play to its skills and advantages in Australian waters. But at this juncture when everyone was paying attention, problems arose with the Melbourne, which began to make people doubt whether it was a qualified fighter.

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

The precarious life of the Melbourne

In 1957, the Melbourne ushered in the first mission of its service career. Everyone was waiting for this masterpiece to show off its skills. But by chance, the Melbourne collided with another battleship. The collision caused the front end of the Melbourne to be directly deformed.

later investigated and found that the collision was caused by an oversight by the staff. Everyone in regarded this incident as an episode before the general went on an expedition. But what no one expected was that one episode after another would follow.

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

In 1964, the Melbourne crashed again while performing a mission. is different from last time. The impact was so powerful that the other warship and all the people on board were annihilated. The hull of the Melbourne was also seriously damaged and required huge costs to repair. In 1969, Australia was invited by the United States to conduct combat exercises at sea. At this time, the Melbourne had undergone the last repair and improvement and had no similar problems. Australia can safely dispatch the Melbourne to fight. Just when the Australian side was waiting for to show off its capabilities, another sudden impact stunned both sides.

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

The Melbourne ship is huge, and it is a behemoth for an ordinary cruiser . This collision directly caused the destruction of a US warship and the loss of lives. was originally an exercise, but it caused such serious consequences. From then on, the Melbourne was "famous" and all warships avoided it.

This series of confusing behavior also confused the Australian side. They conducted multiple inspections on the Melbourne number, and even the accompanying personnel were selected and assessed at all levels. Logically speaking, accidents should not happen again and again.

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

Moreover, every investigation after the accident shows that there is no problem with the Melbourne itself. It is the responsibility of the party being hit. With this idea, Australia once again believed in this ill-fated child and spent huge sums of money to improve the performance of the ship.

It was not until 1979 that the Melbourne exploded again, causing heavy casualties. The repeated accidents of not only caused Australia to invest huge funds in improvement, but also caused a loss of face. As a result, Australia completely lost its trust in it. Decided to dismantle it and sell it.

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

China bought it back at a high price and received an unexpected surprise.

At that time, Australia proposed a price of US$30 million. Although it is expensive, our country has always wanted to master the technology of aircraft carrier research, and this opportunity is once in a lifetime.

Therefore, our country sent professionals to Australia to visit this weather-beaten "warrior". After some understanding of , we decided to buy the Melbourne number. This is undoubtedly good news for Australia. Both parties were happy, and the warship was shipped to Guangzhou in 1985.

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

When everyone saw it for the first time, they couldn't help but marvel at its majesty. At the same time, I feel excited because we finally have the conditions to study aircraft carriers. , especially General Liu Qinghua, could not conceal his excitement. His biggest dream is to see China build its first aircraft carrier in his lifetime. Now, this wish will soon come true.

Under the leadership of Liu Qinghua, dozens of professionals began to conduct research on various behemoths. This research not only clarified the design structure and composition of the warship, but also discovered the core technology.

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews

In order to keep the technology secret, Australia has dismantled the electronic system before selling the aircraft carrier. But we found the most important technology in this empty shell, which is the blocking cable and catapult , which are the top priority in the study of warships. The catapult and blocking cable both affect the landing and combat capabilities of the warship and are the core parts. The discovery of

excited everyone present. Without these two, we don't know how long it would take to develop these technologies. now has mastered the key parts, and the research and design process of the aircraft carrier has been accelerated by at least a few years. Subsequently, our country continued to explore and innovate in aircraft carrier technology and truly realized self-creation.

In the middle of the last century, our country was in the early stages of its establishment, with a lot of waste waiting to be done. Because we have neither core technology nor financial support, building an aircraft carrier has become an unattainable dream. - DayDayNews


In the eyes of Australia, what they sold was an empty shell, but it gave us an unexpected surprise. I don’t know how the Australian side felt when they learned the news. Seeing that our country's technology is becoming more and more mature and advanced, how should they deal with it? The

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