According to China Taiwan Network, after many reunification figures in Taiwan expressed their support for reunification at the second cross-strait exchange seminar, the Taiwan authorities launched a brazen retaliation, targeting Zhang Xiuye, the head of the Chinese Patriotic Unit

2024/06/0607:12:32 military 1959

According to China Taiwan website , after many reunification figures in Taiwan expressed their support for reunification at the second cross-strait exchange seminar, the Taiwan authorities launched a brazen retaliation against Zhang Xiuye, the head of the Chinese Patriotic United Party, and others. In the name of so-called "violation of security laws", a wanted order was launched. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council pointed out in a clear stance that this incident exposed the Taiwan authorities’ persecution of anti-“Taiwan independence” people on the island for their own selfish interests of “independence”. This is another shameless political manipulation by the Taiwan authorities.

As the key force for the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, the safety of Zhang Xiuye ​​and other reunification faction members on the island deserves attention and help. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities in Taiwan have taken "Taiwan independence" as their motto, taking advantage of their power to eliminate dissidents. They have continued to act perversely amid the multi-faceted problems of declining people's livelihood on the island, the loss of the epidemic, food safety shortages, and power shortages. Run all the way on the road of national sinners and those who will be liquidated.

According to China Taiwan Network, after many reunification figures in Taiwan expressed their support for reunification at the second cross-strait exchange seminar, the Taiwan authorities launched a brazen retaliation, targeting Zhang Xiuye, the head of the Chinese Patriotic Unit - DayDayNews

Taiwan's inflation index has reached a new high in more than ten years, and the food inflation index is still outstanding. As for the management of the new crown epidemic, since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic on the island has been at a high level, there are still about 30,000 infections and 100 deaths every day. The failure of the Taiwan authorities has caused the island to completely fall into the new crown . Amid the shortage of various COVID-19 testing kits, therapeutic drugs, and hospital bed resources, the epidemic is greatly devouring the island's development vitality and the quality of people's livelihood.

While the DPP serves the interests of the United States and pursues "Taiwan independence", compatriots on the island continue to "bleed" for the selfish interests of the DPP. In this context, the cross-strait reunification process is proceeding from three aspects. Advance. 1. With the launch of the Fujian aircraft carrier and the People's Liberation Army Navy's long-sea practical training in the Western Pacific, South Pacific and other regions becoming more and more regular, the so-called "first island chain" set up by the United States can play a greater role in military intervention in the Taiwan Strait. increasingly limited. The development of the People's Liberation Army's maritime hard power is to defend China's maritime strategic space in a way that the United States can understand.

According to China Taiwan Network, after many reunification figures in Taiwan expressed their support for reunification at the second cross-strait exchange seminar, the Taiwan authorities launched a brazen retaliation, targeting Zhang Xiuye, the head of the Chinese Patriotic Unit - DayDayNews

The top military attache of the United States Mark Milley recently changed his previous statement that "the mainland will inevitably take over Taiwan with force" to "the mainland may, should, and may take over Taiwan with force." The U.S. military, which has always adhered to a jungle-style discourse system, has shown an attitude The softening is based on a basic premise: the balance of military power between the Chinese and American navies near the Taiwan Strait is reversing. This has laid the tactical cornerstone for excluding the external intervention forces of the United States and Japan from the Taiwan Strait when the two sides are reunified.

2. With "unification" as the core, the reunification forces on the island have gradually formed a joint force between the two sides to promote reunification. The reunification forces on the island have an arduous task in promoting reunification in the face of the "Taiwan independence" forces, and they need to work with the "Taiwan independence" forces. Ideological, cultural, and organizational contests, and through cross-strait exchange seminars, Zheng Chenggong's 360th anniversary commemoration of Taiwan, and other activities, the unification forces on the island are gradually gathering. A single spark can start a prairie fire. China's national strength is not what it used to be, and the trend of cross-strait reunification is not what it used to be. At this turning point in history, with appropriate ideas, organization, and a pragmatic attitude, it is the time for the island's reunification forces to make a big difference.

According to China Taiwan Network, after many reunification figures in Taiwan expressed their support for reunification at the second cross-strait exchange seminar, the Taiwan authorities launched a brazen retaliation, targeting Zhang Xiuye, the head of the Chinese Patriotic Unit - DayDayNews

3. The continuous development of the mainland’s comprehensive strength is becoming a beacon guiding cross-strait reunification. When a country has a lot of wealth, those from afar will come. The cohesion of cross-Strait reunification is rooted in the blood, history, and culture of the Chinese nation. The driving force for cross-Strait reunification comes from the development opportunities and development space created by the mainland for compatriots on the island, and from the increasingly close exchanges and integration process between the two sides. Kinmen- Xiamen , as a demonstration area for cross-strait integration, has been increasingly put on the agenda in Jinmen and Xiamen on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and the mainland's growing achievements in technology, finance, industry, people's livelihood, etc. will be significantly A relatively clear sign of promoting the change of people's hearts on the island, especially in the chip field, is that after the mainland breaks the US blockade in the chip field and achieves a technological breakthrough, the mentality of some people on the island will directly undergo subtle changes.

A slowly rejuvenating China is the common aspiration of all Chinese people. China is rejuvenating, those from afar are coming, and those who are wandering are returning.

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