In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei

2024/06/0706:55:33 military 1039

Text | Chi Lu Nostalgia

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In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews


In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-firing dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. .

What people never expected was that they did not fire again, but lay in the soldier's ear and said softly: "Don't move, we will leave in a moment."

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In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

The Japanese puppet army during the Anti-Japanese War

had a dream and joined the Red Army

This soldier who was let go was Qin Guang, who was born in Huang'an County, Hubei Province. He had high respect for the Red Army led by Chairman Mao since he was a child.

He believes that the Red Army conquers the world for the common people. In front of the invaders, the Red Army soldiers are like ferocious lions, vowing to tear all invaders into pieces and drive them back to their hometowns.

However, in front of the people, they have become ruziniu who are willing to make selfless contributions to the people without taking any part from the people.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Red Army

With a yearning for the Red Army, Qin Guang joined the revolutionary ranks at the age of 13.

It was a pity that the leader saw that he was young and relatively short, so he arranged for him to fight against the red flag.

Qin Guang felt that he was particularly honored to be a red flag bearer, and he felt even more proud. At a young age, Qin Guang regarded the red flag as more important than his life.

In his opinion, the red flag is the soul of an army. Without the guidance of the red flag, the combat effectiveness will naturally be greatly reduced.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Qin Guang

It was his spirit that supported him to embark on an extraordinary life path in that chaotic era.

He followed the troops through the Long March, the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he also joined the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

It can be said that he has experienced all the wars in his life, so he was awarded the rank of colonel after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and was personally received by Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and others.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Qin Guang

The "Immortal Warrior" praised by everyone

In early 1941, Japan's North China dispatch commander Hata Shunroku decided to launch a major sweep and sent a large number of troops into six routes, hoping to wipe out the anti-Japanese base areas in HT1 Luxi in one fell swoop.

At that time, Qin Guang had just received an order and came to the Third Battalion of the Western Shandong Military Region as the deputy instructor, but he never expected to encounter a large-scale raid by the Japanese army as soon as he arrived.

At that time, the Japanese army sent more than 7,000 Japanese troops and more than 10,000 puppet troops , supplemented by tanks , cars, aircraft and other support. The troops were divided into four groups to conduct a thorough sweep of the Luxi base area.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Japanese troops marching

So Qin Guang, who was nearby, received an order from the organization to launch a blockade in Su Village to hold back the attacking Japanese troops and buy time for the transfer of the Luxi base area.

The two sides fought very fiercely. After a battle, there were only more than 20 people left in the troops led by Qin Guang, who gathered in a corner of the village.

After the Japanese army's support arrived, all roads around Su Village were completely blocked, so Qin Guang and his party were also besieged in the village.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

The Eighth Route Army was besieged

The frustrated Japanese army saw that they could not annihilate Qin Guang, so they began to attack with hand grenades . One of the shrapnel just hit Qin Guang's head, and a large amount of blood surged out.

But before everyone could recover, the frantic Japanese army released poison gas bombs again. Qin Guang and others could no longer hold on and fell to the ground unconscious.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

The Japanese army launched an attack on them, but

When they woke up again, they found that they had been tied up. Looking at the Japanese army in front of him, Qin Guang understood that today might be the day of his death.

As expected, Qin Guang and his party were pulled into a wheat field by the Japanese army.

Qin Guang took advantage of the enemy's lack of attention and quietly gave orders to the soldiers, asking them to flee in all directions when they passed through an open field, and they could break through one by one.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

The Japanese army escorted the Eighth Route Army

So just when the enemy dragged them to the open space and prepared to massacre them, Qin Guang gave an order and the soldiers ran away. Upon seeing this, the Japanese army hurriedly picked up their guns and started shooting.

Qin Guang was shot several times and fell to the ground. Upon seeing this, the Japanese army hurried forward and shot him in the neck.

After seeing Qin Guanghun's death, he thought he had been killed, so he ignored him and walked away.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Qin Guang

Later, as the Japanese army withdrew from Su Village, our soldiers came to Su Village to clean the battlefield and were surprised to find that Qin Guang still had a trace of breath left.

So he was rushed to the hospital for rescue, which saved his life. And his deeds were interviewed and reported by newspaper reporters. Everyone praised him as an " immortal warrior".

What people never expected was that when Qingguan saw that his injuries were almost healed, he insisted on returning to the army, despite his life's warnings.

But at that time, Qin Guang would never have expected that just two years later, he would go through hell again.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Qin Guang

was injured for the second time

In March 1943, Qin Guang, who served as the political commissar of the detachment, led his team to break out from Guan County and stationed in a village in Guan County.

But he never thought that a traitor would inform the Japanese army overnight. In the early morning of the next day, more than 1,000 Japanese soldiers would rush towards the village with the cooperation of the puppet troops.

html On the 1st, the puppet army moved very quickly. The large force directly surrounded the detachment led by Qin Guang. After the sentry found out the situation, he hurriedly ran to report the situation of his team to Qin Guang.

It turned out that the Japanese and puppet troops surrounded Zhangliuzhao Village where Qinguang's troops were stationed on three sides, and used the iron barrel formation method in an attempt to eliminate Qinguang's detachment in Zhangliuzhao Village.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Japanese troops

Looking at the Japanese and puppet troops several times his own, Qin Guang knew that his opponent was planning to kill his own troops.

After some thinking, Qin Guang made a bold decision to break out.

In Qin Guang's heart, since he has been surrounded, breaking out is the only way.

Before the enemy notices and the encirclement has not been narrowed, taking the initiative to catch the enemy by surprise may be the best way at the moment.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Discussion plan

After some discussions, Qin Guang summoned some managers of the detachment and assigned them corresponding tasks.

also ordered the soldiers to attack along the southwest position outside the village towards the deep ditch, and then break out from the south.

Since it is a breakout, naturally all the people cannot leave together, otherwise once an encounter occurs, enemies several times their size will come closer.

Because if the breakout troops cannot stand out at once, their position will be exposed. Once the enemy's army comes up, the breakout troops will undoubtedly be annihilated.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews


After some thought, Qin Guang ignored the advice of others and decided to stay behind and cover other teammates to break through first.

Qin Guang first asked one team to break through, and the other team to cover. He stayed with a small number of backbones to buy time for the two teams to break through.

Unfortunately, the plan could never keep up with the changes, and the breakout operation did not go smoothly.

Just when Qin Guang's team arrived in the Fanzhuang area, they were surprised to find that a large number of Japanese and puppet troops were already ambushing there.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews


Seeing that his position had been exposed, Qin Guang knew that the team was in a very bad situation and needed to break out quickly.

Because the enemy reinforcements were coming from the north and south, if the team could not protrude from the southeast, they would have to wait for death under the full siege of the Japanese and puppet troops.

In order to preserve his strength and give more people a chance to stand out, Qin Guang decided to break up the army into small groups.

At the same time, each team disperses to break out, so as to avoid enemy artillery attacks and reduce team casualties.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews


As a cadre, Qin Guang showed the courage to not be afraid of sacrifice at the moment of life and death, and resolutely left the opportunity to breakout to his teammates.

himself led a small team to break out to the south, while the staff officer led another team to break out to the southwest.

The reason why Qin Guang did this was to entangle with the enemies in the south and cover the southwest team to break out.

You must know that the Japanese and puppet troops in the south are the strongest in the entire encirclement network, but at this time Qin Guang has no choice but to lead his team to charge towards the enemy.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Breakout Battle

At this time, everyone in the second squadron he led was determined to die, and the soldiers charged forward one by one.

Some soldiers died under the enemy's gunfire, and some soldiers were hit by enemy artillery fire. Seeing the soldiers fall to the ground one by one in front of him, Qin Guang also felt very uncomfortable.

But the current situation was so critical that Qin Guang couldn't bear to feel sad and immediately took two grenades from the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers.

then held a grenade in one hand and a pistol in the other. He rushed out of the trench for cover and launched a charge towards the enemy.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews


Qin Guang knew very well that if he kept hiding in the trenches, he would undoubtedly die slowly. If he gave it a try, there might be a glimmer of hope.

After rushing to the enemy's position thirty meters away, Qin Guang threw the grenade in his hand. The grenade drew a perfect arc and exploded in the enemy's position, killing many enemies.

Qin Guangshen's actions also moved all the soldiers, and everyone began to charge desperately. It was at this time that an accident happened.

Qin Guang, who had been rushing to the front, was shot in the waist by the enemy and fell down.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Fierce fighting

Qin Guang, who was hit by a bullet in the waist, was naturally unable to stand up and continue charging. At this time, the soldiers who were charging with Qin Guang also fell one by one on the way to the charge.

Qin Guang didn't know where he was injured or whether he could survive. He first touched his head and then his chest.

After discovering that the wounds were not in these two places, Qin Guang decided to pretend to be dead, hoping to deceive the enemy and wait for the arrival of the support team.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews


At this time, the position in Zhangliuzhao Village, Guan County was filled with deathly silence, with corpses of Eighth Route Army soldiers and Japanese and puppet troops everywhere.

Looking at everything in front of them, the arrogant Japanese and puppet troops felt that they had "won" and ordered to start cleaning the battlefield.

The Japanese commanders spoke their Japanese, and the translator next to them was also busy translating. The translator shouted:

"The imperial army said, put away the weapons and ammunition, and replenish the surviving Eighth Route Army soldiers." The gun lasts! "

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Japanese officer

"Don't move, we'll leave right away"

On the battlefield, last-minute shots and last-minute shots are relatively common, and the purpose of doing this is to prevent the enemy from escaping before they are dead or pretending to be dead. One calamity.

The Japanese army at that time was undoubtedly crazy. They not only used last-minute blows on our soldiers, but also on innocent people, for fear that their cruel behavior would be exposed.

After receiving the order from the Japanese army commander, the Japanese and puppet troops also began to take action. They used swords and guns on the people lying on the ground on the battlefield and took away the weapons. This is also the basic process of cleaning the battlefield.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Puppet Army

Suddenly a young puppet army accidentally spotted a pistol in Qin Guang's hand, so he walked over and wanted to take it away.

Because of this, the young puppet soldier was surprised to find that Qin Guang was still alive. He couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he had to tell an old puppet soldier next to him that Qin Guang was still alive.

When the old puppet soldier heard this, he first told the young puppet soldier not to panic, and then slowly walked towards Qin Guang with a bayonet. He wanted to see Qin Guang.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Japanese puppet army

Qin Guang was injured at this time, but he was still awake. He saw two puppet soldiers coming over and unconsciously clenched the gun in his hand.

Just when Qin Guang was about to take action, he never thought that the old puppet soldier did not re-shoot him, but pretended to check and stopped his behavior with a small movement.

said to him in a very small voice at the same time:

"Don't move, we will leave in a moment, the Chinese will not kill the Chinese"!

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Cleaning the battlefield

At this time, Qin Guang was a little unexpected and looked at the other party with suspicion, but the current situation did not allow him to struggle.

He could only nodded slightly and then lay down again.

After a while, Qin Guang heard the puppet soldier say:

"There are no people alive here, let's go."

Then there was another burst of footsteps, which meant that the puppet soldiers had withdrawn. .

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

The puppet army

The night after the puppet army left, several people dressed as ordinary people came to rescue Qin Guang. After careful care by the villagers, Qin Guang gradually recovered his ability to move.

After Qin Guang recovered, after thanking the local villagers for their care, he immediately set off to search for the large army.

After some hardships and obstacles, Qin Guang finally found his unit and returned to the army.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

People took care of the Eighth Route Army

After returning to the army, Qin Guang participated in the War of Liberation and to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea , and made great contributions to the founding of New China.

was awarded the rank of colonel at the military conferment ceremony in 1955.

On April 9, 2019, the "immortal warrior" Qin Guang died of illness in the hospital at the age of 102.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Martyr Qin Guang


Looking at the development of the whole thing, Qin Guang joined the army at the age of thirteen and used his life and blood to interpret the revolutionary spirit of the people's soldiers.

A revolutionary martyr who could not be beaten to death, Xiao Hongqi, Qin Guang, who has won countless honors, has used practical actions to fulfill the life pursuit of a revolutionary.

And his revolutionary spirit of risking his own life to protect his family and country during his long revolutionary career has also been respected by everyone.

In 1943, when the Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning the battlefield and re-shooting dead Eighth Route Army soldiers, two puppet soldiers were surprised to find that an Eighth Route Army soldier was still alive. What people didn't expect was that they did not replenish thei - DayDayNews

Qin Guang

Because for these heroes who have been on the battlefield, they have already ignored their own life and death.

They are not afraid of death, but they hope to save their lives, continue to contribute to the country and the people, and fight against the enemy.

Because for them, ideals and beliefs are the ultimate pursuit of life. For the revolutionary cause in their hearts, they will not hesitate to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire.

It is precisely because of revolutionary warriors like Qin Guang who shouldered the burden for us during the war that we created such a peaceful and prosperous era for us. They deserve our eternal remembrance and admiration.

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