As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, NATO's actions against Russia have become increasingly aggressive. In addition to targeted deployments against Russia, NATO has made another worrying move. NATO's Supreme Allied Command Europe has changed its commander. U.S. A

2024/06/0704:28:33 military 1222

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, NATO has become more aggressive in its actions against Russia. In addition to targeted deployments against Russia, NATO has made another worrying move. NATO's Supreme Allied Command in Europe has changed. Handsome, replaced by U.S. Army four-star general Christopher Cavalli.

It should be noted that this position is very high within NATO, ranking second in the military department, second only to the Chairman of the Military Committee. Being the supreme commander of NATO's Supreme Allied Command Europe means that he has mastered the military power of NATO. This is the military strength of thirty NATO countries. It can be imagined how much power he has in his hands.

As for this targeted adjustment, it is obvious that the situation is heading towards Russia.

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, NATO's actions against Russia have become increasingly aggressive. In addition to targeted deployments against Russia, NATO has made another worrying move. NATO's Supreme Allied Command Europe has changed its commander. U.S. A - DayDayNews

Observer Network news, at the NATO summit, NATO approved a large-scale defense reform plan. The so-called reform is to readjust the strategy to deal with Russia.

There are many factors to consider. The first is the Russia-Ukraine conflict. NATO has been supporting Ukraine behind the scenes, but the effect is obvious to all, and it cannot stop the Russian army at all. Even as NATO increases its assistance, the Ukrainian army becomes increasingly reluctant to fight. Once the Ukrainian army is defeated, what should NATO do?

Whether you admit defeat or quit directly, you need to be prepared in advance.

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, NATO's actions against Russia have become increasingly aggressive. In addition to targeted deployments against Russia, NATO has made another worrying move. NATO's Supreme Allied Command Europe has changed its commander. U.S. A - DayDayNews

Secondly, it is almost a foregone conclusion that Finland and Sweden will join NATO. These two countries are close to Russia, and the border between Finland and Russia is very long. How to play Finland's role in containing Russia also requires careful planning.

Once again, NATO upgraded its definition of bilateral relations between NATO and Russia, defining Russia as the "biggest and most direct threat." The escalation of diplomacy is bound to further intensify the conflicts between the two sides, which means that the possibility of a head-on conflict between Russia and NATO is increasing. Therefore, careful planning is also required.

Now it seems that NATO has chosen the simplest and crudest way, which is to use military force to put pressure on Russia, trying to scare Russia so that Russia does not dare to act rashly.

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, NATO's actions against Russia have become increasingly aggressive. In addition to targeted deployments against Russia, NATO has made another worrying move. NATO's Supreme Allied Command Europe has changed its commander. U.S. A - DayDayNews

At present, NATO has increased its highly combat-ready troops to more than 300,000, about one-tenth of which are deployed close to Russia. At the same time, a large amount of heavy equipment was also deployed with these personnel.

also has a series of targeted measures in the United States. U.S. President Biden said that a permanent frontline command will be deployed in Poland , and at the same time nominated American four-star general Christopher Cavalli to serve as the supreme commander of NATO's Supreme Allied Command Europe.

Cavalli previously served as commander of the U.S. Command in Europe, responsible for all U.S. military garrisons in Europe.

is now serving in NATO, and his position is very high. He is the second-ranking figure in NATO's military department and has taken over NATO's military power.

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, NATO's actions against Russia have become increasingly aggressive. In addition to targeted deployments against Russia, NATO has made another worrying move. NATO's Supreme Allied Command Europe has changed its commander. U.S. A - DayDayNews

While the United States is advancing the deployment of forward headquarters, it is sending American generals to take charge of NATO troops. This is to "kidnap" NATO allies to work with it. Once the United States chooses to escalate the situation, other NATO members will not be able to escape, whether they like it or not.

Previously, an American expert said that NATO has become the attack dog of the United States. This metaphor is not pleasant, but it is very vivid. The United States has tied other NATO members to its own warship. As long as the United States provokes trouble, other NATO members will be forced to cooperate with the United States in the charge.

If all thirty member states of NATO had a voice and had an equal relationship, the United States would not be able to do whatever it wanted, but NATO has become an offensive organization led by the United States.

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, NATO's actions against Russia have become increasingly aggressive. In addition to targeted deployments against Russia, NATO has made another worrying move. NATO's Supreme Allied Command Europe has changed its commander. U.S. A - DayDayNews

Just looking at these operations of the United States, including changing the commander, establishing a forward headquarters, and showing a posture of entering Ukraine at any time to fight Russia, it is impossible to ease the situation. On the contrary, it has increased the risk of misfires. possibility.

Now the United States and NATO have expressed their unwillingness to have a direct military conflict with Russia, but what the United States is doing is exactly the opposite. Facts have fully proved that the United States is the source of trouble in the world and the culprit of the turmoil in the international structure.

This also reflects the struggle of the United States from the side. It can only kidnap its allies through some despicable means, and it can no longer make other countries willingly surrender to the United States.

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