He was a soldier. In December 2000, he bid farewell to his military career, returned to Linhe, and became a new recruit on the tax front.

2024/06/0709:07:33 military 1981

He was a soldier. In December 2000, he bid farewell to his military career, returned to Linhe, and became a new recruit on the tax front. - DayDayNews

He was a soldier. In December 2000, he bid farewell to his military career, returned to Linhe, and became a new recruit on the tax front. He has been working in taxation for more than 20 years. He is dedicated to his job, dedicated to his job, diligent, dedicated to his job, loves his job, and excels in his job. He dedicated his beautiful youth to his beloved taxation career. With a serious and responsible work attitude, he is diligent and pragmatic. His work style has been rated as "advanced worker" at the urban and municipal levels many times. He is Wu Peng of the Linhe District Taxation Bureau of Bayannur City of the State Administration of Taxation.

He was a soldier. In December 2000, he bid farewell to his military career, returned to Linhe, and became a new recruit on the tax front. - DayDayNews

“When I was first assigned to work in the tax system, I didn’t understand the work business. At that time, I secretly made up my mind to study every second, learn professional knowledge by myself, master tax policies and understand work processes as soon as possible. At the same time, I should learn more from my colleagues. Please tell me, I think there is nothing you can't learn as long as you are willing to learn." After taking up a new job, Wu Peng always kept in mind the sacred mission of "gathering wealth for the country and collecting taxes for the people", and stepped up his study of business knowledge. Soon he will be able to apply tax knowledge and rules and regulations freely in his work.

Tax reduction and fee reduction is a major strategic decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. It is an important measure to deepen the supply-side structural reform . It is also an important task of the tax department in recent years. It is important for reducing the burden on enterprises and stimulating the market. vitality and promote economic growth. In April 2019, the tax reduction and fee reduction work was in full swing. Wu Peng, as the full-time deputy director of the Tax Reduction and Fee Reduction Office, not only took the lead in arranging and coordinating many tasks, but also required him to complete them personally. He organized various departments to The departments work together to operate in stages and by tax type, assigning responsibilities to posts and people to ensure the smooth completion of the tax refund work.

He was a soldier. In December 2000, he bid farewell to his military career, returned to Linhe, and became a new recruit on the tax front. - DayDayNews

The work of tax reduction and fee reduction is complicated, and the massive statistical data on tax reduction and fee reduction is the top priority of the work. There are 16 reports, involving more than 50,000 pieces of data, and each piece of data needs to be verified one by one. In addition to the arduous statistical entry of data, verification must be carried out by industry, tax type, grade, region and policy. Since the start of the tax refund work for small-scale taxpayers, nearly 20,000 pieces of data have been pushed to the People's Bank of China. Wu Peng has reviewed them one by one with relevant personnel to ensure that the number of households and the tax amount are accurate. After tax cuts and fee reductions were centralized, his workload increased. He organized tax reduction and fee reduction deployment meetings, work meetings, and promotion meetings, formulated various plans and work procedures, and reported work information and tax and fee reduction work trends. , daily newspaper, weekly work summary, information publicity and reporting must also be participated. In

tax publicity work, Wu Peng is brave enough to innovate and actively come up with ideas. Together with everyone, he came up with special publicity methods such as "joining tax accounting firm volunteers to carry out publicity" and "many visits to publicize the new tax reduction policy". In order to ensure that the tax policy is well-known to everyone, he actively participated in the "street-to-street" publicity campaign for tax reduction and fee reduction, and visited street shops, shopping malls, and enterprises many times to participate in the promotion of tax reduction and fee reduction policies, and helped enterprises settle their tax and fee reduction accounts. During the New Deal Training for Taxpayers, the "Thousand People Lecture Hall" centralized taxpayer training was held twice a day. The workload was huge, the time was tight, and the tasks were heavy. He, who was responsible for arranging and coordinating the work, worked from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and even took care of it at noon. Without rest, I would sometimes make more than 100 phone calls in a morning. When I was busy, I didn’t even have time to drink water, and my voice was often hoarse. While responsible for tax reduction and fee reduction, Wu Peng also did tax analysis and work. Tax reduction and fee reduction could not delay the progress of tax analysis work. He found a way to make the two tasks intertwined.

He was a soldier. In December 2000, he bid farewell to his military career, returned to Linhe, and became a new recruit on the tax front. - DayDayNews

Wu Peng strives for excellence and meticulousness in every job. In accordance with the requirements of the key tax and fee reduction work list issued by the superior tax authorities, List No. 24 is directly responsible for tax refunds by the revenue accounting department. This work involves 11,943 items and 4,701 taxpayers need to handle tax refunds.In order to speed up the implementation of tax cuts and fee reductions and promptly distribute the "red envelopes" of national tax cuts and fee reductions to every taxpayer, he led the income accounting unit to set up a tax refund telephone contact group to contact taxpayers one by one to inform them of the tax refund requirements. information materials. However, since it takes a long time for taxpayers to provide tax refund information and the data quality is generally low, the usability rate is low. The team members communicated with major local banks through the tax source department to obtain user bank account-related information, and compared the bank information with No. 24 The data in the list were matched to overcome problems such as data format and account opening bank name mismatch, irrelevant data were eliminated, and tax refunds were processed after the sorting was completed.

There is a kind of emotion that comes from ordinary persistence, and there is a kind of shock that comes from years of persistence. Since joining the work, Wu Peng has experienced many job changes in tax administration, information center, regulations, income accounting, etc. No matter which position he holds, Wu Peng has fulfilled his duties, been proactive, and has always maintained the rigorous and serious work style of a soldier. From the army to the local area, from a soldier to a tax collector, his position has changed and his role has changed, but Wu Peng's blood and true nature as a soldier have not changed, and his purpose of serving the people has not changed. He used his persistence to show his military spirit that will never fade while being down-to-earth.

He was a soldier. In December 2000, he bid farewell to his military career, returned to Linhe, and became a new recruit on the tax front. - DayDayNews

Correspondent: Ushall

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