After marrying a Korean, you can apply for F6 residence status. This is one of the visa types with a high degree of freedom. Many people change their original residence status to F6 after marrying Koreans. Some people even marry Koreans in fake marriages regardless of the risks f

2024/07/0108:44:32 migrant 1604

and Korean get married, they can apply for F6 residence status. This is one of the visa types with a high degree of freedom. Many people change their original residence status to F6 after marrying Koreans. Some people even marry Koreans in fake marriages regardless of the risks for this residence status. However, the status obtained through marriage will disappear after divorce, so many people consult lawyers and immigration experts before divorce on how to keep their F6 registration certificate during divorce. This article briefly introduces the effect of divorce on F6 login certificate in practice.

After marrying a Korean, you can apply for F6 residence status. This is one of the visa types with a high degree of freedom. Many people change their original residence status to F6 after marrying Koreans. Some people even marry Koreans in fake marriages regardless of the risks f - DayDayNews

Under normal circumstances, foreigners can stay in South Korea until the validity period of their registration certificate expires. Therefore, after the divorce, the F6 registration certificate is still valid, and you can legally reside in South Korea until it expires. But it is different when the couple is unhappy when they divorce and offends Koreans. In practice, some Koreans go to the immigration office after divorce to report the fact of divorce and revoke the identity guarantee given to their foreign spouse. In this case, the F6 registration certificate will be canceled when entering and exiting, and if the validity period is still there, the divorced foreigner will be asked to leave the country within a time limit and an exit order will be issued.

Therefore, Koreans who enter and exit the country after divorce can "terminate" their F6 registration certificate in advance. But when there are life issues such as work, career, and renting a house in Korea that need to be dealt with, can I continue to stay in South Korea to deal with things before leaving? of course. At this time, prepare the documents proving that you need to stay in South Korea and explain it to the immigration. You can change it to an F-1-6 registration certificate (household arrangement visa) and you can temporarily stay in South Korea. However, you can only stay for a maximum of one year with this registration certificate, and you cannot legally work. The benefits are far inferior to the original F6 registration certificate.

How to keep the F6 login certificate for a long time while getting divorced? In addition to special circumstances such as fighting for the custody of Korean children and the death of a Korean spouse, the most commonly used method is to find the cause of the breakdown of the Korean marriage, file a divorce lawsuit and win. In this way, you can get the winning verdict and change the F-6-1 to F-6-3 and continue to stay in South Korea. However, it should be noted that even if you keep your F6 after divorce, you must continue to live in South Korea. If your F6 registration certificate is invalidated after returning to the country for more than one year, and you need to find a new Korean to marry and reapply in the future, it will be difficult to restore the original one.

After marrying a Korean, you can apply for F6 residence status. This is one of the visa types with a high degree of freedom. Many people change their original residence status to F6 after marrying Koreans. Some people even marry Koreans in fake marriages regardless of the risks f - DayDayNews

Lawyer Jin Yi’s thoughts:

Author: Lawyer Jin Yi

After marrying a Korean, you can apply for F6 residence status. This is one of the visa types with a high degree of freedom. Many people change their original residence status to F6 after marrying Koreans. Some people even marry Koreans in fake marriages regardless of the risks f - DayDayNews

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