Fully prove the authenticity of the marriage or partnership: such as all information about the acquaintance and love between the two parties, travel, dating, intimate photos, sweet chats and call records, the parties meeting their parents, getting engaged, taking wedding photos,

2024/06/2917:29:33 migrant 1027

In fiscal year 2022, the annual quota for dependent immigrants is about 105,000, of which the quota for spouses and children is 80,000. This number has been relatively stable for many years. Couple reunification is currently the highest priority category in Canada.

There are no language requirements, no work experience requirements, no financial requirements, no past rejection history, and no restrictions on gender or health status. The only consideration is the authenticity of the relationship between the two parties. Everything is in the name of love [Heart] Fully prove the authenticity of the marriage or partnership: such as all information about the acquaintance and love between the two parties, travel, dating, intimate photos, sweet chats and call records, the parties meeting their parents, getting engaged, taking wedding photos,  - DayDayNews

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

Must be over 18 years old;

LPR Spouse or de facto partner (regardless of gender)

Fully prove the authenticity of the marriage or partnership: such as all information about the acquaintance and love of both parties, travel, dating, intimate photos, and sweet chats Call records: Both parties met their parents, got engaged, took wedding photos, held a wedding, shared assets between husband and wife, and lived together, proving both parties’ interests, hobbies, and lifestyle habits, small details, etc.;

To get married in Canada, you need to meet the age requirements of each Canadian province; those who get married outside Canada must also meet the local requirements National and Canadian legal requirements. De facto marriage requires proof that both parties have lived together for at least 12 consecutive months.

The guarantor must meet the following requirements:

Be at least 18 years old and must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

Permanent residents must be in Canada, while citizens are unlimited.

The guarantor must prove that he or she has no Receive social assistance due to reasons other than disability.

Sufficient funds to prove that can afford the basic life of the spouse's children.

Persons in one of the following situations cannot be used as a guarantee:

Temporary status; the guarantor's own permanent residence application is still being processed; There is no proof of sufficient funds; you have sponsored your former spouse or partner and have been a permanent resident for less than 3 years; other relatives that the guarantor has sponsored in the past have sought financial assistance from the government after immigrating and cannot sponsor other people; failure to pay Alimony and child support; bankruptcy has been declared but has not been completed; criminal records and other bad records; the guarantor immigrated through spousal reunification and has been a permanent resident in Canada for less than 5 years; departure orders and other special circumstances.

Fully prove the authenticity of the marriage or partnership: such as all information about the acquaintance and love between the two parties, travel, dating, intimate photos, sweet chats and call records, the parties meeting their parents, getting engaged, taking wedding photos,  - DayDayNews

The difference between domestic and overseas applications:

Domestic application requires both the applicant and the guarantor to live in Canada. When submitting the application, you can attach the spouse work permit application, so that you can start working legally in Canada before your status is approved. If the application is finally approved, the applicant and the guarantor need to go to the interview together and complete the login. Note: If a domestic application is rejected, you cannot appeal.

Overseas application is suitable for applicants who temporarily live overseas or who are unable to live in Canada during the application period, and cannot attach a work permit application when submitting the application. If an overseas application is rejected, you can file an appeal within 30 days.

Overseas application review is usually more stringent. If the immigration officer questions the authenticity of the marriage relationship, an interview will be required. The applicant needs to go to the Canadian Embassy for an interview. Domestic applicants usually complete the interview in Hong Kong, China.

I wish all the lovers in the world to get married [Rose]

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