Australia's healthcare system is a system that benefits everyone. Every permanent resident of Australia can apply for a medical insurance card. With this card, you can get basic medical services including outpatient services, treatment, hospitalization, and medicine purchase for

2024/06/0215:37:34 migrant 1879

Australia’s health care system is a system that benefits everyone. Every permanent resident of Australia can apply for a medical insurance card. With this card, you can get basic medical services including outpatient services, treatment, hospitalization, and medicine purchase for free at community clinics and public hospitals in Australia.

Australia's healthcare system is a system that benefits everyone. Every permanent resident of Australia can apply for a medical insurance card. With this card, you can get basic medical services including outpatient services, treatment, hospitalization, and medicine purchase for  - DayDayNews

Behind this needs to be supported by a strong medical system and a talent pool in the medical and life science fields. In the Australian GTI project, which recruits outstanding talents from around the world, the field of health and life sciences is designated as one of the designated fields.

As a project to recruit top talents, GTI hopes to recruit applicants who have achieved high achievements, high education, and high income in the designated fields. In addition to providing supporting documents to prove achievements, applicants also need to have recommenders in the field (Australian citizens or PR, qualified New Zealand citizens or Australian institutions) for endorsement. There are no restrictions on the age and English test scores of applicants.

Australia's healthcare system is a system that benefits everyone. Every permanent resident of Australia can apply for a medical insurance card. With this card, you can get basic medical services including outpatient services, treatment, hospitalization, and medicine purchase for  - DayDayNews

Let’s take a look at the situation of two invited applicants in the field of health and life sciences.

Case 1 Mr. A from Sri Lanka

A is a digital health expert specializing in genomic computing. His work has received awards internationally and published articles in major journals. Mr.

A is currently a Genomic Computing Systems Engineer at the Center for Clinical Genomics at the Institute of Medicine, where he is engaged in cutting-edge research and development of genome sequencing and computing. Mr.

A and his team have made contributions to Australia's fight against the new crown epidemic. Their work in developing and deploying genomic technologies to study viral spread, evolution and contact tracing has been adopted by public health laboratories across the country.

Australia's healthcare system is a system that benefits everyone. Every permanent resident of Australia can apply for a medical insurance card. With this card, you can get basic medical services including outpatient services, treatment, hospitalization, and medicine purchase for  - DayDayNews

Case 2 Dr. B from the United States

Dr. B's doctoral research at the Yale School of Public Health focused on investigating the genomic epidemiology of emerging RNA viruses , including the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. During the pandemic, she contributed to the development of low-cost saliva-based COVID-19 diagnostic tests and participated in building infrastructure for large-scale SARS-CoV-2 genomic epidemiology in Connecticut.

Before going to Yale, Dr. B received a two-year postbaccalaureate research training award through the National Institutes of Health.

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