July every year is the time when Australia’s new and old fiscal year policies alternate. There are no changes in the new fiscal year’s policies. It is currently waiting for state governments to announce the end of the previous fiscal year and the quotas for the new fiscal year. I

2024/06/3004:49:33 migrant 1470

July every year is the time when Australia’s new and old fiscal year policies alternate. There are no changes in the new fiscal year’s policies. It is currently waiting for state governments to announce the end of the previous fiscal year and the quotas for the new fiscal year. I - DayDayNews

July every year is the time when Australia’s policies for the new and old fiscal years change. There are no changes in the policies for the new fiscal year. It is currently waiting for state governments to announce the end of the previous fiscal year and the quotas for the new fiscal year.

takes this opportunity to share with you the current situation of immigration in New Zealand. New Zealand and Australia are on the same line, New Zealand is also a country that friends who are concerned about Australia often compare with.

First of all, New Zealand recently announced that the full border opening time will be officially advanced to July 31. Due to the recurrence of the epidemic, New Zealand was the last among the four major immigration countries to open its doors.

All major overseas immigration applications that have been stalled in the past two years will also be fully opened. Among the four major immigration countries, New Zealand is the only country that has no overseas application policy at all during the epidemic. This one-size-fits-all style is very New Zealand.

July every year is the time when Australia’s new and old fiscal year policies alternate. There are no changes in the new fiscal year’s policies. It is currently waiting for state governments to announce the end of the previous fiscal year and the quotas for the new fiscal year. I - DayDayNews

In terms of policy, it is worth mentioning that New Zealand has recently launched a "green list" of immigration positions. There are currently 85 positions in total, which is similar to Australia's PMSOL job list for epidemic-stricken positions. Among them, 56 positions can directly apply for permanent residence in the Express Immigration Occupation List, and the other 29 positions require 2 years of work before applying for permanent residence.

The advantages of the green list also greatly simplify the process for relevant employers and improve efficiency. Applicants for non-green list positions still need to have a salary that is more than twice the median salary in the relevant field and have worked for 2 years.

For many young friends who have no work experience or technical background and want to apply for skilled immigration or work immigration, they still have no choice but to study abroad. This process is almost the same as in Australia:

Study abroad - get a graduation work permit after completing your studies - apply for skilled immigration after finding a relevant job.

New Zealand’s EOI technical invitation score must be 160 or above to be invited. It is worth noting that the criteria for skilled jobs are not only a skills list but also an annual salary requirement of NZ$53,000. After all, local academic qualifications + local employers are the key components of 160 points for skilled immigrants.

July every year is the time when Australia’s new and old fiscal year policies alternate. There are no changes in the new fiscal year’s policies. It is currently waiting for state governments to announce the end of the previous fiscal year and the quotas for the new fiscal year. I - DayDayNews

Regarding investment immigration, it is still the traditional investment category 1 and investment category 2. Category 1 does not have any conditions like Australia’s 188C. It only needs to prove the legality of the source of funds. The investment amount in New Zealand is 10 million New Zealand dollars, and in Australia it is 5 million Australian dollars. .

Investment Category 2 is a bidding investment, currently starting from at least NZD 3 million, requiring an investment background of more than 3 years and English requirements. During the two years of the epidemic, although it was possible to apply, there was no substantial processing or any visa issuance. I believe that it will speed up as the border is fully opened.

Finally, I would like to mention New Zealand’s parent reunification immigration. This type has been closed for several years, and there is currently no sign of whether it will be restarted. Although there were efforts to provide high-paying child guarantees during the period, the number of places was small, the feasibility was really low, and the channel had to be closed again when the epidemic hit.

In fact, both Australia and New Zealand are facing the problem of aging. Although Australia has not closed the channel, the queue for free parent visas takes 20 years, and the queue for paid visas also takes 6 years. This trend is not optimistic.

Regarding this point, New Zealand currently has a parent retirement investment immigration channel. Parents need to invest 1 million New Zealand dollars for 4 years, 500,000 New Zealand dollars for settlement expenses, and provide an annual income of 60,000 New Zealand dollars per year.

Friends who are familiar with Australia may know that a few years ago, Australia’s business category also had a similar retirement and pension investment category starting from 500,000 Australian dollars, but it was axed last year with the major reform of the business category.

In short, whether in Australia or New Zealand, although some favorable policies have been introduced for some people in the country during the epidemic, these are all short-term. Looking back overseas, Australia and New Zealand have not made immigration policies easier because of the epidemic. Instead, they have raised some thresholds due to the damage caused by the epidemic. Therefore, the sooner interested parties participate, the more guaranteed the results will be.

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