Four satiety foods that help lose weight

Even if I decide to wear earrings, if you are hungry now, you can't consider losing weight. Is there no way to lose weight without being hungry? ?

Eat before meals can reduce the amount of food, and there are foods that can continue to feel full and help lose weight.

Nuts rich in unsaturated fatty acids can give people a feeling of fullness and help suppress appetite. But nuts are usually very high in calories. If you only eat nuts instead of meals and supper, you might think that they are not enough. But the story is different if you eat it before meals. It is understood that nuts increase the production of hormones, help regulate appetite, and are rich in dietary fiber. Most of the fat in nuts is excreted. Compared with the situation where nuts are included in the diet, it has been long-term fullness, waist circumference and weight are lower, and many studies have been reported. . . Eating a handful of nuts before meals can prevent overeating and help lose weight.

Vegetables have less carbohydrates and rich dietary fiber. They are essential foods for conductors. The problem is to eat salad instead of meals. If you don’t eat and eat only salad, you will feel more hungry. After eating the salad, you can reduce your food intake and feel full. Salad with olive oil can increase satiety and greatly reduce food intake. Olive oil is rich in oleic acid. In the small intestine, which is responsible for fat metabolism, it will send a message to the brain that you are not hungry, thereby reducing appetite and maintaining fullness. Sensation effect. If you eat a salad before cooking with a spoon, you can reduce the amount of food, and the feeling of fullness will last for a long time.

The once popular "soup weight loss method" fell silent because the soup was eaten before meals. In fact, the diet studied abroad from the perspective of obesity prevention is the way to eat soup before meals. Studies have shown that eating soup before meals reduces the intake of calories by about 20% during the meal. :: One thing to note here is that if you want to eat vegetable soup, if you change it according to our country’s recipe, it will become a vegetable soup. Soup cooked with meat may be high in calories. In the vegetable soup, lighten the liver a bit, and eat it slowly with dried vegetables before meals. Because the stomach is invigorating, the appetite can at least feel fullness.

a handful of nuts before a meal,A plate of fruit, a vegetable salad with olive oil, and a lightly boiled vegetable soup are "natural foods that suppress appetite". While keeping hunger lasting, they can also lose weight healthily. . This is the content proven by the research results, be sure to try it, don't worry about losing weight!
