Colombian fitness expert, the body fat rate is maintained at 10% all year round, and the perfect waist-to-hip ratio is very beautiful

Sonia Isaza, a fitness expert from Colombia, really shocked me when I saw this photo of her abdominal muscles. A person who has been working out for less than 7 years has the perfect muscular body of a professional bodybuilder. It is really rare to control body fat at 10%. It takes tenacious perseverance and good physical fitness to achieve it.

Now, Sonia Isaza has more than two million fans on Ins . Her figure has become the motivation of fans, and many fans will reply to her messages as much as possible. , Very heartwarming. In addition to being supported by fans, Sonia Isaza also received a lot of endorsements. Sonia Isaza wearing sportswear is really beautiful! The perfect waist-to-hip ratio is very beautiful.

In the gym, she looks like a female man, but she has a feminine self-portrait in her bathroom. She often exercises, her skin is firm and smooth, with no pores, and she has a little makeup embellished, which is completely goddess level. Yes, sexy and cute.

Wheat-colored skin is really amazing, the forearms are muscular and not losing lines, and the most dazzling thing is the strong abdominal muscles, which makes people unable to look away, and the chest is very full. The type is the kind of round and nice-looking spherical breast, which is really nice! The buttocks stretch the full curve of the legs, and the overall look is plump and powerful.

Although Sonia Isaza has such a good figure and is comparable to professional bodybuilders, she said that she had never thought of entering the bodybuilding industry because if she became a bodybuilder, she would have to sacrifice a lot She said she couldn’t do it at all with her time and energy to maintain a good figure.Because she hopes to have a little wine and some burgers with her friends while exercising. This idea is really too real! Sonia Isaza, which I don’t want to set up at all, really makes everyone really like it~

Let’s introduce a few classic fitness exercises. , When your muscles are tightened, it looks really invincible and beautiful!

equipment seated rowing

This action can effectively stimulate the back muscles, promote the increase of latissimus dorsi dimension, and at the same time can strengthen teres minor muscle and the muscles of the deltoid posterior fascia, so that the back The muscles are firmer, and you will have a beautiful butterfly bone. It will also exercise the arm muscles, get rid of the unicorn arm, and make the whole upper body look more upright.

Steps: Sit on the instrument chair, step on the pedals with both feet, pull the sliding handle with both hands, tighten the core muscles, and then start to tighten the handle with the arms and back muscles. At the same time, bend the knees and push the hips down. When the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles participate in the stretching process, always keep the shoulder blades and arms in a tightened state, while keeping the back straight, which can stimulate the latissimus dorsi more.

leg press

This action can effectively train the muscles of the entire lower body and make the leg muscles firmer. At the same time, you can exercise and gluteus , which can increase the dimensionality of the hip muscles. Make the hip shape more plump and round, get rid of the flat figure,Create an S curve.

Steps: Adjust an appropriate clamping angle, sit on the instrument chair, hold the instruments on both sides with both hands and hold the handles, use a narrow width for both legs, and step on the soles of the feet On the barbell, after tightening the core muscles, try to use your heels to exert force, mobilize quadriceps , push your legs up, push the barbell to the highest point, and then slowly lower your legs to return to the starting point Location.

Swiss ball weight

Adding weight to do this action can make the abdominal muscles more intensely stimulated, coupled with the elasticity and rolling of the Swiss ball, it also increases the role of stabilizing the core muscles. Do more After a few times, you will start to sweat like rain, practice regularly, and your body fat will get lower and lower.

Steps: Lie on your side on the Swiss ball, with one leg in front and one leg bent behind, with one hand on the waist and abdomen, and the other hand holding the weight film. Put it on your ears, tighten your core muscles, use your abdominal muscles to lift your upper body up, and then slowly back down, repeat this several times.

The above 3 actions, you will know how sour and cool after practicing! If you don't go to the gym, your figure will fall behind! Don't rush for success when you first start training. Even a fitness expert like Sonia Isaza, it is through increasing persistence that he leads from Xiaobai Village to the Great God Road!
