Know these 5 things to lose weight, lose weight faster

These are very important but easily overlooked little knowledge points, which can help everyone avoid detours during weight loss.

You may eat more than you think

Most people lose 50% of their estimated food intake every day.

Whether it’s a candy brought from a colleague’s desk or a leftover French fries from a boyfriend, the average snack’s calories per bite is about 25 calories .

If you eat four more bites a day, you will gain a pound of weight per month.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight, have regular meals, have balanced nutrition, eat more lightly cooked dishes, and eat more staple foods with the right amount of weight, and protein is essential.

In addition, we must grasp these two principles well, Eat less takeaways and eat less snacks _strong14p strong _strong14p strong _strong14p strong _strong14p

After people start to eat, the stomach and intestines secrete hormones that suppress appetite, and insulin is also secreted, allowing the brain to signal a sense of fullness.

Drink a glass of water or soup before meals. The soup should be less oily and use less starch to thicken.

Next, eat high-fiber and low-calorie vegetables, then eat high-quality protein food, and finally eat staple food.

In general: drink saliva (clear soup) to refresh the stomach, and then follow the order of "fiber → protein/fat → carbohydrate" _span_strongspan3 _strong14

According to this meal order,Can reduce carbohydrate intake, control blood sugar levels, and reduce calorie intake.

But there is a big premise, eat slowly.

Don’t worry about edema, drink plenty of water _


Drinking too much water can cause edema in the limbs, creating a pseudo-state that appears to be fat.

Drinking at least 3 _span 3span _strong11 _span _strong14

But here everyone should pay attention to two points:

_span Don’t wait for yourself to drink a lot of water or strong after _span14In normal times, the amount is appropriate.

Slowly drink about 100ml~200ml each time in a small sip .

control the feeding time will greatly

breakfast: should be the best time to eat seven Around half past seven is best.

Lunch: The largest meal of the three meals is very important! The best eating time should be 11:30-12:30.

Dinner: The key to losing weight is a meal that must be eaten but eat less, preferably before seven o'clock.

You can eat less and more meals when you lose weight.Don't overeating or excessive dieting~

The belly is probably because the fat accumulation in the abdomen is caused by eating too much fruit _strong14_strong p 5 The visceral fat in the abdominal cavity and the belly is a signal that the visceral fat exceeds the standard.

Fruits can induce fatty liver. Because fruits have fructose , the main metabolic site of fructose in the human body is the liver.

After we ingest a large amount of fruit, the fructose in the fruit enters the liver for metabolism, part of it becomes energy, and part of it becomes fat for storage.

Over time, more and more fat remains in the liver, which will form fatty liver and increase the risk of hyperlipidemia and obesity.

In fact, eating fruit normally is no problem.But many people eat 3, 5, 10 fruits as soon as they eat... Information does not mean that they agree with their views and are responsible for their authenticity. If it involves the content of the work, copyright and other issues, please contact us by private message, we will delete the content as soon as possible!
