How many common English vocabulary do you know about fitness?

I am jasmine green tea with cold weather.

A fitness enthusiast who has successfully lost 20 pounds of fat while achieving muscle gain after 5 months of use.

pursuit "You look thin when you dress, but you have flesh when you take it off." The lean body of has always been my goal.

If you are in this body shape and cannot change, then follow me is the wisest choice.

Today I have compiled some commonly used English vocabulary in fitness peripherals,

3 and commonly used muscle types

3, _span_span_span5 and commonly used equipment. First, it can help us better understand the video of foreign fitness gods,

Second, this is also a "cold knowledge" that you must know as a fitness expert!



To make this boring "learning English" session more interesting,I will not write the Chinese translation corresponding to English,

but it will be accompanied by dynamic pictures or static pictures for everyone to guess. Is this more interesting?

But don’t worry, I will post the answers under each category.

that we ado, to go from ~

a: muscle type

1. Biceps

2. Triceps

3. abdominus

4. Latissimus Dorsi

5. Gluteals

_p5_strong 1 span1 span18 6.span riceps

What do you guess? Let me announce the answer:

Biceps-biceps; Triceps-triceps;

_ Abdominus-span_span3 dorsal muscles; Gluteals- gluteus maximus; Quadriceps- quadriceps femoris.

II: Action name

this should be very simple, a look at the dynamic map to know ~

  1. Push-up

2. Pull-up

3. Chin-up

4. Dips

5. crunch _strongspan1 psp Leg Raises

7. Deep squat

8. Lunge

9. L-sit

10. Bench press

11. Deadlift

12. Biceps curl

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13. Lying Lateral Raise

_p5sp span1, OKBegin to announce the answer~

Push-up: push-up ; Pull-up: forehand pull-up;

-up span-Dips: backhand Chin spanup span3span;

crunch: abdominal crunch; Hanging Leg Raises: horizontal bar hanging and raising legs;

Deep squat: a squat jump; );

L-sit: right angle support; Bench press: barbell bench press;

span3 span1 deadlift: deadlift_span_span3 span0 span1; Lying lateral raise: flat side

three: fitness equipment used

1. dumbbell

2. bar bell

3. horizontal bar

4. Parallel Bars

should be the simplest,I don’t need to publish the answer, right?

Forget it, let’s announce it~

dumbbell-dumbbell; barbell-barbell; -span-Parall-Parall-span-span-double-span-span-span.

write at the back

  • Some static pictures in the text are reposted from the Internet, and some dynamic pictures are from soogif, invaded and deleted; the text is original, unauthorized reprint is declined; Likes, collections and reposts are important motivations for me to stick to originality. Pay attention to jasmine green tea and cold weather, so that you can easily have a good figure at home~

Is there anything else you missed? Add it in the comment area~
