The fire hit the United States: After 1,000 rockets bombed Israel, two teams fought in New York.

According to the World Wide Web report on May 12, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been further escalated recently. At a sensitive moment, the fire suddenly burned to the United States. On the 11th, supporters of both Palestine and Israel took to the streets and surrounded the Israeli consulate in New York. The two sides fought each other on the spot.

Israel retaliates with heavy fists

The grievances between Palestine and Israel have lasted for many years, and the two sides have often clashed. Now, the fuse is ignited again. According to the Israeli side, since the 710th, the Palestinian armed forces in Gaza have fired 1,000 rockets into southern Israel. Many local lines of communication have been forced to close, and schools have been suspended.

11, the Israeli army began to increase its troops to the south, and a large number of tanks drove to the border. On the same day, the Israeli army launched a retaliatory air strike against the Pakistani armed forces. 80 fighter jets bombed indiscriminately over Gaza, and dozens of local military targets were destroyed, including outposts, tunnels, and the Gaza Police Station. The live video of

showed that and in the Gaza area were billowing with thick smoke. After a 13-story building was hit by a shell, it collapsed and many residential buildings were razed to the ground.

12, the Israeli military confirmed that the residences of three high-ranking Palestinian officials had been bombed by the Israeli army. Among the high-ranking Palestinian officials killed, a head of the intelligence department was also included. According to statistics, so far, 35 Palestinians have been killed and 233 injured in this conflict, and dozens of Israelis have been wounded.

Chinese Citizens beware!

The fierce battle between Palestine and Israel has alarmed the United Nations . United Nations Secretary-General Guterres 11 said in a statement that he was saddened by the increasing number of casualties in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and expressed deep sympathy for the families of the victims. Gurest believes that firing on residential areas is "unacceptable", and the Israeli forces should also exercise maximum restraint and avoid excessive use of force.

The war is ruthless, and the security situation between Palestine and Israel is worrying. Local Chinese citizens have repeatedly received security reminders from the Chinese embassy in Israel. On the 12th, the Chinese embassy staff once again reminded the local compatriots to pay close attention to the changes in the situation, strengthen security precautions, and report to the police in time in case of emergency, and seek help from the Chinese embassy.

New York street chaos

11, the foreign ministers of the United States and Israel had an emergency call. The US Secretary of State announced Lincoln that he hoped that all parties in the conflict would stop violent acts. At the same time, the United States also promised to the Israeli side that in future challenges, the two countries will work together face.

Surprisingly, on the same day, the streets of New York were chaotic due to the exchange of fire between Palestine and Israel. According to " The New York Times ", a few hours after the air strike, supporters of both Palestinians and Israelis took to the streets of New York one after another. With their respective flags and slogans, the two sides faced off tensely and caused riots.

Live footage showed that thousands of demonstrators stood densely packed, filling Manhattan's 42nd Street. Pakistan supporters chanted, "fight for freedom" and "return to Europe ", while Israeli supporters shouted: "What is Palestine?" Rush over and beat him up.

In order to avoid more serious violence, the New York police used a metal fence to separate the two parties, and the police officers at the scene also formed a human wall to prevent the demonstrators from fighting. Even so, there were still many demonstrators on both sides who kept storming the cordon, and the scene was out of control for a while.

text/Three fish