On July 13, a video and telephone conference on the construction of a rule-of-law government in Sichuan Province was held, calling for higher standards, greater intensity, and more practical measures to promote the construction of a rule-of-law government, use the rule of law to

2024/06/2409:06:33 international 1880

On July 13, a video and telephone conference on the construction of a rule-of-law government in Sichuan Province was held. It called for promoting the construction of a rule-of-law government with higher standards, greater intensity, and more practical measures, using the rule of law to protect the long-term economic stability and social peace and harmony, and taking practical actions and The results welcomed the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Wang Fei, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, attended the meeting at the branch venue of qu County.

On July 13, a video and telephone conference on the construction of a rule-of-law government in Sichuan Province was held, calling for higher standards, greater intensity, and more practical measures to promote the construction of a rule-of-law government, use the rule of law to  - DayDayNews

The meeting pointed out that in recent years, the province's administrative level according to law has been continuously improved, but there are still some problems and deficiencies. It is necessary to adhere to goal orientation, problem orientation, and result orientation, further improve the government's ability to administer according to law and act in accordance with the law, and continue to enhance the people's sense of gain. , happiness, security.

On July 13, a video and telephone conference on the construction of a rule-of-law government in Sichuan Province was held, calling for higher standards, greater intensity, and more practical measures to promote the construction of a rule-of-law government, use the rule of law to  - DayDayNews

The meeting emphasized that we must persist in scientific legislation, strictly enforce legislative procedures and authority, and constantly tighten the "cage" of the system. It is necessary to persist in administration according to law, conscientiously implement the list of powers and responsibilities, strictly implement the "three important and one" decision-making system, make good use of inspection and audit supervision tools to ensure that power is always running on the right track. It is necessary to persist in transforming government functions, implement a negative list system for market access, promote parallel approval of , accept shortcomings, inform commitments, promote enterprise production to "speed up", project construction to "get started quickly", and continue to deepen "one-stop service" Under the premise of "maximum one run" reform, we vigorously promote the construction of government integrity and fully stimulate market vitality and social creativity. It is necessary to persist in fair and civilized law enforcement, focus on centralized rectification in the fields of food, drugs, public health and other fields, crack down hard on counterfeiting, fraud and other illegal activities, comprehensively promote the " three systems " of administrative law enforcement, advocate inclusive and prudent supervision and flexible law enforcement and make law enforcement both powerful and warm. It is necessary to persist in governance according to the law, open channels for the masses to express their demands, resolve the masses' reasonable and legitimate demands, adhere to and carry forward the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, carry out regular campaigns against gangs and evil, crack down on telecommunications and network fraud and other illegal and criminal activities, and focus on prevention and resolve social conflicts.

Deputy County Magistrate and Public Security Director Zhang Hongbo attended the meeting at the Qu County Branch Venue.

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