Correspondent Pei Gengyi This newspaper reported that before and after July 1st, the Shangtian Street Party Working Committee and various grassroots party branches carried out commemorative activities with distinctive themes and various forms to celebrate the 101st anniversary of

2024/06/2522:46:33 international 1729
Correspondent Pei Gengyi This newspaper reported that before and after July 1st, the Shangtian Street Party Working Committee and various grassroots party branches carried out commemorative activities with distinctive themes and various forms to celebrate the 101st anniversary of - DayDayNews

Correspondent Pei Gengyi

News from this newspaper Before and after July 1st, the Shangtian Street Party Working Committee and various grassroots party branches carried out commemorative activities with distinctive themes and various forms to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

htmlOn the afternoon of July 1, all village party organization secretaries gathered in the subdistrict conference room to participate in the spirit presentation of the 15th Provincial Party Congress and the 11th work exchange meeting of Fenghua District village social party organization secretaries. After listening to the party class given by District Party Committee Secretary Hu Yongguang, the secretaries of each village social party organization said that they will use the spirit of the provincial party congress as a guide and inspiration, not forgetting the original intention, keeping the mission in mind, and starting a new journey, shouldering responsibilities and bravely establishing new achievements. achievement.

On June 30, Zhang Weibin, secretary of the Party Working Committee of the subdistrict, and Li Lin, director of the office, successively went to Yinjiakeng Village, Meilingxia Village, Xi'ao Village, etc. to visit and express condolences to old party members and party members in need, and sent them their condolences. The organization’s care and gratitude for their contributions to grassroots party building over the years.

attend party classes, send care, and talk about shared prosperity. On the occasion of the Party Founding Day, each village party organization also carried out colorful celebration activities. On the eve of July 1st, each village party organization held a party member conference. The secretary of each village party organization took to the podium to preach the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress. The party member conference also carried out a semi-annual democratic evaluation activity for party members. Fangmen Village also invited Fang Haikun, an old party member and retired teacher, to give a vivid party class to the party members in the village based on his own work experience and learning insights. Each village also organized the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding event to visit and express condolences to veteran Party members and Party members in need.

In addition, each village in Shangtian Street also actively carried out theme party day activities. Shang'er Village carried out an oath-taking activity to "review the oath of joining the Party"; Qiaopeng Village, Da'ao Village, Wangjialing Village and other villages organized party members to carry out environmental sanitation improvement and other activities to give the village a new look.

(Source: Website of the People's Government of Fenghua District, Ningbo City) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please email Information Newspaper to reply within 24 hours. 】

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