On July 13, the Gangu County People's Procuratorate held a business data analysis and judgment meeting for the first half of 2022 to convey and implement the spirit of the city's procuratorial work promotion meeting and comprehensively arrange and deploy the next phase of work. S

2024/06/2416:32:33 international 1197
On July 13, the Gangu County People's Procuratorate held a business data analysis and judgment meeting for the first half of 2022 to convey and implement the spirit of the city's procuratorial work promotion meeting and comprehensively arrange and deploy the next phase of work. Shao Xinjian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Prosecutor, presided over the meeting. Members of the Party Leadership Group, Full-time committee members and heads of each line attended the meeting. At the

meeting, the case quality evaluation indicators and six key work data for the first half of 2022 were reported. The heads of each line spoke in turn, comparing business data and assessment indicators in the first half of the year, identifying deficiencies, and proposing work ideas, goals and measures for the second half of the year. Chief Prosecutor Shao Xinjian commented on the work of each department and line one by one and put forward opinions and suggestions.

Shao Xinjian pointed out that in the first half of this year, with the joint efforts of the entire hospital, all business work has been steadily advancing, but problems such as weaknesses in business data, many blank items, and slow progress in six key tasks are still prominent.

On July 13, the Gangu County People's Procuratorate held a business data analysis and judgment meeting for the first half of 2022 to convey and implement the spirit of the city's procuratorial work promotion meeting and comprehensively arrange and deploy the next phase of work. S - DayDayNews

Shao Xinjian stressed that in the next stage, we should take the "Quality Construction Year" proposed by the High People's Procuratorate as an opportunity to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress, in accordance with the "12345" proposed by Chief Prosecutor Yang Yaoming at the city's procuratorial work promotion meeting. "Five aspects require that we thoroughly understand the business evaluation standards and benchmarking, seize the "critical period" of business development in the third quarter, and achieve breakthrough progress in July. Focus on the following four aspects of work:

First, aim at the target tasks, keep a close eye on shortcomings and weaknesses, and make strong breakthroughs. All departments of must work together to make up for their shortcomings and strengths and weaknesses in accordance with the goal of "progressing three and competing for two" set at the goal conference at the beginning of the year. Criminal prosecutors should improve investigation supervision and case filing supervision, reduce the appeal rate of guilty pleas and punishments and the pre-litigation detention rate, promote criminal reconciliation as much as possible, and promote traceability management; civil prosecutors should optimize the case-to-case ratio and strengthen the supervision of civil effective judgments; administrative prosecutors It is necessary to continue to increase the intensity of administrative non-litigation enforcement and substantive resolution of administrative disputes; public interest litigation must continue to expand the source of cases around ecological resource protection, food and drug safety, and the protection of heroes. It is necessary to coordinate and promote the "four major procuratorial work" and the "six key tasks" in maintaining national security and stability, assisting rural revitalization, optimizing the business environment, handling small cases and matters around the people, judicial assistance, anti-corruption and social governance, etc. Work hard to achieve both case quality evaluation indicators and six key work indicators.

The second is to insist on leadership to take the lead, rely on practical work responsibilities, and strengthen work supervision. In view of the current situation of many data weaknesses and blanks in our hospital, the leaders of the hospital and the heads of various departments and offices must keep a close eye on the "baton" of the assessment, clarify their ideas, identify the gaps, effectively exert the leading goose effect, and conscientiously implement the " one post, two posts" "Responsibility ", resolutely put an end to "hands off shopkeepers", make all business assessment indicators specific to people, use responsibilities to force leading cadres to actively supervise and supervise operations, direct from the front, always keep an eye on tasks, progress and results, and lead and drive the whole hospital Police officers to promote work. Especially for some blank items, it is necessary to rely on the leaders in charge and department heads to take charge and go out to make key breakthroughs.

The third is to implement the five-step work method, insist on advancing every week, and rely on responsibilities and pressure at all levels. Adhere to the strict implementation of the five-step work method and comprehensively grasp the five links of "weekly scheduling, monthly reviews, quarterly analysis, half-year summary, and year-end work report" to form an implementation working mechanism that is interlocked throughout the process and promoted by pressing on each step; improve the advance Establish a back-checking mechanism for the entire process of preparation, recording during the process, and sorting and archiving afterwards, and establish a work ledger to achieve the "five-step work method" to leave traces step by step. At the same time, we highlight key steps and links, carry out business research and judgment of the whole hospital every month, review the work progress, highlight performance highlights, analyze problems and deficiencies, and ensure that the progress of various work tasks is well understood.

The fourth is to strengthen supervision and inspection, follow up and report at any time to ensure effective implementation. The case management office should strengthen unified business system management, rely on process monitoring, increase supervision, guidance and inspections on the standardized use of the system by business departments, provide timely warnings and reminders for discovered problems, conduct dynamic tracking of rectifications, and ensure that all problems are resolved Make timely corrections to improve business data quality.The office and political department should strengthen inspection and supervision, regularly report work progress, conduct timely interviews with police officers who have backward business data and poor work implementation, and use the performance of business work as the basis for annual assessments. We should take the "Year of Style Construction" as an opportunity to further improve our work style, enhance work efficiency, strive for first-class performance with the spirit of perfection and the strong will to grasp the iron mark, comprehensively promote the improvement of quality, efficiency and excellence in all work, and ensure that all The annual goals and tasks were successfully achieved.

Due to the impact of the epidemic, the meeting required all departments to hold promotion meetings to implement the spirit of the city's procuratorial work promotion meeting and the hospital's business data analysis and judgment meeting, to effectively do a good job in business work and epidemic prevention and control, to achieve overall planning and strive for results.

review: Wang Yongqiang

contributor: Jiang Ying

editor: Zhang Rui

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