News from this website: (Li Hongqiao) On July 14, the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Dongming County, Shandong Province carried out an enforcement inspection of the “Two Laws and Two Regulations” on production safety and emergency management. Wang Liufeng, deputy

2024/06/2900:21:32 international 1490

News from this website: (Li Hongqiao)

News from this website: (Li Hongqiao) On July 14, the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Dongming County, Shandong Province carried out an enforcement inspection of the “Two Laws and Two Regulations” on production safety and emergency management. Wang Liufeng, deputy  - DayDayNews

html On July 14, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Dongming County, Shandong Province carried out an enforcement inspection of the "Two Laws and Two Regulations" on production safety and emergency management. Wang Liufeng, deputy director of the Dongming County People's Congress Standing Committee, deputy director and member of the County People's Congress Social Construction Committee, city and county people's congress representatives and some county people's congress staff, Shang Weigang, director of the county emergency management bureau, and responsible comrades from the housing, construction, transportation and other departments attended the meeting Activity.

News from this website: (Li Hongqiao) On July 14, the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Dongming County, Shandong Province carried out an enforcement inspection of the “Two Laws and Two Regulations” on production safety and emergency management. Wang Liufeng, deputy  - DayDayNews

The inspection team first came to Dongming County Safety Education Experience Hall, visited the production safety, public safety, fire safety, natural disasters , school safety and other education experience areas, and experienced VR and AR virtual simulation experience under the guidance of the staff project, focused on watching 5D themed videos on safety education. Then he went to Dongming Aoke Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., Dongming Hengchang Chemical Co., Ltd. and other places to inspect the company's production equipment, safety facilities and equipment, and real-time monitoring platforms. He learned in detail about the company's production safety informatization construction and "mechanization of manpower reduction and automation of replacement." Human, intelligent and unmanned" technological transformation and other situations. Finally, we walked into Litun New Village, Caiyuanji Town, and learned more about the village’s efforts to manage and protect vulnerable people, conduct inventory of housing and public facilities, daily management of key fire protection areas, and build emergency shelters to create a municipal-level comprehensive disaster reduction demonstration community. Through on-site visits and on-site inspections, we have a comprehensive understanding of the basic situation of the county's implementation of the "two laws and two regulations" on production safety and the current difficulties and problems.

News from this website: (Li Hongqiao) On July 14, the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Dongming County, Shandong Province carried out an enforcement inspection of the “Two Laws and Two Regulations” on production safety and emergency management. Wang Liufeng, deputy  - DayDayNews

After the on-site inspection, a symposium was held. The main responsible comrades of the Dongming County Housing and Construction and Transportation Departments reported on the implementation of the "Two Laws and Two Regulations" to strengthen safety supervision in their respective industries; the relevant responsible comrades of Dongming Petrochemical Group reported on the group's enterprises To implement the "two laws and two regulations" to promote enterprise safety production, the main responsible comrades of the county emergency department were entrusted by the county government to make a special report on the county's implementation of the "two laws and two regulations" on safety production and emergency management.

Members of the Standing Committee of the Dongming County People’s Congress, members of the County People’s Congress Social Construction Committee, and city and county people’s congress representatives made exchange speeches respectively, fully affirming the implementation of the “two laws and two regulations” by departments at all levels and solidly carrying out safety production work, and pointed out the existing problems problems and put forward targeted work suggestions.

News from this website: (Li Hongqiao) On July 14, the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Dongming County, Shandong Province carried out an enforcement inspection of the “Two Laws and Two Regulations” on production safety and emergency management. Wang Liufeng, deputy  - DayDayNews

Wang Liufeng, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Dongming County, delivered an important speech, pointing out that production safety and emergency management work are connected to the overall development and people's livelihood. They are related to economic and social stability and the safety of people's lives and property, and cannot be relaxed at all. Wang Liufeng requested that all departments at all levels should effectively improve their political stance, use detailed work measures, strict law enforcement supervision, and a practical work style to effectively build a strong line of defense for production safety and guard the bottom line. First, we must further raise awareness, pay close attention to the implementation of safety production responsibility measures, and keep the bottom line and red line of safety production. Second, it is necessary to further strengthen risk prevention and resolution capabilities, establish and improve emergency material reserves, and form an emergency material reserve system with reasonable layout and complete types; it is necessary to strengthen emergency information construction and improve emergency monitoring and early warning, risk analysis and command and decision-making capabilities. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of emergency rescue teams and improve the timeliness of emergency response and practical emergency rescue capabilities. Third, we must further increase law enforcement, severely crack down on and investigate violations of laws and regulations, and improve safety management levels; keep a close eye on key industries and key areas, increase the intensity of hidden danger investigation, promptly discover and solve problems, and resolutely prevent and contain production safety accidents. happens. Fourth, we must further strengthen publicity and education. We have established a safety emergency knowledge publicity and education system with government-led implementation, departmental division of responsibilities, and active participation of enterprises and social forces to widely publicize safety production knowledge, improve the safety awareness of the whole people, and create a social atmosphere of law-abiding and safety-focused. The county government and relevant departments must stay true to their original aspiration, keep their mission in mind, take on their responsibilities, press forward, and take effective measures to do a solid job in safety production and emergency management, so as to provide a solid and safe foundation for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. , to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

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