On July 14, 2022, the fourth "Self-Strengthening" Forum of the Provincial Prison Administration Bureau in 2022 was held in the conference room on the sixth floor of the Bureau. Zeng Yongzhong emphasized that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Genera

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On July 14, 2022, the fourth On July 14, 2022, the fourth

On July 14, 2022, the fourth "Self-Strength" forum of the Provincial Prison Administration Bureau in 2022 was held in the conference room on the sixth floor of the Bureau. Zeng Yongzhong, deputy secretary of the party committee and political commissar of the bureau, presided over and delivered a speech.

On July 14, 2022, the fourth

Zeng Yongzhong emphasized that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued many important expositions on family, tutoring and family tradition construction, and has set an example for the whole party and the whole society. Prisons across the province must focus on four aspects, implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions with practical actions, and continue to inherit and carry forward the excellent Chinese tutoring family tradition.

01 Sublimating the feelings of patriotism and love for home and family

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the family is the smallest country, and the country is composed of tens of millions of families. Only when every household is good can the country be good and the nation be good; if the country is good and the nation be good, then the family can be good too. We must highlight the theme of patriotism and love of family, establish a correct view of family, country and nation, unify patriotism and love of family, closely link personal ideals and family happiness with national prosperity and national rejuvenation, and integrate Patriotism and love for family are reflected in the dedication to work, in the continuous promotion of high-quality development of Sichuan prison prisons, and in the new journey of building a new modern and civilized prison.

02 Building a loving family relationship

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the Chinese nation has valued family and family ties since ancient times. Most of the national moral model members and national civilized family members who have emerged in recent years are models of filial piety, respect for relatives, and love for each other. We must draw on the power of role models around us, advocate family concepts of respecting the elderly and loving the young, equality between men and women, harmony between husband and wife, and being diligent and thrifty. We must use good family traditions to support a good social atmosphere, and educate and lead more police officers in prisons across the province to work hard to build A happy family understands the preciousness of family ties and the weight of responsibility, devotes full attention to work and career, and achieves a harmonious and win-win situation between life and work.

03 Building a happy family tradition

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that a good family tradition leads people to do good, but a bad family tradition will corrupt the social atmosphere and cause endless harm. A clean and honest family tradition is the touchstone of a party member’s style and a prism that reflects the party’s style, political style and character. All police officers must consciously improve their political stance, enhance their awareness of integrity and self-discipline, know reverence, be wary, and abide by the bottom line. They must not only be strict with self-discipline within and outside eight hours, consciously purify the circle of friends in their lives, but also actively establish interactive family assistance with their families. Integrity early warning mechanism. We will create a strong atmosphere of advocating honesty and integrity in the construction of a clean and honest family throughout the system, and further promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and government work.

04 Establish a social trend of joint construction and sharing

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the family is the basic cell of society. No matter how the times change, no matter how the economy and society develop, the support of family life cannot be replaced, the social function of the family cannot be replaced, and the civilizing role of the family cannot be replaced. The whole system must focus on the creation of civilization and family tradition, focus on the construction of clean government and family tradition, focus on model leadership and family tradition, and promote the formation of a new trend of socialist family civilization that is patriotic and loving, loving each other, honest and family-oriented, and jointly building and sharing. Sichuan prisons continue to develop with high quality, contribute their due strength to promote the cause of governing Sichuan and rejuvenating Sichuan in the new era, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Four lecturers from Guangyuan Prison, Sichuan Prison, Panxi Prison, and Ya'an Prison took the theme of "Continuously Inheriting Excellent Chinese Family Education and Family Traditions and Shaping Sichuan Prison Civilization and New Trends in the New Era" and made a contribution to strengthening the family construction of family education and family traditions. Preach and communicate.

On July 14, 2022, the fourth

Yan Dingming, a retired police officer from Guangyuan Prison, titled "Always Be Grateful, Promote the Culture of Filial Piety and Establish a Good Family Tradition", and used his kind words and good deeds of loyalty, dedication, gratitude and filial piety to teach his children and grandchildren a good family tradition, which has not faded or changed after retirement for many years. Changing his ambitions, he persisted in engaging in social welfare undertakings and became a well-known advanced model in the Northern Sichuan region. His touching deeds deeply educated the audience.

On July 14, 2022, the fourth

Zhang Ende, deputy warden of Sichuan East Prison, titled "My Family Tradition, My Family", looking back on the 32 years of adhering to his wife through thick and thin and educating their children to become talents, which fully explained the good moral family tradition. Its irreplaceable role in personal growth and family happiness won unanimous resonance from the audience.

On July 14, 2022, the fourth

Jiwu Waha, deputy director of the Labor Union Office of Panxi Prison and winner of the title of "National Five Good Families", took the title "Let's Go Together" and spoke affectionately of his involvement in poverty alleviation in Liangshan Prefecture as a village aid cadre. The audience was deeply moved by the touching stories behind his work, his love for his family and his country while caring for everyone, and his family’s unrelenting support and extraordinary dedication.

On July 14, 2022, the fourth

Wu Chengliang, a young police officer from Ya'an Prison and later the martyr of Wu Bo, used the title "I Understand You When I Grow Up" to explain the three generations of ancestors and grandchildren who adhere to the cause of Sichuan prisons, are loyal to the party and patriotism, are willing to contribute, are not afraid of sacrifice, and are connected by blood. The family tradition awes the audience.

Editor: He Yuwei

Checker: Jiao Jiao

Reviewer: Cao Jin, Yin Yilin

Source: Agency Party Committee

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