Watching international news recently, I saw that the lives of people in the capital of Sri Lanka have been seriously affected. Oil, gas, and power outages have lasted for several months. This has caused chain reactions, such as queuing for days at gas stations to fill up. The nor

2024/06/2320:54:33 international 1215

Watching international news recently, I saw that Sri Lanka The lives of people in the capital have been seriously affected. There has been a shortage of oil, gas, and power outages for several months, which has caused chain reactions, such as queuing for days at gas stations. Oil has become the norm for local residents, with some public transportation suspended and factory capacity limited. Even residents’ cooking has been severely affected by the lack of gas. Currently, cooking by burning firewood may be easy to achieve in rural areas, but in the capital, it is very difficult for residents to cook by burning firewood.

Watching international news recently, I saw that the lives of people in the capital of Sri Lanka have been seriously affected. Oil, gas, and power outages have lasted for several months. This has caused chain reactions, such as queuing for days at gas stations to fill up. The nor - DayDayNews

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

When seeing this situation, the editor is also thinking, if this kind of tense happens around us, how will we choose?

Therefore, the editor deliberately read a lot of history, consulted many friends around me, and did a small-scale information collection on such things. Moreover, one of the most mentioned information points "gold" was selected.

Then the editor will take you to have a detailed discussion on the "gold" of .

Physical gold has been an international currency in circulation since ancient times. It is also one of the important reserve assets that many countries choose to reserve in large quantities to prevent financial crises, inflation and other emergencies. At the same time, gold is also the most stable "currency". The currencies of various countries are affected by the economic and financial policies of their respective countries and fluctuate greatly. However, physical gold is a stable international hard currency. Of course, many people choose to reserve the first choice.

topic is back! When we encounter situations such as bankruptcy and riots in Sri Lanka, ancient people in the past often carried gold and silver with them to relocate or avoid danger. Nowadays, in times of emergency, you may choose to exchange or recycle gold for physical gold, thereby helping yourself, your family, and your company to tide over the difficulties.

Watching international news recently, I saw that the lives of people in the capital of Sri Lanka have been seriously affected. Oil, gas, and power outages have lasted for several months. This has caused chain reactions, such as queuing for days at gas stations to fill up. The nor - DayDayNews

The picture comes from the Internet, infringement and deletion

But when faced with gold recycling and cashing out, there are always many friends who are not sure when choosing a platform, store, or individual. For this reason, the editor of and several friends specially I found a platform "Zhongxing Gold" that specializes in gold recycling and gold sales, and consulted with the person in charge of Zhongxing Gold.

The person in charge of Zhongxing Gold said: The first thing consumers may think of at the first time is the gold store where they buy gold, but here it is easy to overlook a problem, that is, some brand gold stores are limited to trade-in, does not recycle gold from its own brand. For the recycling of precious metals such as gold, it is recommended to choose a professional physical gold recycling platform.

First of all, can divide the current mainstream recycling channels into 2 models. In terms of , the first is the that we can see in the streets, alleys and supermarkets with the words gold recycling." Offline mode " ; The second type is golden recycling shop " online mode " that can be seen on major e-commerce platforms and social platforms.

1. Offline mode

Offline mode is easy to understand. Customers can recycle it through the door store or gold collector. Among them, the operation of seems to be very intuitive , as if everything is under one's control, but also needs to pay attention to the traditional offline mode.

1. Bank.

Bank has many requirements for gold recycling, and the procedures are cumbersome and require ID cards, purchase documents, invoices, etc. The recycling price basically refers to the real-time transaction price of Shanghai Gold Exchange , minus a certain price difference. However, not all outlets have gold recycling business, so you need to consult the local bank for confirmation. And we do not recycle loose gold jewelry.

2, gold store.

General gold stores only offer trade-in services for old items, and they also need to charge varying craftsmanship fees, etc. It is impossible to cash in. The middle depreciation fee will give you a headache. The most doubtful thing about life is the "equal amount" exchange, which means to exchange the same amount of gold, not the same weight of gold. This has made many consumers suffer a dumb loss. If you don't understand, you can just taste it carefully. Generally speaking, gold stores mainly focus on sales, supplemented by recycling.

3. Pawn shop.

The main business line of a pawn shop is mortgage, with the purpose of earning interest. Therefore, when consumers pawn an item of high value, they will find that the pawn shop will keep the price very low to ensure the risk caused by market price fluctuations. If you only need short-term working capital, then choosing a pawn shop is undoubtedly a channel for quick cash flow. But you must redeem it according to the specified date, otherwise you will suffer a big loss.

Watching international news recently, I saw that the lives of people in the capital of Sri Lanka have been seriously affected. Oil, gas, and power outages have lasted for several months. This has caused chain reactions, such as queuing for days at gas stations to fill up. The nor - DayDayNews pictures originate from the Internet, infringing and deleting

2, online mode

1, e-commerce platform / applet , etc. .

Online mode is nothing more than Xianyu , Taobao, 58 In the same city, etc. . Discuss price, and other issues with online , and then you can express the items to .

The key question comes to ! ! !

Items need to be delivered by express delivery. Leaving aside the safety of valuables, is the merchant reliable after has passed alone? Things have been obtained, but the price, gram weight and the final transaction price can’t be determined by others?

There is something wrong with the purity of your . You need to deduct the purification fee of 10%!

has no invoice , and cannot sell to the original price of , and the cost of 20% needs to be deducted !

Yours is old gold , the past purified technology is limited, needs to deduct the fee of 10%!


only can't think of it. There is no reason that others can't explain. Many times after mails items , originally 's " Party A " role , you become . other side.

Want to return it?

Sorry , please pay the item inspection fee, storage fee, express fee ...

At this time, the person who has the initiative becomes the buyer.

If you want pictures to save trouble and realize online, it is better to refer to more regular and professional institutional platforms.

Watching international news recently, I saw that the lives of people in the capital of Sri Lanka have been seriously affected. Oil, gas, and power outages have lasted for several months. This has caused chain reactions, such as queuing for days at gas stations to fill up. The nor - DayDayNews

The picture comes from the Internet, infringement and deletion

Whether it is in an emergency, or or in normal times, if you want to recycle gold and realize it, then choosing is very important for a professional certified physical gold circulation platform , The physical gold circulation platform has a strict system.

Well, I will introduce it to you today. I hope that the above introduction can help you. I also hope that in your future life, you will not encounter riots or emergencies such as the recent international riots.

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