(Correspondent Li Sike and Zhang Rong Li Yuan) In order to warmly celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, on the morning of July 1, Yang Xiaodong, secretary of the party group and pr

2024/05/2319:21:32 international 1095

(Li Sike and Zhang Rong correspondent Li Yuan) In order to warmly celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, on the morning of July 1, Yang Xiaodong, secretary of the party group and president of Pucheng Court, delivered the speech "Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind, be loyal and clean" With the title "Responsible Party Members and Cadres", combined with the actual work of the court, a special party class with a clear theme, prominent focus and profound content was given to all the police officers in the court.

(Correspondent Li Sike and Zhang Rong Li Yuan) In order to warmly celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, on the morning of July 1, Yang Xiaodong, secretary of the party group and pr - DayDayNews

Dean Yang Xiaodong’s party class is based on the actual work of the court and the cases around him, from training the party spirit and strengthening the political character of being loyal to the party; practicing self-cultivation diligently to maintain a clean and honest political character; keeping the mission in mind and establishing a good image of having the courage to take on responsibilities, etc. It analyzes and expounds the loyal, clean, and responsible character of Communists in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. It aims to call on all police officers to adhere to the original intention of judiciary for the people, keep in mind the mission of fair judiciary, faithfully perform their duties, behave cleanly, and demonstrate their practical responsibility in practicing justice for the people. , Contribute wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of Pucheng Court.

(Correspondent Li Sike and Zhang Rong Li Yuan) In order to warmly celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, on the morning of July 1, Yang Xiaodong, secretary of the party group and pr - DayDayNews

President Yang Xiaodong emphasized that as party members and cadres of the court, we must have a clear-cut political stance, deeply understand the significance of " two to establish ", implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee to the letter, and continue to create the cause of the court and the courts to build a new realm, reassuring the Party and trusting the people. We must effectively perform our duties, practice the purpose of judiciary for the people, handle cases fairly, efficiently, and cleanly, strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in a visible way, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security feel. We must take "integrity" as the foundation, maintain an "incorruptible heart", abide by "integrity", build an "incorruptible family", diligently dust off "thought dust", think too much about "greed and harm", often break the "thieves in the heart", and build a solid foundation for rejection. The ideological line of defense against corruption is to be honest, clean in work, and magnanimous in using power, to promote justice through openness, and to promote integrity through impartiality, and to always maintain the political nature of loyalty, cleanliness, and responsibility, and implement it in practice.

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