Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a

2024/06/2000:38:33 international 1511

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult.

First of all, he sacrificed the life of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ; secondly, he ruined the future of many elite bodyguards; finally, he had to risk half his life.

However, he will probably have no regrets.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

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01 Subverting the tradition of Japanese assassins

Tetsuya Yamayama is a Japanese assassin who subverts the tradition.

This groundbreaking news leaked from the police. Why does

say this?

One of the most important reasons is that Toru Yamayama did not follow traditional steps during the assassination. It is very different from Japan's conventional security experience.

According to reports, Shinzo Abe’s bodyguards are all selected police elites. Before they took up their posts, they all participated in the devil's special training and all achieved excellent results.

’s special training courses are also carefully designed. In the anti-assassination drill in

, the simulated assassins will shout cheers, rush from the front with great momentum, and use the most standard kendo moves to perform a set of "nirvana".

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

Then, the bodyguard will know how to prevent it.

And according to the announcement, almost all Japanese dignitary bodyguards were trained using this model.

So you can see in the video that before Abe was assassinated, the bodyguards were all staring ahead with caution, and almost no one was looking behind them. This is the reason.

Because generally speaking, the Japanese are very traditional, even assassins have to follow routines.

Most of them are accustomed to using swords. It is said that they have also practiced Iai slashing , sword drawing and other special skills. All kinds of wonderful stabbing movements are almost as cool as Kitano Takeshi movies.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

As for the results, they are quite brilliant.

Since 1885, Japan has had more than 100 prime ministers and more than 60 prime ministers, and more than one tenth of them were killed by assassins.

Yamaguchi Futaya of the Great Japan Patriotic Party once held a sharp wakizashi in his hand and stabbed the leader of the Socialist Party Inajiro Asanuma one after another with a standard kendo posture, killing him on the spot.

The assassin at that time was only 17 years old and had good kung fu.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

However, Tetsuya Yamama, this bad guy, completely threw away Japan’s best assassin tradition!

He didn't shout "Heavenly Execute Thief", he followed behind secretly and let the matter be settled quietly.

He did not bring a knife, but only made a homemade gunpowder gun.

For this kind of behavior, "deviant" is the best explanation.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

02 He has experienced joys and sorrows

Many people will say that because Shan Shan served in the navy ( Maritime Self-Defense Force ), he has a tradition of sneak attacks (Pearl Harbor).

If he had been an Army Red Deer, his habits would be very different.

However, I think this statement is pure nonsense!

Back to the perspective of human nature, if we study it carefully, in fact, this assassin is also a tragic figure.

The original family background on the mountain can be said to be very good.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

owns real estate in his family and has also opened a profitable company. He is a real big business.

But I didn’t expect that something unexpected would happen.

When Tetsuya Yamama was very young, his father died unexpectedly. After my mother managed the inheritance, she gradually became obsessed with the "Unification Church".

Speaking of this Unification Church, it actually has two major characteristics:

First, it is famous for collecting donations from believers indiscriminately; second, it is famous for promiscuous among believers.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

Unification Church male and female believers

In short, it is like a cult.

After finishing high school, Shan's family went bankrupt.

My mother sold what she could and donated 100 million. The family didn’t even have enough to eat.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

Because he had no money, Toru Yamayama had to drop out of school and join the Maritime Self-Defense Force to make a living. After all, there was someone in the army who took care of the food.

Later he retired from the army and worked many jobs before becoming a temporary worker.

Of course, there is no term for temporary workers in Japan. The official term is labor dispatch.

Anyway, the salary is not as high as a formal job, and the benefits and benefits are also much different.

When the Fukushima nuclear leak occurred, people with similar identities were among the first to clean up the site.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

labor dispatch

Let’s put it this way, Yamatoruya and the others just want to be inferior to others.

And most importantly, there is no lifetime employment guarantee.

Before committing the crime, Toru Yamayama had been working at the bottom of society for more than 10 years.

It is said that when he was young, he was also pursued by girls. But for so many years, she has never been married, and it is impossible to enjoy family happiness. In today's popular words,

is the real " single ". So overall, this is a failed man.

Although no one knows now whether he likes violence.

But from the second generation of rich people to this, you must have resentment in your heart, right?

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

03 How should you look at the mountain?

Such experiences on the mountain are not unique in Japan.

To be honest, in the past few lost years, the economic growth of the island country has stagnated, and even the appearance of young people has undergone tremendous changes.

In the 1980s, the movie " hunts " was popular in China. Takakura Ken's tough guy image represented Japanese men of an era.

They have a common name, called "Showa Man". The most common characteristics of

are that they are generally energetic, speak loudly and powerfully, have very confident eyes, and are extremely dedicated to doing things. In a word, he can earn money to support his family and is very trustworthy.

There is no doubt that the rapid development of the island country after the war was inseparable from the hard work of Showa men.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

However, in this century, Japanese men have gradually become "otaku" and "girly", and even developed the signs of "Heisei otaku" and "Reiwa macho".

Please don’t get me wrong. The fierceness of this “macho man” is not really fierce, but his style is very “fierce” and he dares to boldly throw away gender restrictions and bravely be feminine.

They wear heavy makeup, short skirts, and dare to try anything. Although he is a man, he is more beautiful than a woman. This is the so-called macho man of Reiwa.

In short, many Japanese young people like the second dimension and stay at home, and even choose not to get married to avoid responsibilities, and have a plague-like loneliness.

Obviously, this is the tragic product of Japan’s economic collapse and huge social pressure.

Yamatoru also showed signs of this when he was in high school.

He was quite active at the time and took the initiative to join the school cheerleading team. He also relied on his personal "quality" to become the leader of the "support group".

As for the painting style, it’s probably as eye-catching as the one below.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

But, can a person live a lifetime without growing up? Is it possible to escape reality forever?

When Toru Yamayama is in his 40s and unshaven, can he still indulge in the second dimension and no longer think about his future life?

However, if you don’t think about it, it’s a good thing, but if you think about it, it’s a bad thing.

Because, no matter in any country, middle-aged people are under the greatest pressure.

's health has gone downhill, but it's still early to retire. If you don't do well in your workplace, you may lose your job at any time.

It is said that when you open your eyes, you feel pressure; when you lower your head, you feel your stomach; when you look in the mirror, your head is quite bald.

More than 100 countries around the world have conducted surveys and concluded that middle-aged people are the furthest away from happiness.

When it's Tetsuya Yamayama's turn, will he be happy? The result considered by

is of course negative. But the key question is, what can he do!

Who is to blame? Who can be blamed?

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

04 Conclusion

In fact, in recent headlines, I often see people saying this, that is, "the dead are greater, and human life is greater than heaven."

So we are told that we should treat Shinzo Abe who was assassinated with compassion.

The author has no comment on this, let’s just think it makes sense!

So here, when we study the assassin Yama Tetsuya, can we handle it similarly?

Don't rush to characterize it and use a terrorist hat to deny all his humanity. Instead, use a relatively peaceful attitude and analyze it calmly.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

If this is possible, then the author will say that there are three obvious labels on Tetsuya Yamayama.

The first tag is typical Japanese.

When he was growing up, the island nation was past its heyday. The dividends of economic development have not been reaped, but the disillusionment of the bubble burst has been enough.

Thinking about it, it’s quite despairing.

Today’s salary cannot be higher than yesterday; tomorrow’s salary will not be higher than today.

The highlight moment of this life will always stay in the past.

Therefore, when Tetsuya Yamama suddenly thought one day that he had accomplished nothing, when those mental opiates could no longer produce an anesthetic effect, his mood would really hit rock bottom.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

The second tag is the assassin who destroys tradition.

There is no doubt that he does not have the demeanor of a warrior, so the assassination process is very pragmatic and not gorgeous at all, which makes people quite speechless.

But his way of thinking may still be very traditional.

Under the so-called Mount Fuji , cherry blossoms are in full bloom and then wither, witnessing their own beauty in the brief moment of life and death.

Such a pure view of life and death, , and aesthetics, aren’t they the essence of Japanese culture?

The body is weak and cannot hold a knife; the spirit is strong and there is a knife in the heart.

Not to mention that Tetsuya Yamama also used his wisdom to make up for his lack of physical strength.

The double-barreled firecracker he made can be called a high-quality iron cannon in the new century, perfectly blending technology and tradition.

plus a little more, he hits the target perfectly.

So, what a Japanese innovative assassin!

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

The third label is a middle-aged man who is overwhelmed.

Perhaps every middle-aged person may encounter dissatisfaction.

But in East Asian societies, the support of family members is particularly important. The blood connection makes a family closely united and has a strong bond.

As long as a person is concerned about and restrained by family affection, he will rarely fail forever.

Because even if you fall, you will still have faith to support you and come back again.

However, Shan Tetsuya no longer has family ties. From this point of view, he deserves sympathy.

Perhaps, he also has someone he misses the most.

Grandpa, father, brother, but these relatives have left long ago. He might think that if this were not the case, he would not have to live such a difficult life.

Toru Yamayama became famous in one fell swoop, but it was actually quite difficult. First, it cost former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe his life; finally, it cost him half his life. One of the most important reasons is that Tetsuya Yamama did not follow traditional steps during the a - DayDayNews

Perhaps, the person he hates most is not his mother who spent all his money. Generating kindness and cultivating kindness are always difficult to give up.

But there must be a channel to vent negative emotions. Whoever encounters misfortune becomes the scapegoat.

It is said that Tetsu Yamayama committed suicide, but failed.

Because he is not even afraid of death, there is nothing that can stop him from doing the most glorious thing in his life.

So, what do we think of this assassin?

Only benevolent people have different opinions and wise people have different opinions!

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