"I am honored to be among the first batch of Hong Kong lawyers practicing in the nine mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area." Ho Junyao, a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, received the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area L

2024/06/1015:37:33 international 1806

"I am honored to be one of the first batch of Hong Kong lawyers to practice in the nine mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area ." Member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region He Junyao received Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao from the Guangdong Provincial Department of Justice on July 6 Greater Bay Area lawyer practicing certificate, numbered "No.90000001".

There are also three Macau lawyers who have received the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Lawyer Practice Certificate at the same time. They have become the first batch of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area lawyers in the country to be allowed to practice in the nine mainland cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

It is worth mentioning that all four Hong Kong and Macao lawyers chose to practice in Guangzhou. Among them, Ho Junyao is the first Hong Kong lawyer to obtain a lawyer's practicing certificate in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. He is currently employed by Guangdong Guangxin Junda Law Firm . The three Macau lawyers were previously "employed by Jinqiao Situ Kuang (Nansha) Associate Law Firm" "Resident Lawyer" has now realized the identity transformation from "Resident Lawyer" to "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Lawyer".

No. 001 Ho Jun-yiu: Contributing to the construction of the Greater Bay Area with high-quality legal services

"I am honored to be one of the first batch of Hong Kong lawyers practicing in the nine mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area. It is my dream." Ho Jun-yiu, member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region His practicing certificate number is "No.90000001". He is also the first Hong Kong lawyer to obtain a lawyer's practicing certificate in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

As a senior partner of Ho Kwan Chu Law Firm in Hong Kong, Ho Jun Yao is in charge of the litigation and commercial departments, focusing on civil litigation. Thereafter, he can handle some civil and commercial legal affairs that are subject to mainland laws in the nine mainland cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

"The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is one of the most economically active areas and has a huge market. Some cross-border disputes require the participation of professionals who are familiar with the laws of the mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and foreign countries." He Junyao said in an interview that after getting Guangdong After obtaining the lawyer's practicing certificate in the Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area, they will give full play to their abilities and provide high-quality legal services to Hong Kong residents and mainland compatriots.

As the mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area are increasingly closely connected with Hong Kong and Macao in economic and other aspects, breaking down the legal service barriers brought by the three legal systems of the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao has become an important connotation of the integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Ho Junyao said that he hopes more Hong Kong lawyers will apply to practice in the Greater Bay Area to provide clients with diversified and more convenient cross-border legal services, promote cooperation between Hong Kong and the mainland, and contribute to the construction of the Greater Bay Area.

Macau lawyer Cheng Jiawen: Bringing the experience of practicing law in the mainland back to Macau

"It is a great honor to be a lawyer in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and it is also something I have been looking forward to." Macau lawyer Cheng Jiawen said that she hopes to practice in the nine mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area. , providing legal services to high-tech companies, traditional Chinese medicine companies, financial companies, etc., accumulating experience, and bringing this professional experience back to Macao in the future to better provide legal services to Macao. "I hope to become a lawyer who is proficient in the laws of the two places, play a role in the connection of legal rules in the Greater Bay Area, and at the same time help enterprises in the Greater Bay Area enter Portuguese-speaking countries." Cheng Jiawen said.

Macau lawyer Tan Xiaohong: Practicing career will be more fulfilling and meaningful

Macau lawyer Tan Xiaohong’s career dream is to become a lawyer because she can help many people. "I immediately signed up to take the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Lawyer Practicing Examination." Tan Xiaohong said that she attaches great importance to the vast market and development space in the mainland, which can broaden her horizons. She has integrated her professional career into the development of the Greater Bay Area and used her professional knowledge to contribute to the development of the Greater Bay Area. “I believe my professional career will be more fulfilling and meaningful.”

Macau lawyer Kwong Yuk-kiu: Connecting personal development with the Greater Bay Area

Lawyer Kwong Yuk-kiu has been practicing in Macau for nearly 20 years, focusing on civil and commercial matters. At the beginning of 2020, I came to Nansha Joint Venture Office and became a resident lawyer. "I'm very grateful for this opportunity." Kuang Yuqiu told reporters that she has always had the ambition to practice law in the Mainland. She had also prepared for the Mainland's lawyer professional qualification examination before, but she never achieved her wish because of her busy work.

“The examination content for lawyers in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has specialized subjects designed according to the scope of practice."Kuang Yuqiu said that she will learn from her mainland counterparts with a newcomer's attitude, while taking advantage of her familiarity with Macau laws to make efforts for the integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in terms of cross-border legal services. Together with the Greater Bay Area, I believe the future will be better. "

Text/Guangzhou Daily · New Flower City Reporter: Wei Lina Correspondent The Sui Lawyers Association announced

Pictures provided by the interviewee

Guangzhou Daily · New Flower City Editor: Zhang Yingwu

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