Title: Working together to create the future and working together for rejuvenation. Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, both inside and outside the forum, have been deeply inspired and inspired to "walk together, work hard hand in hand, and persevere and never give up

2024/06/2000:14:33 international 1379
Title: Working together to create the future and working together for rejuvenation. Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, both inside and outside the forum, have been deeply inspired and inspired to

Xinhua News Agency, Xiamen, July 13th. Title: Working together to create the future and working together to achieve rejuvenation.

Xinhua News Agency reporter.

htmlThe largest cross-strait non-governmental exchange event in the year - the 14th Strait Forum was launched in Fujian. A few days ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping replied to some Taiwanese youth who participated in the Straits Forum, encouraging the youth on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to work together to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This fully reflects his cordial care and ardent expectations for Taiwan's youth, and also reflects the high importance he attaches to the Straits Forum. . Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait inside and outside the forum were deeply inspired and inspired by "working together, working hard hand in hand, persevering and never giving up". They have further strengthened their confidence and determination to create a better future and seek national rejuvenation.

The Strait Forum was founded in 2009 and adheres to the characteristics of "non-governmental, grassroots and extensive". The 13 consecutive sessions it has held have attracted more than 300,000 compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to participate. It is deeply recognized by all walks of life on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and has become a mutual exchange forum between compatriots. An important platform to express family affection and share thoughts. This forum overcame the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and other unfavorable factors and resumed its holding in the summer. Taiwan compatriots actively participated in the forum in various ways. Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait exchanged dialogue and learned from each other in various activities, deepening mutual understanding and enhancing mutual trust and recognition. , jointly expressed their fervent calls for expanding non-governmental exchanges and deepening integrated development.

Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will always be a family whose blood is thicker than water. Close communication and joint cooperation have always been the mainstream public opinion on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. This forum is deeply in line with the needs and expectations of the public opinion of all sectors and classes on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. It has carefully arranged the forum conference and 43 activities in four major sections: youth, grassroots, cultural, and economic exchanges. This year coincides with the 35th anniversary of the break of isolation and the opening of exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. For this purpose, the forum has set up a series of 13 events to not only review the extraordinary history of the past, but also to face the future and gather strength. Although the DPP authorities once again smeared and attacked the forum, maliciously set up obstacles and intimidated Taiwan compatriots from participating in forum activities, insightful people on the island and many ordinary Taiwan compatriots were not afraid of obstruction, overcame the interference, and through online and offline means Active participation in the meeting effectively demonstrated that the historical trend of cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation is irresistible, and also profoundly demonstrated that the common will of compatriots on both sides of the Strait to get closer, closer, and achieve better results is irresistible.

Only when cross-strait relations are good can Taiwan be good. To want peace, to develop, and to live a good life is the common aspiration of all the Chinese people, including the 23 million Taiwan compatriots. This forum continues to grasp the theme of development, focusing on creating opportunities and seeking benefits for compatriots, and holds a number of activities to actively guide and support Taiwan compatriots to participate in the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan", integrate into the new development pattern, and participate in the high-quality development of and the "One Belt and One Belt" "One Road" construction, etc. We wish each other well, and the Chinese people should help the Chinese people. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the mainland has implemented the Party's overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era, adhered to the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus", upheld the concept of "both sides of the Taiwan Straits are one family", and promoted the peaceful and integrated development of cross-Strait relations. We will continue to improve the systems and policies that ensure the well-being of Taiwan compatriots and enjoy equal treatment on the mainland, strive to create good conditions for Taiwan compatriots to develop and live on the mainland, and fully demonstrate responsibility, sincerity and goodwill.

seeks benefits for the people and is very popular. The Straits Forum continued to be held regardless of wind and rain, with numerous highlights and remarkable results. With smiling faces and sincere words, the Taiwanese compatriots participating in the forum were enthusiastic. They told stories and shared their feelings as people who had experienced it, and reached a general consensus: with the support of a strong motherland, the people's livelihood and well-being of Taiwan compatriots will be better, and the space for development will be greater; they will devote themselves to cross-strait exchanges and cooperation and integrate into the development of the mainland. By making progress, you will have a real sense of gain, accomplishment, and happiness, and you will be able to grasp the present and create the future.

The hope of the country and the future of the nation lie in its youth. When young people are prosperous, the country is prosperous; when young people are strong, the country is strong. Focusing on the theme of deepening cross-strait integrated development, this forum continues to focus on youth groups on both sides of the strait, and holds activities such as the Strait Youth Forum, the Talent Integrated Development Forum, and the Cross-Strait Youth New Media Forum. General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply to Taiwan's youth was full of affection and high hopes. It also spoke to the hearts of the young generation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, especially in Taiwan, and aroused a warm youthful response.Over the years, the mainland has continued to provide convenience, create opportunities, and set up a stage for Taiwanese youth to pursue, build, and realize their dreams in the mainland, helping them to grow and become talents. Taiwan's youth representatives spoke emotionally about development stories at the forum, talked about their experience and understanding of witnessing the rapid development and changes of the motherland and realizing their own ideal values, and sang "Youth works together to create the future, and works hand in hand to seek rejuvenation" and "Rejuvenation has me, reunification has me" The song of youth.

Only those who work hard will win. Perseverance and self-improvement are the spiritual foundation of the Chinese nation. Taiwan's future lies in national reunification, and the well-being of Taiwan compatriots depends on national rejuvenation. The Chinese Dream is a dream shared by compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Only when the nation is rejuvenated and the country is strong can Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait live a prosperous and beautiful life. The realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process, and Taiwan compatriots will certainly not be absent. The trend of the times, the great righteousness and the will of the people. We expect and firmly believe that the majority of Taiwan compatriots can more firmly uphold the belief of being upright Chinese, stand on the right side of history, resolutely oppose the separatist activities of "Taiwan independence", share the responsibility for national rejuvenation, and share the National rejuvenation and glory, holding happiness and dreams firmly in one's own hands.

The Taiwan issue arose due to national weakness and chaos, and will surely be resolved with the rejuvenation of the nation. As evidenced by the mountains and seas, and living up to the times, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait work together and work together to create a bright future for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and complete the great cause of the reunification of the motherland.

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