The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again?

2024/05/1919:13:33 international 1164

Text | Night Talk

Editor | Strange Stories from the Past

British media issued a warning: If British mercenaries are executed, Britain may declare war on Moscow!

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to go to war. Russian lawmakers said that if war breaks out, Russia will first bomb London, England; while the British media strongly stated that once Russia executes British mercenaries, the United Kingdom may directly declare war on Russia.

The war in Ukraine is not over yet. Why are the British getting involved again?

1. Tensions are rising, Russia and Britain are exchanging harsh words.

A recent British media report has aroused the world's concern. Because this media stated in the report that if Russia executes the captured British mercenaries, then Britain will directly declare war on Russia. Although the news has not yet received a more formal and official reply, the fact that British media dared to report it has shocked the whole world.

I don’t know whether it is in response to this news, or simply because it is unhappy with the UK. Recently, Russia has also sent a tough signal to the UK. A Russian member of the Duma said that if World War III breaks out again, Russia's first bombing target will not be Poland , nor will it be France, Germany and other continental European countries, but will first choose to bomb London, England. !

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

These words immediately surprised the world. Why is the UK fighting so fiercely with Russia at this time?

In fact, the reason why the British say harsh words to Russia is nothing more than two reasons. The first is for the sake of face, and the second is the current general trend.

Why is it said to be a matter of face? Looking at the content reported by the British media, it seems that they chose to "declare war" on Russia for the lives of these two mercenaries. But the truth of the matter may not be like this.

If the British government really cares about the lives of these soldiers, then the first thing they should do is not let them become mercenaries. Because mercenaries do not enjoy the treatment of prisoners of war according to international convention, joining the mercenary army is basically a narrow escape. If you don't die on the battlefield, there is a high probability that you will be captured and killed by the enemy. Only a very small number of mercenaries can escape calmly.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

So if the UK really cares about the lives of mercenaries, what they have to do is not to say harsh words now, but to prevent the British from joining the mercenaries in the first place. Then the lives of these mercenaries will not be in danger.

2, bluffing, the British drunkard is not interested in drinking

Now he is thinking of harsh words to Russia. Even if they go to war with Russia now, will they be able to save the lives of those British soldiers who have died on the battlefield? Therefore, the harsh words of the British media are largely due to face-saving factors.

If you carefully observe Western countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, you will find that when they encounter internal problems, they often deliberately exaggerate external conflicts. achieves the effect of transferring internal conflicts through a tough attitude towards the outside . The United States can be said to be well versed in the mystery of this.

Regardless of whether it is the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, whenever they encounter internal conflicts that cannot be resolved, they will frantically blame us or Russia. and even , Trump, and kept calling China endlessly, as if all problems were caused by us.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

In fact, it doesn’t matter who caused the problem. What is important is that it can arouse people’s hearts and make everyone shift their attention to the outside world instead of focusing on their own internal problems. And now the United Kingdom also has this feeling. In fact, the internal problems in the United Kingdom are very serious now.

In addition to the same serious economic problems as other countries, Britain's more problematic problem is its internal desire for independence.

Britain was not a big country to begin with, but now they actually want to be independent. Once this small island country becomes independent, the British mainland will be even smaller. The fundamental reason why Scotland wants to be independent from England is that the United Kingdom is not satisfied with everything they do, especially the separation of the United Kingdom from the EU , which has caused losses to Scotland's economy.

This seems unacceptable in scotland .

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

In addition to economic issues and internal independence issues, the current British Prime Minister Johnson himself was also boycotted by many British people at this time. Many British people are protesting Johnson and want to replace the prime minister. Because under the leadership of this prime minister, their life was not particularly pleasant.

Johnson’s previous various operations have made many British people very dissatisfied with him, and some even shouted for him to step down.

In order to divert its own internal problems, it is feasible for the UK to highlight external problems, and it is reasonable for the British media to report in this way. After all, as long as the UK is facing threats and has to fight a war with Russia, other internal conflicts will become insignificant, which can well cover up the current problems of Johnson's team.

The British government has made a lot of similar harsh words before, and it has even more harsh words against Russia.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

Because in many cases, Russia is regarded as their imaginary enemy . Whenever there is any disturbance, Russia will be involved. This time the British media's harsh words are likely to have this level of consideration.

After all, Britain is quite far away from Russia. Even if Britain really declares war with Russia, Russian fighter planes may not travel thousands of miles across several countries to attack the small island of Britain. So this is about starting a war or not, it is more like a mantra and a statement of position. As for whether we will fight or not when the time comes, that depends on the specific situation.

Judging from the situation between and , and and in World War II, it seems that the British do not like to be the first.

Therefore, from this perspective, the harsh words this time are most likely to be a face-saving project for British civilians, especially the families of captured mercenaries. Because two British mercenaries were recently captured and the video was released by Russia, the two British mercenaries were very depressed. They learned that they might be sentenced to death.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

There is also news that a captured mercenary contacted his family in the UK and was very frustrated when he talked about being sentenced to death and the British government was unable to do anything about it. So at this time, in order to improve its prestige and distract the attention of the domestic people, the UK had to say harsh words.

3. The general trend has changed, be alert to the coming danger

Of course, from the second perspective, the media’s tough statement may not all be groundless . It is likely to follow the overall trend, and it does not rule out that it may become possible in the future. .

If any British media had dared to say this in the past, it would most likely be regarded as a gimmick. Because Russia and the United Kingdom cannot fight at all under normal circumstances, but now such news suddenly broke out in the British media, it aroused the belief and nervousness of many people. Why is there such a change? One of the fundamental reasons for is that the overall situation has changed.

For a long time before, everyone believed that peace and development were the themes of the world.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

However, due to the outbreak of the epidemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine, many people are changing their predictions about the future. Because of the conflict between NATO and Russia, it has intensified with the occurrence of the conflict. In particular, Russia and the old world order headed by the United States have become increasingly incompatible.

Although the United States, the United Kingdom and other Western countries still maintain their nominal participation in the war. But what we know is that their mercenaries have already arrived on the battlefield and have fought fierce battles with Russia one after another.

The current situation has not only not eased, has become more tense as the situation further changes.

For example, recently Lithuania has carried out a very targeted blockade of the route from Russia to Kaliningrad . Many important supplies from Russia cannot be transported to Kaliningrad, causing Kaliningrad's supplies to be trapped. The tense situation also caused tension among the Russian army in Kaliningrad.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

If Lithuania, as a NATO country, does this, it is very likely to attract Russian retaliation, or even direct military retaliation.

Once Russia uses force against this NATO country, other countries will have to help according to NATO regulations. Once these NATO countries join the battle group, it will completely evolve into a world-level war.

Not only is the situation tense in Lithuania, Finland , Norway and other countries are also seeking to join NATO , which is actually further creating tension on the Russian border. Once Finland and Norway join NATO, many areas in Russia, especially Russia's densely populated areas, will be within the range of NATO weapons.

In this way, it will be difficult for the two parties to continue to maintain superficial tension and actually live in peace as before.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

So in the current situation, when the British media broke the news of war, it actually catered to and responded to the trend of the entire situation. Under this high-pressure situation, many people's predictions for the future tend to be war-like, and some countries have begun to respond to the risks of war, which is why the media has released such rumors.

From the words of members of the Russian Duma , we can actually see some clues.

The status of a member of the Russian Duma is extraordinary. In this capacity, he announced that Russia would first bomb London, England, if World War III broke out. In fact, it actually reflected the current internal situation of Russia from a certain perspective. There must be some people planning related things, or some people want to do such things, so the Duma members would send out such a signal.

Otherwise, he would have been fired by his superiors not long after he said such cruel words alone.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is once again facing huge variables, with Russia and the United Kingdom sending tough signals to each other to start war. The war in Ukraine is not over yet, why are the British getting involved again? - DayDayNews

The reason why he released the news that there may be three wars and that he will fight in London is probably because some of the big guys behind had this idea , and then released the news through his words to see how the Russians and British response to decide whether to implement the strategic plan.

In fact, this kind of tense atmosphere has been very frequent this year. If it only occurs once or twice, then we can still understand it as being harsh and unlikely to be put into practice. But if these messages are continuously released , then it is very likely that the general trend is developing in a certain direction.

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